Geagea Says Hizbullah to Prompt al-Nusra Front to Move Clashes into Lebanon

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Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea slammed on Monday allegations by Hizbullah that it is engaged in battles in the Syrian province of Aleppo so it wouldn't be forced to slip into fights in Lebanese territories.

“Hizbullah's meddling in Syria will attract the rebel Al-Nusra Front (a jihadist group involved in the conflict in Syria) to move the clashes into Lebanon,” Geagea told An Nahar newspaper.

Al-Nusra Front was listed by Washington as a "terrorist organization.”

Geagea expressed concern over the repercussions of the turmoil in Syria over the situation in Lebanon.

Lebanese parties are sharply divided over the crisis in Syria as the March 8 alliance continuously expresses its support to Syrian president Bashar Assad, while the March 14 camp backs the popular revolt.

The international community and analysts have expressed fears that the conflict in Syria may spill over into Lebanon.

Comments 24
Thumb dandoun 11 March 2013, 08:45

what is this guy on !!!!! must b some cheap crap hes smoking !!!!!

Missing maroun 11 March 2013, 08:53

what proof is there M14 fighting there..only people fighting there are the Hizb..stop watching al manar and OTV and calling it facts

Default-user-icon احمد القصيمي (Guest) 11 March 2013, 09:03

الله يشغلكم بأنفسكم وينصر اخواني في الشام ويعز الأبطال في جبهة النصرة ويعز احرار الشام وبقية الفصائل التي تقاتل في سبيل الله وحسن نصر الات جاينك جاينك اسود محمد صل الله عليه وسلم انت مفكر دم اخوي السوري رخيص لا والله ولاكن بإذن الله راح نطير لك راسم العفن .

Thumb dandoun 11 March 2013, 10:28 m14 not fighting, just providing milk and blankets

Thumb mckinl 11 March 2013, 10:34

Newsflash for Geagea ...

Al Nusra is already in Lebanon ... And as jihadists they will do what jihadists do ... destroy in the name of Allah.

Missing helicopter 11 March 2013, 18:35

If this is so, then that should be more reason for HA to give its weapon to the army, prop up the moderate Sunnis (ie. FM) and unite all true Lebanese under one uniting umbrella to fend from such extremists. The way it is now, they have plenty of breeding ground based on the perceived injustice against M14 parties.

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 11 March 2013, 11:44

Why are you bothered to ask Geagea, why don't you address these questions to your GMA? I wonder how does he feel about bending over to the Syrians now after sacrificing the lives of many Lebanese to fight against them? Or does that not suit your propaganda ya walad

btw, I think your post reported itself, it felt so ashamed to be on the screen

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 13 March 2013, 07:13

Ya walad, you need to really start realizing your own importance in the society, which is ZERO.

I did not forget with claoun said ... I just have a problem hearing it from the guy who caused most of the hatered through his war. He is now choosing to be their dog because it suits him better and this is what his bosses told him to do. I am sure you never lost any loved one to the syrians or was never yourself a direct target to their brutality, so it is easy for you to put on a big show and pretend to be Mother Theresa ... roo7 l3ab eddem beitkon ya walad

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (Guest) 11 March 2013, 11:46

If it is a farce of a website why don't you pack up and leave from here?! rayye7 7alak w fre2na

Default-user-icon smokeweed (Guest) 11 March 2013, 12:29

Is he rolling a joint in that picture??

Missing maroun_khoury 11 March 2013, 13:15

Dissolve hezballah and amal NOW

Missing feekahraba 11 March 2013, 13:54

What comes around goes around, you chose ASSad regime over your ethnicity, so yes many more will suffer for your love of hizboshytan. Imagine if you idiots stood with the syrian people, you could of been the most loved party in the ME.

Default-user-icon JC Williams (Guest) 11 March 2013, 16:13

GaGa should join up. al-Nursa car bombs in Lebanon will kill Christians too. PS Spillover is inevitable only Harari is safe in his 5 star hotels in the distance.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 11 March 2013, 16:34

The funerals and Nasrallah speeches are all the evidence any reasonable human being needs to come to a reasonable conclusion that what Geagea is saying is more than reasonable and realistic. Of course, this type of publicity is pretty bad for M8 in general so they send their shills to websites that publish this story and they resort to calling Geagea a liar and personally attack him. Facts are facts and M8 political lifespan is near its end.

Thumb lebanon_first 11 March 2013, 16:45

what do you mean we are ready to take on al nusra?
Al nusra was being able to defeat the powerful assad army. You think HA stands a chance in front of it?
The only deal for us lebanese is for HA to stop its adventures, pretending it is the only savior of lebanon, that it agrees to discuss its weapons, and that it does a national unity government. Else the first loosers will be the chiite lebanese.

Thumb lebanon_first 11 March 2013, 16:49

Al nusra was being able to defeat the powerful assad army. HA does not stand a chance in front of it.
The only deal for us lebanese is for HA to stop its adventures, pretending it is the only savior of lebanon, that it agrees to discuss its weapons, and that it does a national unity government. Else the first loosers will be the chiite lebanese.
The lebanese forces returned their weapons despite all the risks that posed to the christians. Why doesnt the Hezb do that too? Are the chiite superior beings to be the only lebanese who deserve weapons?

Missing greatpierro 11 March 2013, 18:36

Come on Mowaten you do not seem to accept reality. Who is controlling big parts of Syrian territory? What happened yesterday in Homs?

Missing allouchi 11 March 2013, 16:58

Hakim is absolutely correct....

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 11 March 2013, 17:58

Wow mowaten- You are so well informed on HA's strategy.
"the reason why they cannot be found is that nobody inside HA, including nasrallah, knows where they are. each group of fighters handle their own stockpile and do not know about others".
Is nasrallah not trusted? isn't he the leader? who can possibly lead an army without knowing every single location of their fighters and weapons. that would be a logistical nightmare! your lies keep getting more absurd by the day.

Missing helicopter 11 March 2013, 18:42

M14 is not downplaying the salafi danger, in fact they are asking M8 to give up the hegemony of weapon and resort to building a strong state that can stand up to to any extremists of any sect. The real danger to Lebanon has always been from within, internal divisions invites outside interference and threats whether Syrian or Israeli.Israeli.

Missing peace 11 March 2013, 20:08

hezbollah does not work for the lebanese but for their own interests... they are against the interests of lebanon

Missing beirutbastard00 11 March 2013, 23:32

U guys r missing the point. It doesn't matter who can win hizballah vs nusra... The aftermath of such a war is not something I want to be around for.

Imagine Iraqi style bombings of Shia mosques in Lebanon. How long will it take to turn into a Sunni Shia bloodbath?

Thumb andre.jabbour 12 March 2013, 00:22

Kewl, Id like to have more brothers!

Default-user-icon Alex (Guest) 16 March 2013, 09:24

Lebanese are just bunch of idiots and they will never learn. They are just to ignorant to learn from the past.