Lebanese Man Impregnates His Sister, Kills Her in 'Honor Crime'
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A man has killed his pregnant teenage sister in south Lebanon in what was seen as an honor crime - the murder of a woman accused of shaming her family.
Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) said Friday that the body of Baghdad Khaled al-Issa, 18, was found with stab wounds in her head and sides in the area of al-Wazzani.
Investigators discovered that her brother Jihad, 21, had killed her in what is described as an honor crime, VDL said.
It added that the victim was seven months pregnant.
Later on Friday, LBCI television reported that the investigation with Jihad revealed that he had raped his sister, which lead to her pregnancy.
"He confessed to raping his sister,” LBCI said, adding that Jihad claimed he was drunk when the incident happened.
The television channel added that he had only recently found out about the pregnancy and asked his sister to undergo an abortion, but she refused.
Every year thousands of women are killed for notions of family honor worldwide, mainly in the Middle East, North Africa and South Asia.
In 2011, the Lebanese parliament approved a draft-law to cancel article 562 of the penal code that calls for limited punishments for honor killings.

Relájate hombre! Why do you have to insult Peace? you're giving me a headache... I can't stand aggressivity this early in the morning.
Peace: All he wants is peace and quiet, give him a piece and he'll be quiet!

that doesnt happen in Iran . That only happens 3ind m3almin Samir ja3ja3 in Saudia and PetroDollars countires .

Its not an oil thing,its an islam thing. iran has had 50 in 7 months. http://iranhr.net/spip.php?article803

Well i suggest u watch the stonning of soraya ,, and do ur job in research before accusing and pointing fingers ..
And one more thing, there are statistics that shows that the highest rate of these kind of crimes are in your beloved iran

couldn't agree with you more Leymounehamda. Education could solve so much. Teenager getting pregnant is not honorable but the murder of your sister and her innocent unborn child is honorable? Makes me sick to my stomach. TFEH

Flamer- you hit the nail right on the head. That law needs to go NOW and that the only place politics should be involved in this issue.

He should be tried and if found guilty, he should be punished to the full extent of the law. There is no such a thing as honor crime.

That's premeditated murder of his sister of all people. This low life deserves the death penalty.

Better yet, release him into the general prison population in roumieh

Sick to my stomach by such behavior and mentality. I second leymounehamda: education, education, education. It will take a couple of generations to get over that hill but the effort must start immediately. And I second FT as well: article 562 is shameful and belongs to the dark ages and must be scrapped immediately.

This guy should get the death penalty. Where is his honor? Hidden behind pubic hair. What a sick mentality? People like him, don't deserve to live.

'This guy should get the death penalty. Where is his honor? Hidden behind pubic hair. What a sick mentality? People like him, don't deserve to live.'
You are right. People like him don't deserve to live. Neither are rapists, child molesters, abusers, thieves, con artists, adulterers, men who lust on women passing in the street, haters, racists, pimps, drug dealers, men who traffic with humans, blasphemers, perverts, liars...
All deserve death and hell for all eternity!
Which one of us is not on this list?
Then let us not judge others, lest we be judged too.
If we are not merciful with others, why would we expect God to be merciful with us?
Think about that.

Wait so you think con artists, thieves, "Men who lust on women passing in the street", haters, racists, perverts and liars deserve to die?
Go back to reading your book you ignorant inbred.
As for the murderer that killed his sister and her unborn child, he should be hanged.
Honor crimes are not welcomed in the 21st century ESPECIALLY in Lebanon.

Servant- If you are against the death penalty in general then just say so but to include con artists and liars in your argument strips away any credibility your argument may contain.

Galation 5:19-23 Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality,idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions,envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

1John 3:8-9 And he that commits sin is of Satan, because Satan was a sinner from the beginning, and for this cause, the son of God (Elohim ) appeared that he might destroy the works of Satan. Everyone that is born of God (Elohim) does not practice sin because his seed is in him and he cannot sin because he is born of God (Elohim).

You believe in talking snakes and invisible men that control everything. Actually, I think you may have a mental illness of some sort. Please get help. I am so sorry.

Shame on you for bringing that bogus-pocus when "god" has nothing to do with this.

How much mercy did his sister receive? He should be punished severely and death is not an unreasonable punishment for taking two innocent lives... but like most patriarchal societies, only women and children are punished. Men prey on us, beat us, rape us... and all you can say is 'forgive?' Cool story bro. Getting tired of it.

Nothing happens to the father? I'm talking about the one whom impregnated the victim. He's also a sinner.... unless men are above the law in their retarded minds.

He WAS the father. Fatherbrother. Brotherdaddy. She had her brothers baby.

Thank you for your comment.
I have a few things to say:
Yes I believe EVERYONE who sins deserves death. That what we DESERVE. If you have a problem with this, you have a problem with the whole Bible. But if you noticed how I apply this truth, it is not in giving death penalty to people, but rather in realizing how sinful I am, how sinful we all are.
You call me 'ignorant inbred', but I wonder how you know what right and wrong is. What is your way of measuring right from wrong, or good and evil? I am not being sarcastic, I am actually interested to know.

dear brother,
Please read again of each of my messages.
I told you what sinners DESERVE. I did not say that it ends there. I actually spoke of mercy and Grace, and how WE ought to be merciful. If me saying we should have mercy on a sinner is called 'hate', then your measure of conscience is way off. It seems you confuse exposing sin with hating the sinner.
By the way, FT, if you knew me, you would not have said what you said. But you don't know me, and this is why you understood exactly the opposite of what I said.
Jesus did come to save the sinners.
But those who do not accept Jesus as their savior, are not saved, and their sins remain. And woe to whomever will still be carrying his sins on judgment day...
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord" Romans 6:23

"But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." Revelation 21:8
"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.’ But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone who says to his brother, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the Sanhedrin. But anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell." Matthew 5:21-22
"I am the way, the truth, the life. No one comes to the Father except through me!" John 14:6
"He who has the son, has life. He who does not have the son of God, does not have life." 1 John 5:12
"Whoever believes in the Son has eternal life, but whoever rejects the Son will not see life, for God's wrath remains on him." John 3:36

Has the killer been too sensitive, or is Lebanon now complying with the shariah laws instead of Lebanese crusader civilized ones?

Stargate, a typical Islamist apologist. The culture of Lebanon is Lebanese, except for those who adhere to Farsi, Salafi, etc. Always using the priest scandal huh, well go talk to the priests who are in prison and become outcasts in their community. Unlike honor killers and other killer barbarians who go free in another non-Christian faith...

servant-of-jesus You just got fired. Your services are not needed here. There is a vacancy at the Sunday bible school.

What a sick disgusting human being this coward is . Raping his sister while he was and murdering her because she fell pregnant is an honour killing? What honour is there in killing your sister? The only honour would have been killing yourself you bastard. Unfortunately we will somehow have to listen to the bullshit of the religious figures on the dangers alcohol. He did it because he was drunk. Lets go blow up an liquor store!

If Lebanon existed under the rule of law, Mr. Jihad would be tried for capital murder for raping his sister and then killing her. There is no honor in victimizing a woman by raping her and then killing her, using his rape as a justification for his act of murder.
If he gets off, shame on all Lebanon

Wrong again ft. Tis has clearly the prints and methods of the illuminati all over it

The article doesn't mention if he was arrested or not. Or if he faces charges.

It means drinking is bad ! but there are lot of poeple who drink but they do not do such kind of sin so is this drink or the mind or the rather bad mind or bad impluses....what else?
the ultimate solution of these kind of crimes and happening that causes a bad image to a nation due to a person . ..... now the labanees nation is being discussed here and in the world?

Lebanon was recently a Christian country. Turn back to the religion of love and mercy and give up the evil that excuses the worst crimes in the world: sex crimes - murder crimes - and crimes against your very own family. This man has transgressed against all that is human and against God who is love.
Let go of the evil logic which blames rape victims and innocent children. Leave islam if you have any heart or conscience. You see for yourself that these deeds against girls and babies are from the devil.
God is love. Only those who live by love alone follow God.

Remove the influence of religion at earliest...to save humanity from its evil. We dont need any religion anymore.

I love the way that the article says Middle East, North Africa and South Asia as the places where this stuff is epidemic. Why not come out and say it - Muslim countries. There is a problem with the way that the 'Religion of Peace' views women and tinkering with the law will do bugger all to change things until Muslims, the world over, decide that they have had enough of living in the dark ages and rebel. Muslims are as good or as bad as anybody else but have allowed themselves to be oppressed by an insanely literal interpretation of ancient hate books which they consider holy. Many of share the same heritage but we have learned to use our own minds to chose what is right and what is wrong in scripture. Most muslims also cherry pick in this way but are afraid to stand up to the forces of hate.

I wish they could bioengineer some kind of disease that only kills muslim men.

Let the punishment fit the crime - someone rape him then let him walk round 4 months with the feeling of shame & fear, b4 stabbing him 2 death! The only bastard in this story is him not the unborn child he's a disgrace to the human race & the entire animal kingdom; may his sister & her child b in paradise now.

It's not education, but the realization that God & Satan resides in us, which'd help us move in the direction of doing good for us and the society. The current education system across the globe is good only to create atheist or christians. It does not help us to realize our true potential as humans..or a group of social beings who can bring harmony. No law or judiciary can police each and every individual in a nation. Stop being self centered and start living for the society. All the issues would vanish.

He is the one who brought shame upon the family and was too cowardly kill himself. They should castrate him.

Later on Friday, LBCI television reported that the investigation with Jihad revealed that he had raped his sister, which lead to her pregnancy.

This doesn't even sound true. Why is the man only identified as "a man" ? Sounds like propaganda bs designed to get people all riled up to me...

If they would just kill all of their women, this would be over in 1 generation! Then no more issues! YAY! Idiots.

@jesse , sure the religion whose god sent 2 bears to kill 41 children? Or that advocates slavery? Um, no thank you

All religion is mental illness and should be treated as such.
Religious nuts are a danger to themselves and others.

@Jesse..How abt u look into ur history with ur eyes open cos as far as I know Lebanon was originally called " Jabal lubnan" (the Mountain of Lebanon) , also it was a Muslim city connected to Syria (part of al Sham-Levant countries?), which was also GOVERNED BY ISLAMIC KHALIFAT RULE...

@Jesse..How abt u look into ur history with ur eyes open cos as far as I know Lebanon was originally called " Jabal lubnan" (the Mountain of Lebanon) , also it was a Muslim city connected to Syria (part of al Sham-Levant countries I believe ?), which was also GOVERNED BY ISLAMIC A JUST KHALIFAT RULE for HUNDREDS of years...

Athiests should spend some effort on Muslims instead of hating Christians daily

Interesting that the Arabic version of this story doesn't mention anything about incest or that the brother was the father of the child!!

Typical Islamic culture! Screw anything that moves , flies or swims! Only sensible recourse is to castrate all Islamists!

A crime like that and you guys still talk about religion ! What does religion has to do with this awful crime ? Why don't you talk about the viscous animal himself who committed such a thing ? It doesn't go back to the persons religion people !! That's mentality !! That's his mentality ! Stop accusing somebody else's religion on something as gruesome as this !! Why Islam ? Are they considered monsters ? according to what I know Americas has large number of hideous crimes once a year ! Again ! It all depends on their mentality people !!! Stop accusing shit