Abbas: Israel Seeks "Chaos" in Palestinian Territories

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said on Monday that Israel was deliberately seeking to stoke unrest in the occupied West Bank but that Palestinians would not be provoked.

"The Israelis want chaos and we know it but we won't let them," Abbas said in comments at his West Bank headquarters, seemingly in response to an Israeli demand on Sunday that he calm a wave of protest in the territory.

"We want peace and freedom for our prisoners and no matter how hard they try to drag us into their schemes, we will not be dragged," he said.

Protests in support of Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike in Israeli prisons have been building and gained new momentum with the sudden death in his cell on Saturday of 30-year-old Arafat Jaradat, a former militant of Abbas's Fatah movement.

Palestinian officials accuse Israel of torturing him to death.

"We lost Arafat Jaradat who was arrested and came back in a coffin and this cannot pass lightly," Abbas said.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office said on Sunday that "Israel passed an unequivocal demand to the Palestinian Authority to calm down the (West Bank) territory."

Comments 2
Thumb mckinl 25 February 2013, 14:22

Israel establishes new settlements.

Israel freezes Palestinian funds.

Israel looks the other way while settlers terrorize local towns.

Israel arrests Palestinian leaders en masse, at will ...

Israel tortures Palestinian prisoners ...

Can there be any doubt as to the causes of a new intifada ???

Default-user-icon Dan (Guest) 25 February 2013, 15:52

Seems like you're only reading one half of the story......It's a little more complicated than that.