Opposition: Nasrallah is Challenging the State and Taking the Cabinet as Captive
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March 14 general-secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid has said that Hizbullah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s keenness on the cabinet proves that the arms of the Shiite party have taken the country captive.
“The keenness that the man showed on the cabinet of Premier Najib Miqati confirms once again that Hizbullah puts the entire Lebanese republic under the captivity of its arms,” Soaid told An Nahar daily published Sunday.
Nasrallah is seeking to win the support of Miqati and the government given that his party is a suspect in the series of assassinations that shook Lebanon in 2005, he said.
“We will reject this situation because it is extremely dangerous and we won’t allow turning the Lebanese republic through its cabinet into a captive whose role is set by Nasrallah to confront the international tribunal,” Soaid told the newspaper.
A high-ranking source in the March 14-led opposition also said that Nasrallah spoke on Saturday as if he was “challenging the Lebanese state starting with the president, the prime minister and all the way to the security apparatuses and judicial police.”
The Shiite party leader stressed that he is the authority that decides what is right and wrong, the source told An Nahar.
Furthermore, Nasrallah sought to keep himself away from the four suspects accused by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon of involvement in ex-Premier Rafik Hariri’s assassination, the March 14 source added.

2al shou, “The keenness that the man showed on the cabinet of Premier Najib Miqati confirms once again that Hizbullah puts the entire Lebanese republic under the captivity of its arms,”
wow, what an impressive comment. Can i just say one thing that is equally as life chanigng in response? O RLY?!
how the hell did this statement progress anything, he is basically repeating the present situation. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT mish 2a7san???

NO SIR , Sayed Hassan is challenging YOU , and YOU are not the State " any more " .. YOU are the very few ones remaining of that disease called corruption , that was imported by Rafik 20 years ago from his country KSA .

if the M8 were truly concerned by building a "strong and independent " state, how come they accept a party which clearly stated that they will not obey to any governments????
how come politicians who pretend to care about the country accept a party that clearly says we are above the lebanese laws?
it only means that they agree and also think that the state of lebanon is hezbollah and its true capital tehran!

Hassouna has taken the Lebanese republic as a hostage for SO many years, just remember that every time he gets the green signal from Iran he starts his fireworks show on the border with the zionist regime so that they bring their Jets and destroy the entire Lebanese state infrastructure, does he consult with the Lebanese Republic and/or Army intelligence first? No but it's the contrary with his masters in Iran.

Look at the picture of the retard Fares Soaid pointing his finger to one of March 14's new members THEN (because now they are falling apart because their glue is made of spit and a lot of ship - if you know what I mean) and telling the new member: Welcome. You are a new millionaire! March 14 PAYS.

alla 2ouwet!!! We Are sick and tired of hizbuallah....go back to iran where u belong and people like you better!