Mansour to Arabs: Hizbullah Did a Preemptive Act in Qusayr, Vengeance Can't Pull Syria Out of Crisis

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Caretaker Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour on Wednesday announced from Cairo that pulling Syrian out of its crisis can only be done through political dialogue, describing Hizbullah's military intervention in Syria's Qusayr as a “preemptive act.”

“Only weeks after the eruption of the clashes (in Syria), groups that came from beyond the border -- carrying destructive, Takfiri and extremist ideologies – started threatening Lebanon,” Mansour told an extraordinary meeting of the council of Arab foreign ministers.

The minister clarified that the aforementioned groups sought to “undermine the historic demographic mixture of the Syrian and Lebanese citizens who live in mixed areas in the Syrian town of Qusayr and the villages of its countryside which neighbors Lebanon.”

“The Lebanese residents of the Syrian towns suffered huge losses as a result of the acts of gunmen in Qusayr and its countryside,” Mansour said, adding that “the residents of those villages formed armed popular committees and appealed to their relatives in Lebanon to defend them.”

Mansour noted that “Hizbullah did not fight in Aleppo, Daraa, Deir Ezzor, Idlib or al-Qameshli … it rather openly declared that it sent groups of its fighters to Qusayr's countryside as a preemptive and preventative act, in order to protect their people, relatives and Lebanese sons from the armed groups that wanted to turn them into a prey for kidnapping, blackmail and killing.”

The minister also added that "if we as Arabs want to pull Syria out of its crisis, that cannot be done through vengeance and the settling of scores, but rather through political dialogie among the Syrian brothers, which alone can achieve Syria's interest and serve its present and future, without the elimination of any camp by another and away from overbidding and mutual accusations."

"Let us all go to Geneva and let the conference be our exit and Syria's exit," Mansour added.

The Syrian army vowed on Wednesday to trounce rebel fighters across Syria hours after recapturing Qusayr with the help of Hizbullah following a more than two-week assault on the strategic town on the border with Lebanon.

Both sides in the conflict value Qusayr, which lies along a land corridor linking two Assad strongholds, the capital of Damascus and an area along the Mediterranean coast that is the heartland of his minority Alawite sect.

For their part, Syria's rebels conceded they had lost the battle for the strategic town but vowed to fight “thousands of Lebanese mercenaries.”

Earlier, Syria state television said the army "totally controls" Qusayr, with the Britain-based Observatory, which relies on a network of activists and medics on the ground, also confirming that Qusayr had fallen.

Later on Wednesday, Hizbullah deputy chief Sheikh Naim Qassem said “Qusayr's achievement dealt a severe blow to the American-Israeli-Takfiri scheme.”

Hizbullah chief Nasrallah had previously justified the group's involvement in Syria by saying they were defending Lebanese-inhabited border villages inside Syria and Shiite holy sites.

But during a May 25 speech marking the 13th anniversary of Israel's military withdrawal from Lebanon, Nasrallah said the Takfiris are the “most prevailing group in the Syrian opposition,” warning against a defeat against them in the ongoing war in Syria.

He said: “If Syria falls in the hands of the Takfiris and the United States, the resistance will become under a siege and Israel will enter Lebanon. If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost.”

Comments 14
Missing peace 05 June 2013, 22:33

"preemptive act" LOL hypocrit way of putting things...

"If Syria falls, the Palestinian cause will be lost.”"

hamas elected by a majority of palestinians defend the rights of palestinians and are on the side of FSA... hezbollah is more palestinian than palestinians themselves now? another hypocrisy...

“If Syria falls in the hands of the Takfiris and the United States, the resistance will become under a siege and Israel will enter Lebanon"

LOL did they wait for the fall of assad to wage a war in 2006? LOL

Thumb benzona 05 June 2013, 22:42

I'd be prouder of being German in 1945 than Lebanese Shia in 2013.

Thumb terminator 06 June 2013, 10:51

hitler was fighting russia and her hed have been against the hizb.......hizb...jews ...same thing you see.

Thumb gebran_sons 05 June 2013, 22:42

Short-term victory for HizbIran, long-term disaster for the Lebanese Basij, the Shia Community and Lebanon. Hizbollah is poison to Lebanon's freedom and democracy and the first victims is the Shia community and educated Shia. Hizbollah and Aoun have compromised Lebanon's sovereignty and economy and transformed us to an Iranian/N Korean model nation. The economic cost in lost growth is hundreds of billion. The social cost is transforming us from the only democracy that can lead the Arab Spring to a mafia-run system by most backward and corrupt people... Nassrallah and Aoun! As for this guy in the picture, there is an appointee of criminal Assad regime and a shame on all Lebanese.

Thumb chrisrushlau 05 June 2013, 22:46

It's nice to hear a minister of Lebanon speaking honorably. Usually, they don't make any sense at all, like when they defend the electoral process where one side gets most of the votes and the other side gets most of the seats in Parliament as "equality".

Missing samiam 05 June 2013, 23:11

it would be nice to get a foreign minister who represent LEBANON's interest instead of representing an organization which is getting on more and more country's terrorism list.

Default-user-icon Mazen (Guest) 06 June 2013, 00:43

Load of garbage! Have u seen the thugs fighting the Syrian army? They come from far and beyond, rapist, killers, thieves... I would rather be a German in 1945 than a Qatari today. But I m not, I m
Lebanese an proud of my country. Before we accuse Hezbollah, kindly point the finger at the criminals funding the destruction of Syria and its institutions!

Thumb terminator 06 June 2013, 10:55

yeah...they are getting alot of funding......thats why they keep running out of ammo.
fsa is fighting with old ak 47s and hunting that the funding?

Missing maroun 06 June 2013, 04:49

the syrian and Iranian Foreign minister has spoken ..traitor..

Default-user-icon Speakerphone (Guest) 06 June 2013, 07:07

I remember when Assad heroically defended Lebanon in 2006. Preemptive war? You mean like the Bush invasion of Iraq and the 1967 war? So you are against those preemptive wars but support this one. That makes sense...

Thumb loveandpeace 06 June 2013, 07:07

Given those guys do and say what they want regardless of how the rest of us want, maybe we should have 2 governments? Nothing wrong with separation or divorce if it makes everyone happier.. I cannot accept to be represented ar associated by such people but at the same time this is my country and I have the right to be democratically represented: Why is our vote not being accounted for?

Default-user-icon trueself (Guest) 06 June 2013, 12:00

Mansour should simply shut up. He's really a bother to us all. Does this guy has any dignity? Does he think that killing the Syrians innocent people is a virtue? Does he think that we the lebanese are stupid and brainless to believe his nonsense?

Thumb thepatriot 06 June 2013, 16:13

He's not a bother... he's an embarassment!

Default-user-icon Joseph (Guest) 06 June 2013, 16:26

Most Lebanese and people of the world are brainless and stupid. Its obvious by 90% of the comments on this board and other blogs from NY to Hong Kong! We are all brothers -christians, muslims, jews. We are being seperated by interests that go far beyond basic propoganda. The bait is only obvious to a very few of us! So sad.