Obama Says Iran, Hizbullah Could Strike Back but Dismisses Threats

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U.S. President Barack Obama has said that it was possible for Iran and Hizbullah to launch "asymmetrical strikes" in response to U.S. military action against the Syrian regime but dismissed them as nothing more than "the kinds of threats that we are dealing with around the world."

In interviews with six television stations on Monday, Obama said he would not take a recent threat by Syrian President Bashar Assad as credible.

“I don't take it as a credible threat in the sense that Mr. Assad doesn't have the capacity to strike us in a significant way,” he said.

“Some of his allies like Iran and Hizbullah do have the capacity to engage in asymmetrical strikes against us. Our intelligence, I think, is very clear that they would not try to escalate a war with us over limited strikes to deal with this chemical weapon issue,” Obama told his interviewers.

He stressed that Iran and Hizbullah would only engage in strikes if they thought that the threat was extraordinarily significant towards them and their interests.

“Our embassies in the region, U.S. personnel in the region, they're always potentially vulnerable to asymmetrical attacks. But the truth of the matter is, those threats already exist from a whole range of groups,” he said.

The U.S. president added that Washington takes those threats “very seriously.”

Obama's interviews came as part of his effort to reach the public directly to win Congressional support on a strike against Syria over its alleged use of chemical weapons.

He said he understood the "skepticism" of members of Congress and the American public, but he warned that U.S. national security interests are at stake if Syria is allowed to use "one of the world's worst weapons" without consequences.

Comments 28
Thumb _-_wolf_-_ 10 September 2013, 08:11

Not only HA or Iran would strike back , but all of the region will ignite ! Potentially you would have WW3 on your hands !
Signed Wolf !

Missing greatpierro 10 September 2013, 10:22

He has not been able to defeat the FSA and a bunch of Islamists In his own country. You make me laugh you idiot.

Thumb thepatriot 10 September 2013, 10:31

yeah wolf... HA will probably try to shoot down the tomahawks with their kalash and rpgs... stupid!

Missing 871x12 10 September 2013, 08:22

Wolf, if Assad can ignite the whole region and wipe Israel off the map, why hasn't he done so already and done all of us a big favor?

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10 September 2013, 11:44

well if you are not going to flaunt your "power" (lol at syrian power) when your own land is occupied, when will you flaunt it? as pierro said, he cant even handle a few rebels.

Thumb Senescence 10 September 2013, 11:54

Well, arzak-ya-libnan, I don't see how at least 150,000 fighters merits being labeled as 'a few'. Not to mention at least 30,000 of them being seasoned fighters from internationally recognized terrorist groups.

871x12, he didn't say Israel would be wiped off the map, because it can't.

Thumb benzona 10 September 2013, 12:39

Suddenly FT needs a panarab league to wipe out israel. Get over it man! Enough destruction in the World.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10 September 2013, 14:35

endless, 1-you are talking about NOW, there were no 150,000 strong force in the beginning of the uprising, and all those seasoned fighters came much later in the game.
2- your post does not answer my comment to FT where i asked if you are not going to flaunt your power when your own land is occupied, when will you flaunt it?
3- Assads army is a glorified police force, evident by how long it lasted against Israel in EVERY war they fought. Looks good on paper (like Saddam) but can be disposed of in even less time than they did Iraq's army.
4- as i replied to you (not sure if you read it) on the youtube post about Maloola you shared with me, quite a few (not all) were released by him, and he only has himself to blame.
5- Rebels do not have 10% of the tanks and artillery that Assad has, and 0% of the air power...

Thumb zahle1 10 September 2013, 14:40

Obama is a huge disappointment. But I think overall what he is saying is accurate. I am disappointed he is going about this in the manner he is, in these types of interviews. He was supposed to improve our perception in the world.

Thumb Senescence 10 September 2013, 15:26

arzak-ya-libnan, I see;

1. Well, in all honesty, I think it's NOW, that matters, now and beyond yonder. And yes they came later, and come they did just in time.

2. I don't think it's Al-Assad that will flaunt its powers of destruction, but the regional situation if the already unstable circumstances become even more unstablel. But I think he was talking about Russia's flaunting in defense of Syria.

3. True. When was the last time any of them participated in war? Those in experienced in war date back to the 70s and 80s and are either long gone or senile and/or in diapers.

4. Thank you for the reply, I appreciate it; I've replied back.

Thumb Senescence 10 September 2013, 15:30


5. While true, I don't think they've had much need for them. They're unconventional fighting style is even more deadly than tanks and such. It'd be easy for Al-Assad to destroy their tanks/planes/etc. seeing as how Al-Assad has too many of them. While the insurgents' tactics are destroying everything everywhere they go due to their methods of fighting, they are rather effective in fighting the SAA. Besides the fact that they are well equipped in that regard as I've seen dozens of videos of rebels taking down tanks/helicopters/and even warplanes with advanced weaponry(e.g. guided missiles/anti-air defenses/armor penetrating weapons/etc.).

Thumb Senescence 10 September 2013, 15:30


Al-Assad certainly has his hands full I think, and will negotiate diplomatically sooner than later. Something which will spare a lot of Syria from destruction and killing lest this continue, and also provide the means to systematically and effectively root out the appreciable terroristic elements from the opposition. I'm concerned of this because it will undeniable have direct consequences in Lebanon and the fate of Lebanese potentially anywhere the country, as the way extremists spread their vile ways knows no humanity nor boundary. Al-Assad's fate thereon does not concern me.

Thumb arzak-ya-libnan 10 September 2013, 16:23


Thank you for the civil convo and debate here and on the other post (i read your reply and agree with quite a few of your points)

However when we consider that this was Assads game from the beginning (i.e. free some jihadists, allow others to enter and then claim you are fighting al-qaida) this does not mean we stop supporting the moderate forces of the opposition (which are many) and lump them all together with the al-qaida jihadists and call them the same team, and support Assad because of the game he played.
already the FSA is clashing with the jihadists, so are the kurds. Assad knew this (i do not doubt his political savvy) and that is why he freed some (more in the thousands than the hundreds).
All i am saying is we cannot be WITH Assad because some of the opposition are jihadists, rather we should support the moderate forces of the opposition against the jihadists AND Assad.

Thumb Senescence 10 September 2013, 16:59

arzak-ya-libnan, I don't know what else to add really, we're perfectly on par with one another.

The real problem and the cause of hesitance from the world, at least from the West, is the difficulty in identifying loyal moderates and confidently discerning between terrorists and commendable patriots. I don't think we regular folk know much in that regard.

Thumb Senescence 10 September 2013, 17:02

arzak-ya-libnan, thank you for the civil convo as well. It was refreshing.

Default-user-icon canada (Guest) 10 September 2013, 09:28

Ww3 will be great...WOLF
As south of Lebanon and Iran will be wiped of the map we will have non religious leaders with education and business vision....and they know how to wear a tie.....till when wolf you will keep using our English language...if you do not like British or American stop using our language and our invention the internet...douche bag

Thumb Roaring-FlameThrower 10 September 2013, 11:01

LOL @ Omama:)))) God Bless the Iranian Islamic Resistance aka HA (Hussain Army) for cutting the President of the USA to size:)) The resolve and determination of our warriors made the fake leader of the free world re-calculate his moves. Omama is an amateur when it comes to world strategy compared to president Asssad and Sayyid Hassan (God Bless him and give him very long life). The resistance weapons have proven yet again they are a deterrent to reckon with and have elevated the resistance from being a local or regional power to a super-power in world politics and military strategy. Those who have accused Sayyid of narcissistic polity syndrome are proven wrong again. Karbalaaaaaaaaaa !

Thumb benzona 10 September 2013, 12:36

as usual, I'm ROTFL.

Thumb benzona 10 September 2013, 17:42

salut Talj-man. you know what i'm think since we're twin souls. lol

Thumb _-_wolf_-_ 10 September 2013, 12:31

Some of you are Idiots !
One by one we know who they are !
What we have now is the 2 most super powers on earth that could potentially destroy the SUN !
What idiots !
Russia IS a major player as well as the US !
THIS IS WW3 ! Remember the Cuba Crisis when Kennedy was President ?
How foolish some of you are ?
I Envey FT & the Roar that they live in Australia !
As for all of us may The Lord have Mercy on our soul !
And may the The Lord pronounce Israel as what is written in the old scriptures , " illegitimate "!
And may the New Israel come up forth from the earth as pronounced !
Long live the Old & New Testament fom our Holy Bible !
Signed Wolf !!!!

Thumb thepatriot 11 September 2013, 09:57

hahahaha.... :)
From which institution are you writing us from wolfy?

Thumb _-_wolf_-_ 10 September 2013, 13:12

Well on a light note yah FT , I got carried away ! Please excuse my misunderstanding .
But you must know what I meant ?
In other words , who lives abroad especially in Australia are the lucky ones !
As for us , well God help us !
Some Idiots here don't relise the consequence if the US attacks our region, Again !
This could mean the end of times ! But yet they joke and laugh about it , just like the Sodom & Gomorrah !
Signed Wolf!!!!

Thumb _-_wolf_-_ 10 September 2013, 15:15

Waco ? What about Universities , colleges , middle schools' , elementary schools' , churches , synagogues, cinemas, drive by shooting , anthrax sent by mail to congress , shooting congress representatives in the head , blowing up FBI buildings , sending home made bombs through the mail , suburban turf warfare , gang warfare , this is an everyday account by Americans committing Suicidal Murders by the thousands ( a Month !) , and this does not include psychopaths , serial killers , serial rapists , this is " Made in the USA " not in Lebanon !
And now your own Government are replicating your own society by Military Trigger Happy Invasions at a snap of a finger ! Drone Strikes , Military strikes , ...no , I think YOU AMERICANS are hated much much more than any nationality on EARTH besides the Israelis !
Signed Wolf !

Thumb _-_wolf_-_ 10 September 2013, 14:13

No FT , you misunderstood " Obozo" ,
What he meant that HA has the capacity to " Detect " the Stealth Bombers if used by the US !
We are NO IRAQ ! That was over 10 years ago .
People + Internet are the worlds WMD !
We can bring down any government , country , or continent !
So Obozo keep on burning yourself !!!!!!
Signed Wolf !!

Default-user-icon Hammerhead (Guest) 10 September 2013, 14:19

Wolf: I think your getting a bit carried away, the US specifically stated that it will destroy bashaar's chemical weapons. You make it sound like the end of the world. They even stated that the strike will not change the current balance of power. Your scare tactics don't fool anyone. Don't be to alarmed, your idol Bachaar will still be around and you will still be able to chant 'Tahya Soreya' . Your identity and miserable existence will remain intact for a little longer, take a deep breath and count to ten.

Missing peace 10 September 2013, 18:41

hezbollah? LMAO.... what can they do? nothing except bark... LMAO!

Missing VINCENT 10 September 2013, 22:58

Mr. Obama, please stick to other issues instructed to you by those who prepped and put in power.

Default-user-icon Icansee4miles (Guest) 13 September 2013, 23:39

I just read a new book predating the latest U.S. debacle on Syria, which not only predicted the U.S. retreat from the world stage, but the rise of the new Islamic Persian Empire. Amazon Kindle's new book, The Bahrain Protocol, is not only a thriller, but an eye-opener on how Israel may be forced to handle Iran's nukes with its new partner-Saudi Arabia.