Abbas Says Israeli 'Escalation' Endangers U.S. Peace Efforts

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The Israeli army's killing of two Palestinian youths in West Bank clashes jeopardizes U.S. efforts to rekindle peace talks, Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said Thursday.

"The Israeli government is behind this escalation," Abbas said in a statement. "The Israeli government is responsible for the (negative) impact on U.S. and international efforts to restart negotiations."

Abbas's remarks came ahead of a visit next week by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who aims to revive stalled Middle East peace efforts and hold fortnightly meetings with Israeli and Palestinian leaders, according to local media.

The Palestinian Authority demands the cessation of Israeli settlement building on Palestinian territory before any talks can take place.

In a separate speech to his Fatah movement, Abbas also slammed Israel after clashes between Israeli troops and Palestinians in the West Bank who demonstrated Wednesday over the death from cancer of a prisoner serving a life sentence in jail.

"Israel has full responsibility for the escalation in the Palestinian territories and is trying to ignite chaos," he charged.

"Israel is trying to muddy the waters and sow chaos because there's no way peaceful demonstrations should lead to two deaths," he added, after two teenagers were shot and fatally wounded in the West Bank by Israeli troops on Wednesday night.

Comments 3
Default-user-icon John Marina (Guest) 04 April 2013, 08:51

The treatment of the Palestinians and prisoners in Palestine reminds me of Nazi Germany's treatment of the Jews in Europe and Germany in 1930 and 40. The arrogance of this state , their contempt to humanity and the silence of Europe and ZioUsa has no limit, this encourages them to commit more atrocities .No one complains

Missing george710 04 April 2013, 19:37

Because you were alive then to remember that.

Missing VINCENT 05 April 2013, 03:20

I don't give a flying "f..." for Israel and its agenda. Having said that I won't put pass the Palestinian leaders for deliberately dangling a carrot, in this case a couple of young Palestinian boys, in front of the Israeli army for the sole purpose of scoring bad publicity for Israel and hold them responsible for any negative impact on U.S. and international efforts to restart negotiations." That is still all fine with me as long as they pack their bags, live Lebanon and go back home. So, unless this is Mr. Abbas's strategy/goal don't bother us with the Palestinian issues unless all Lebanese problems have been addressed and resolved.