Qassem: We Have Reassured Christians over their Presence in Lebanon More than Any other Side

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed on Thursday that the Shiite sect had played the most important role in reassuring Christians over their presence in Lebanon.

He said: “We have undoubtedly presented them with the most reassurances after they had once been fearful of us.”

“We reassure them more than any other side in Lebanon because we are honest in our dealings,” he explained.

He added however that the resistance “does not represent one dominant sect in Lebanon.”

“We reject the idea of having one dominant sect in the country because Lebanon belongs to all powers and we are all equal under the law,” Qassem declared.

“Hizbullah's political strength stems from its popular support,” he added.

“We have decided to separate the resistance path from the political one,” he added.

The resistance's achievements have not been employed for political gain, he continued.

Qassem wondered however: “What have the others done in protecting the border and kicking out the occupiers?”

Comments 28
Thumb mouallek 28 February 2013, 16:03

Sheikh Naim Qassem stressed on Thursday that the Shiite sect had played the most important role in reassuring Christians over their presence in Lebanon.
Thanks but no thanks. Christians do not need you reassuring them. They will remain the essential element which makes Lebanon and will be no Dhimmis to any other element be it the tool of Iran or any other country.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (Guest) 28 February 2013, 16:41

To be fair, "dhimmi" doesn't exist in Shiite theology, that's some of those in the other camp.

Default-user-icon Christian (Guest) 01 March 2013, 15:13

nice try actually it's a muslim thing both sunni and shi3a ruler were guilty of it, dhimmitude does not come from a specific "theology" but of islam

Default-user-icon Wata L Jozz Groban (Guest) 28 February 2013, 16:20

Yeah of course you do Naiim, I remember almost two month to the day some dude wearing in fact the same costume as Qassem here, threatening the Christians of Keserwan with civil strife over an individual traffic incident between a Maronite and a couple of Shiites. The two Shiites had brought swords to a gun fight and consequently removed themselves permanently from the gene pool to the benefit of all of us.

Thumb Harbieh 28 February 2013, 16:33

Lebanon is nothing without the Maronite people.

Missing 28 February 2013, 22:23

Agree 100%...If it was not for the Maronite's, Lebanon would not have modernized as quickly as it did years ago....

Default-user-icon +oua nabka+ (Guest) 28 February 2013, 16:43

God bless all who realise that Lebanese are one and god burn in hell who want to oppress or confiscate Christians in Lebanon

Thumb lebanon_first 28 February 2013, 16:44

ya to2borneh Qassem, we dont need your reassurance. The same way you get armed, we can get armed. Dont think for a second that the monopoly of power is yours. The same way you kill our leaders, we can kill your leaders. And if we dont get along together, we will not leave, we dont need your reassurance.. We will partition the country, and you will have to find other people to subsidise your electricity bills and to steal port income from. And you know what is funny???? If we do partition, most chiite's dream would be to live in our christian country instead of the backward country you would stay with.
So dont mistake our politeness for weakness. We can be stronger militarily than Hezballah and fight. But chose not to for the sake of our beloved country, which hopefully one day you will stop to like as much as u like iran.

Thumb lebanon_first 28 February 2013, 16:48

naharnet there is a big error in translation. "qassem is not reassuring christians over their presence in lebanon" as the english report says. he just is reassuring them fullstop. there is a big difference in meaning. pls fix it.

Missing peace 28 February 2013, 17:26

We reject the idea of having one dominant sect in the country because Lebanon belongs to all powers and we are all equal under the law,”

but hezbollah is above the laws....

“Hizbullah's political strength stems from its popular support,” he added.
it is very easy to achieve when people fear our weapons and party police....

The resistance's achievements have not been employed for political gain, he continued
but all the recent events prove the contrary... as you know we are hypocrits....

Thumb jabal10452 28 February 2013, 17:33

Enno haydé ékhrétna? This guy patronizing us and "reassuring us"?

Missing greatpierro 01 March 2013, 09:03

Thanks to Aoun. He give them the political cover so they can cannibalize the government institutions and become what they are now.
As long as Aoun continues to defend then Iran /syrian/HA axis, HA will keep reassuring the Christians.

Missing samiam 28 February 2013, 17:37

“Hizbullah's political strength stems from its popular support,” he added.

and how much support does he think they would have without their weapons?

Thumb lebanon_first 28 February 2013, 18:04

true stargate. the translation is wrong as i said earlier. Translator of naharnet needs to do some overtime.

Default-user-icon aloush, torzaya (Guest) 28 February 2013, 18:29

that's an odd thing to say when troubles started between the shi3a and christian villages of jbeil immediately after hezballah's arrival around 2001.

Thumb chrisrushlau 28 February 2013, 21:26

This is the face of your legitimate leader, Lebanon. Democracy or death.

Default-user-icon Grant (Guest) 28 February 2013, 21:41

The choice is clear I say death, now go put an end to your miserable worthless life and have a nice day.

Default-user-icon Hilarity Clinton (Guest) 28 February 2013, 23:17

Obviously chrisrushlau, and B. Hussein Obama is a black man and has no democratic or legislative business being the president of a majority white nation the USA. Democracy or death.

Thumb phoenician 01 March 2013, 01:55

FT you are such an spasticated idiot you loose colon.

Thumb music66 01 March 2013, 02:22

They don't for electricity for real. LOL what do they run lines off other buildings taking electricity at the own will lol (stealing) LMAO.

Thumb music66 01 March 2013, 02:30

IF ONLY women ruled the world rather than YOU MEN who have mad a mess of things on the planet. Gone on from one party to the next. Destroying the planet for what ever purposes you may have political or religious reasons. Its quite sad that we as a human race are so divided.I say everyone put the weapons down LET women of the world take control> a lot of men on the planet have made a mess of things. MEN and their Ego's, pfttt DON'T you all agree.

We women IN CONTROL would make the world a much safer place for all man kind.

NO guns or weapons,allowed the only weapons allowed are cooking utensils to make food. Make chefs out of you men. LOL.

Missing greatpierro 01 March 2013, 10:27

Hizbullah is piloted by Iran. HA needs the cover of Aoun. Aoun is happy doing so because he refuses to live under a strong Lebanese state sharing the power in a just manner with all the communities. Iran/Syria are happy with Aoun because a week Lebanon allows them to set the rules and reinforce the Iranian/Syrian axis.


Missing greatpierro 01 March 2013, 10:37

The hate to the Sunnis vehicular end by Aoun and felt by many Christians stems from 1) Taef when the Christians lots their quasi monopoly in the the government institution and 2) the arrival of Rafik Hariri. Although the latter did not abuse the rights of the Christians, the combination of the two events made the Christians feel sidelined in this country. The regional politics played well on this feeling exacerbating the fear of the Christians from the Sunnis. And we have this result now: a dislocated country and the Sunnis feeling yet again being pushed to the side.
History is repeating itself and the Lebanese have yet to realize that the only solution is living together en Bonne intelligence.

Missing greatpierro 01 March 2013, 11:17

Now that the south is liberated what are they resisting? They are resistance the establishment of strong government institutions where all the communities can be represented in a just matter.
The government is weak, HA is strong, and the Christians following Aoun feel reassured as the Sunni is sidelined.

Do you think this is a way of having a country? Look at the state of Lebanon now and you can answer the question.

Missing peace 01 March 2013, 12:23

funny to see aounists defending the islamic resistance in lebanon when not so long ago they treated them as terrorists....
hezbis did not change meaning aounists did , so it means they were either liars before or now... in both case they just deserve contempt...

Missing lebneneh88 01 March 2013, 13:46

Aounis are terrorists.

Missing lappeaudecouille 01 March 2013, 14:54

i'm sure music66 is just joking right?
Spare us your BS music66 and be more constructive in your arguments if you wish to contribute rather than making a fool outa yoself. And just like FT said 90% of the best chefs in the world are men. It seems that you're pretty engulfed in the middle eastern culture and you embrace it but feel the urge to break free but just cannot.

Default-user-icon Haboubi (Guest) 27 February 2014, 05:11

The Christians in Lebanon are lost, thus feeling the need to align themselves with either side of the two dominant Islamic sects, rather then uniting together as formidable collective that can ensure acknowledgement of an unwavering Christian presence in Lebanon and the Mid East. And work together with ALL Lebanese towards things that actually matter, like Ziad Bayroud did, for example.