Key Events in Lebanon since Hariri’s Assassination
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A U.N.-backed court probing the 2005 murder of Lebanon's ex-premier Rafik Hariri on Thursday submitted a sealed indictment and arrest warrants to the country's prosecutor general, Lebanese officials said.
Here are some key events in since Hariri's assassination:
- Feb 14: Hariri is killed in a Beirut bombing along with 22 others. Pro-Western leaders blame Syria but Damascus repeatedly denies any role in the killing. Assassinations targeting anti-Syrian figures follow over the next three years.
- April 26: International pressure and massive popular protests drive Syrian troops out of Lebanon after a 29-year deployment.
- July 19: First government including Hezbollah is formed.
- Oct 20: An initial U.N. probe implicates Syrian agents in Hariri's murder.
- July 12-Aug 14: A Hizbullah-Israel war kills nearly 1,200 Lebanese, mostly civilians, and 160 Israelis, mostly soldiers.
- Nov 11: Shiite ministers resign from government as Hizbullah and its allies demand greater political representation.
- June 10: The U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is created.
- Nov 23: Pro-Syrian President Emile Lahoud's term ends. Rival alliances are unable to agree on a successor.
- May 7: Sectarian clashes leave 100 people dead as Hizbullah-led militants seize large swathes of Sunni areas in Beirut.
- May 21: Rival leaders agree to a new power-sharing government formula. Army chief Michel Suleiman is selected as next president.
- July 11: A government in which Hizbullah and its allies have veto power is formed.
- Oct 15: Syria and Lebanon establish diplomatic ties.
- June 7: An anti-Syrian alliance wins legislative elections.
- June 27: Saad Hariri, son of Rafik, is appointed prime minister.
- Nov 9: Hariri forms a unity government which includes Hizbullah.
- July 22: Hizbullah chief Hassan Nasrallah says STL will indict Hizbullah members in connection with the Hariri murder.
- Jan 12: Hizbullah forces the collapse of unity government when 11 ministers resign, representing the Shiite party, its allies and one loyal to the president.
- Jan 24-25: Hizbullah and its allies name Najib Miqati as their pick for premier as hundreds of Sunnis protest.
- Feb 14: Saad Hariri announces he will lead Lebanon's new opposition against a government his camp says will be under Hizbullah command.
- May 6: The prosecutor of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon files an amended indictment based on further evidence in the probe into the Hariri killing.
- June 13: Miqati insists there will be no radical shift in policy as he announces the formation of a new government in which Hizbullah and its allies hold the majority.
- June 29: A committee of the new government agrees after seven meetings on a posture toward the U.N.-backed tribunal.
- June 30: Lebanese officials say the STL has submitted a sealed indictment and arrest warrants to the country's prosecutor general.

Who is Rafik Hariri ? we know Saad and Bahia .. , we dont remember who is this fat one ..

R.Harriri ya Phoenicien hizi, is a martyr,assasinated Lebanon's P.M.
The same person M.Aoun the deserter accused Syria of the assasination.
By the way who is Michel Aoun ? The one who said he was going to be the last and was the first to flee? If that is the type of leader you follow and admire,no wonder you are as nuts as him.

@ Jean ANID ,
Why dont you comment he news without attacking people that are doing commenting here on naharnet .
Naharnet is a respectable site where people can say and react like they feel without been censured like they do at L'orient le Jour .! Too bad they censored my answer to you few days ago .
At your place , I will change my name and stop lying and propstituing our history like they do in the dark room of Kraytem and Bayt al Wassat and at al mustakbal under the management of Marwan Hmadé .

@Anid Jean
Rafik Hariri is Phoenicien's point of weakness.. not to mention his leader.

normally it`s senseless to comment the small-minded and brain-washed writing of Phenicien. But in this case we shouldn`t leave the field to him. This mouth-piece is th best example why this country will stay in it´s misery. Knowing the one and only truth, talking nonsense and immediately upset if others comment opposit to his tribesman point of view.
Go to Iran (unfortunately Syria is no longer a save haven) and spread your BS there

Leave le phinicien alone, being aouns follower is punishment enough! The good thing about international indictments and Interpol warrants is that no matter how long it takes, the accused will one day be caught. It took 20 years to get the Serb war criminals in...might take this long here as well since the criminals are now the government but the day will come when they will stand trial for the crimes they have committed.

I just commented once on a naharnet article, and I must confess, my comment was in favor of Le Phenicien back then. But it is shameful to read such a comment from him today, especially when talking about a former Prime Minister who was assassinated. Regardless of who's behind it! Le Phenicien, you may not like Hariri, or share his party's point of view, but the least you could do is respect his memory as well as his martyrdom. I read the comments after almost every article and I must say I didn't expect that one.

When there is no evidence, conspiracy theory appears. Moreover, the same piece of evidence can be used by different people to support very different accounts of events.
Is this the thank you party, BON VOYAGE for what have been accomplished?
“Jacques Chirac lines up for court appearance over corruption claims. Former French president to face questions over role in bogus jobs scandal while mayor of Paris in 1990s. A prison term is unlikely, but in theory Chirac risks 10 years in jail and a fine of €150,000” (March 2011)
Hariri father was the conflict resolution tool used by European orchestra to re-establish its mission in the region. He brought democratic principles, 2 party systems (opposition); he creates the myth of Future.
But unfortunate, those who brought him in power failed to stop him, and they had to leave the political arena because of the same democratic values.