Report: Protests Unlikely over Security Extensions Given Social, Security Conditions

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The extension of the terms of security officials has been welcomed by members of the field, who ruled out the possibility of escalation over the development, reported al-Joumhouria newspaper on Saturday.

Security sourced told the daily that they “did not sense any popular sentiment” that may drive the people to the street over the extension.

“Such action is rejected for very critical social, economic, and security conditions,” they explained.

Moreover, they noted that the case “was tackled from all sides by political decisions at a time when the army needs military and moral support and when the country needs a lot of calm and stability to allow the army to address greater missions at hand.”

A prominent security authority told al-Joumhouria meanwhile that the country is at a distance from major regional political and diplomatic changes that may impact the Lebanese internal scene, “which should therefore be ready to confront any of their negative repercussions.”

Defense Minister Samir Moqbel extended on Thursday the terms of the army commander, chief of staff and the head of the Higher Defense Council despite months of objections by the Free Patriotic Movement, which rejects the extension of the tenures of high-ranking military and security officials.

In June, FPM supporters took to the street and staged a demonstration near the Grand Serail in protest against its decision-making mechanism and in demand of the restoration of the rights of Christians.

Scuffled ensued between the protesters and security forces guarding the Serail as the demonstrators sought to approach the building.

The FPM held an extraordinary meeting on Saturday during which its chief, MP Michel Aoun, urged supporters to be prepared to stage protests against corruption when the time comes.

Comments 7
Missing humble 08 August 2015, 09:04

Let us see how many Christians are still with him...

Thumb justin 08 August 2015, 09:40

people whether Christians or not have other priorities: economy, jobs, trash, crime; food safety; security. Aoun has his own family interests and nothing else.

Missing incorruptible 08 August 2015, 15:38

What a messed up country and people. Just because you guys are against Aoun you agree with all of this? Extension of parliament members? Extension of security officials? YOU HAVE BURIED DEMOCRACY AND STILL HAVE NOT REALIZED IT. All out of hatred of a single man.

How petty you are. God help the Lebanese people, because they clearly will not help themselves.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 August 2015, 17:32

@incorruptible, it would not be totally unfair of me to say that the messed up person is none other than you. If a person as hated as Aoun, who is messing up the very life of an entire nation for 4 decades now seems logical to you, if you've failed to see his mountains of repeated proscribed actions, if you cannot notice why people and constitutional institutions react in the face of such aggression by a traitor in the service of regimes whose only interest is the occupation and hegemony of Lebanon, then I would advice you to join the claoun in a mental hospital. You've no right to label anyone, lest you wish to be given the very same treatment, and here is a staring dose for you.

Missing incorruptible 09 August 2015, 02:50

Vague, pointless statements, blaming Aoun again although the same thugs have been governing for the past 30 years. "Constitutional institutions"? What's left of them please tell me?

This is pointless. It's people like you and your rhetoric that truly shows that Lebanon is lost.
Keep drinking the Kool Aid. You can keep your Lebanon.

Thumb -phoenix1 08 August 2015, 18:54

Smells bad here, FT must have passed by. Masks please.

Thumb -phoenix1 09 August 2015, 16:08

No Tric, I am the whip waiting for you and your likes at every stupid turn people like you make.