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Kidnapped University Student Released on Ransom in Brital

A 20-year-old university student, who was kidnapped earlier in the week, was on Saturday released in the eastern Bekaa Valley after ransom was paid, the state-run National News Agency reported.

Marc al-Hajj Moussa was abducted by armed men at dawn Thursday on a road in the Metn town of Mazraat Yashouh while on his way home in Bikfaya.

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Aoun Accuses Qahwaji of 'Politicizing' Army, Urges Lebanese to Prepare for Protests

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun launched on Saturday a scathing attack against Army Commander General Jean Qahwaji, accusing him of serving the interests of politicians instead of those of the nation.

He declared after an extraordinary meeting of the Change and Reform bloc: “Qahwaji has politicized the army and we warn him against placing the military in confrontation with the people.”

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Report: Protests Unlikely over Security Extensions Given Social, Security Conditions

The extension of the terms of security officials has been welcomed by members of the field, who ruled out the possibility of escalation over the development, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Saturday.

Security sourced told the daily that they “did not sense any popular sentiment” that may drive the people to the street over the extension.

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Report: Hizbullah to Announce Stand on Extension of Security Officials' Term on Sunday

Hizbullah has reportedly requested that its lawmakers refrain from making statements to the media on the recent extension of the term of security officials, said al-Joumhouria on Saturday.

It said that head of the party's Loyalty to the Resistance bloc MP Mohammed Raad will announce Hizbullah's stance on Sunday.

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Salam Heads to One-Day Visit to Jordan Next Week

Prime Minister Tammam Salam is scheduled to travel to Jordan next week on an official visit, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Saturday.

It said that the premier is set to head to the kingdom on Wednesday to chair the meetings of the joint Jordanian-Lebanese higher committee.

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Road Blocked to Press for Unveiling Fate of Missing Tripoli Child

A road was blocked Friday evening in the northern city of Tripoli to press for unveiling the fate of a child who has been missing since Thursday.

“The Qobbeh-Zgharta road was blocked with burning tires to press security agencies to quickly unveil the fate of 13-year-old child Mohammed Chahine,” state-run National News Agency reported.

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Kaag Meets Salam, Urges Cabinet to 'Deal Quickly with Immediate Concerns' of the People

United Nations Special Coordinator for Lebanon Sigrid Kaag urged on Friday the government to “ deal quickly with immediate concerns” of the people, while hoping that the extension of the terms of security officials will contribute to Lebanon's stability.

She said after holding talks with Prime Minister Tammam Salam: “I expressed the U.N.’s support for his leadership, and his efforts to maintain the unity and effectiveness of the government as it seeks to resolve key issues in the interest of all Lebanese.”

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EU Boosts Humanitarian Funding for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

The European Union announced on Friday an additional €17 million assistance to help Lebanon confront the Syrian refugee crisis, amid growing concerns over the worsening humanitarian situation.

“This additional aid will enable the Lebanese secondary health service to treat more refugees. The high cost of health services in Lebanon, which are largely privatized, has made it difficult for refugees to seek the treatment they need,” the EU delegation in Beirut said in a press release.

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Environment Minister Pledges to End Trash Crisis in Upcoming Days

Environment Minister Mohammed al-Mashnouq revealed on Friday that a number of tenders have been made by companies to handle Lebanon's waste disposal crisis.

He declared during a press conference: “We will announce our decision over which company will tackle the disposal in the upcoming days.”

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Roumieh Prisoners and Guards Charged over Rioting

The State Commissioner to the Military Court charged on Friday scores of prisoners and guards in two riots carried out by inmates in Roumieh in June.

Judge Saqr Saqr charged 56 prisoners with forming a gang in one of the prison's blocks, smuggling mobile phones and drug trafficking.

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