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Revelers, Employees of Pub and Restaurant Robbed at Gunpoint

Two masked gunmen robbed at dawn Friday revelers and employees at a pub and a restaurant in and near Beirut, the state-run National News Agency reported.

NNA said the armed men entered Lock Stock pub in the area of Mar Mikhael at around 4:00 am, robbed the customers after threatening them and escaped in a silver Kia Cerato.

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Jumblat Says Abiding by Dissociation Policy Difficult amid Circumstances

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat lamented on Friday the Baabda Declaration, stressing that abiding by the dissociation policy is no longer possible.

“Implementing the declaration among the circumstances (the country is passing through) is impossible... We should be patient,” Jumblat said in an interview published in An Nahar newspaper.

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Yazigi Says Election of President Safeguards Security, Stability

Greek Orthodox leader Youhanna X Yazigi has stressed that the election of a new president in Lebanon would create stability and help the authorities confront the regional turmoil.

Yazigi, who is the Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, expressed regret that Lebanese lawmakers have failed to elect a successor to President Michel Suleiman, whose term ended in May.

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Report: Government Mulling to Ask for Anti-IS Coalition Support

The Lebanese government is mulling to ask the anti-Islamic State coalition to expand its operations to the Lebanese-Syrian border area from where extremists are carrying out attacks on the Lebanese army, a report said Friday.

High-ranking political sources told the Kuwaiti al-Seyassah newspaper that the cabinet is studying to officially ask the coalition to carry out air raids on the IS and al-Qaida-linked al-Nusra Front militants.

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Lebanon to File Complaint against Israeli Strikes

Lebanon will file a complaint at the United Nations over the Israeli shelling on Lebanese territories and the death of a Spanish peacekeeper with the U.N. force in southern Lebanon, media reports said on Friday.

According to al-Akhbar newspaper, Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil asked Nawaf Salam, Lebanon's Permanent Representative to the U.N., to file the complaint.

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13 Meat Shops Shut Down and Sealed With Red Wax in Sabra

The health ministry Thursday shut down 13 meat shops in Sabra in the ongoing food safety campaign.

In an official statement, the health ministry announced that “a group of inspectors raided meat shops and warehouses in Beirut's Sabra area.”

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Theft, Drugs Motives behind Bakhoun Deadly Knife Attack

A young man who killed a 66-year-old lady last week committed his crime with the aim of robbing her money and purchasing drugs, the Internal Security Forces announced on Thursday.

Two other women were wounded in the knife attack in the northern town of Bakhoun in the Dinnniyeh district.

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Govt. Calls for Avoiding 'All-Out Confrontation' with Israel, Raises ISF Personnel to 35K

The government on Thursday called for avoiding a full-blown war with Israel, a day after a Hizbullah operation killed two Israeli soldiers in the occupied Shebaa Farms, as it agreed to increase the number of the Internal Security Forces' personnel after managing to find a “middle-ground solution.”

“The cabinet discussed the situations in the South and some ministers expressed their stances in a calm debate during which all parties showed keenness on avoiding a deterioration,” Information Minister Ramzi Jreij announced after a cabinet session at the Grand Serail.

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Boroujerdi Arrives in Lebanon: Iran Keen on Preservation of Security in Lebanon

Chairman of Iranian Parliament's National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Boroujerdi arrived in Lebanon on Thursday a day after Hizbullah launched an attack against an Israeli convoy in the occupied Shebaa Farms that left two Israeli troops dead.

He expressed upon his arrival in Beirut his congratulations to Hizbullah on its operation, which was in retaliation to an Israeli airstrike on January 18 on Syria's Quneitra region that left six party members and an Iranian general dead.

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March 14 Says Lebanese Should Ask Government to Have Decision of War and Peace

The March 14 alliance on Thursday urged the Lebanese people to back the government of Prime Minister Tammam Salam and ask it to take into its own hands the decision of war and peace.

Following a meeting, the alliance's general-secretariat encouraged “the Lebanese to stand united behind their government, and ask it to defend them and hold onto the decision of war and peace.”

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