Aoun Meets al-Rahi: Stability in Lebanon Will Not Be Harmed

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Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun congratulated on Thursday Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi on his recent appointment as cardinal.

“We assure the people that stability in Lebanon will not be harmed,” he said after holding talks with the patriarch at Bkirki on the current political crisis in the country.

In addition, the MP revealed that he reached a “common view” with al-Rahi on how to tackle the crisis.

Pope Benedict XVI appointed al-Rahi as a new cardinal at the Church in October and the ceremony marking his promotion, and five others, will take place on November 24.

Comments 15
Default-user-icon Le Phénicien (Guest) 08 November 2012, 18:23

Stability in Lebanon Will Not Be Harmed said the most unstable one.

Missing allouchi 08 November 2012, 19:13

Z general is mentally unstable and is major cause of instability in Lebanon with his partners in crime (Hizballa, Amal, etc…)

Missing mohammad_ca 08 November 2012, 20:14

umm what the heck is this idiot talking about...we just had the head of what possibly has been the most effective and least intrusive intelligence branch in the region blown up and murdered and now he is talking about stability? What stability?

Thumb joesikemrex 09 November 2012, 01:15

nor are propaganda employees.

Thumb rssalman 09 November 2012, 10:17

don't mind him, he's in denial that he's lost his popularity, the next election, and his mind

Thumb rssalman 09 November 2012, 10:18

why go to riyadh, when YOU can go to beautiful tehran and chill with your mullahs

Default-user-icon Issam (Guest) 08 November 2012, 20:46

What Stability is these ideots talking about... Where is the economy, over 70% of lebanese living in poverty. Do you call this stability..

Please post this comment; you neve do

Default-user-icon rushlauchris (Guest) 08 November 2012, 20:53

A fool who thinks that the Shiites are the majority is no better than the fool who thinks Israel is subject to divine justice.

BTW do your brother in arms know you betrayed them in Iraq to the Ayatollah?

Missing gabby8 08 November 2012, 22:12

Two Christian sellouts.

Thumb rssalman 09 November 2012, 10:20

who said they're Christians? they're losers who believe they're politicians

Thumb joesikemrex 09 November 2012, 01:13

3adra tehmina minka ya traitor

Default-user-icon Mehdi (Guest) 09 November 2012, 01:26

chrisrushlau Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah agrees with you that the Christian got too much in Taef.

Default-user-icon Truth (Guest) 09 November 2012, 02:01

Stability in Lebanon will not be harmed says he......" because we are the only ones armed, and as we can sponsor the assassination of anyone in the coutry without fear of retaliation, so will stability (cold war in fact !) continue. This litle traitor is now talking ! let him wait till the next elections, even if he thinks he can tailor to measure an electoral law with his mafioso friends.About time you are back to Deir Es Salib Aoun !!

Thumb rssalman 09 November 2012, 10:14

a claoun and the reincarnation of michael jackson

Thumb rssalman 09 November 2012, 10:14

you know that he will die one day, will you keep believing that he is alive?