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Gallant warns Nasrallah: Lebanon will pay the price for reality you've created

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has warned that Hezbollah, with its incessant attacks on Israel, was pulling Lebanon into a “harsh reality” that would take its toll on the country’s residents.

During a visit to the Israeli army’s Northern Command, Gallant also presented photos and alleged details about senior Hezbollah commanders that Israel has killed during eight months of cross-border clashes since October 8.

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Between Berri and Geagea, vacuum protracts and hope wanes

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said that Hezbollah and Amal are the ones who refused a third-man solution to the presidential crisis in Lebanon.

French President's Special Envoy to Lebanon Jean-Yves Le Drian had arrived Tuesday in Lebanon in a bid to break the presidential deadlock in the crisis-hit country.

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USAID celebrates 76 gifted students during graduation ceremony at AUB

U.S. Ambassador Lisa Johnson has attended the graduation from the American University of Beirut (AUB) of 76 scholars awarded U.S. government scholarships through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the U.S. embassy in Beirut said in a statement.

"These academically gifted students represent a new generation of public and private sector leaders in Lebanon, many of whom might not otherwise be able to attend university amid Lebanon’s economic crisis," the statement said.

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21 girls win opportunity to become Ambassadors For A Day

The second annual Ambassador For A Day competition has celebrated and demonstrated the potential of Lebanon’s youth by giving girls aged 15-18 the opportunity to shadow heads of diplomatic missions for one day.

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On Peacekeepers' Day, UNIFIL urges steps towards a diplomatic solution

UNIFIL on Wednesday marked the International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, an annual event to honor the "commitment and sacrifice of women and men serving for peace around the world," a UNIFIL statement said.

On this day, UNIFIL normally hosts a gathering of peacekeepers; national, local, and religious officials; and members of the Lebanese Armed Forces and other security agencies at its Naqoura headquarters. "The mission did not hold an event today due to the security situation and the ongoing exchanges of fire in the south," UNIFIL said.

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Geagea urges govt. to reverse decision to pay compensations to southerners

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea on Wednesday called on the government to reverse its decision to pay LBP 93 billion in compensations to the southerners affected by Israel’s attacks.

“We are living the suffering of the south’s residents every day and we are daily living the plight of the destroyed villages, all because of a decision taken unilaterally by Hezbollah when it started military operations in the south under the excuse of supporting Gaza,” Geagea said in a statement.

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Lebanon resorts to Interpol after Sweden refuses to extradite Meouchi

Lebanon has issued arrest warrants in absentia for Paul Meouchi, who is in Sweden, Peter Naffah and a third person who is outside Lebanon over their involvement in the TikTok child molestation ring, a judicial source told Al-Arabiya television.

The judiciary also sent Red Notices to the Interpol for the suspects who are on the run due to the presence of many of them in several countries, the source added.

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Le Drian continues meetings with Lebanese leaders

The French President's Special Envoy to Lebanon, Jean-Yves Le Drian, held separate meetings Wednesday Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri and Hezbollah's top lawmaker Mohammad Raad, on the second day of his visit to Lebanon.

“Berri reiterated his adherence to his presidential election initiative, repeating his call for consultations without preconditions before moving to parliament to elect a president in successive rounds from a list comprising a number of candidates,” al-Jadeed television said.

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Israel-Hezbollah border clashes: Latest developments

Hezbollah targeted Wednesday a group of soldiers in Shtula and surveillance equipment in the al-Raheb post in northern Israel.

Israeli soldiers meanwhile fired machine guns at a Lebanese army position in the southern border town of Alma al-Shaab, while artillery shelled Wadi Hassan and the outskirts of al-Jebbayn and Shihine.

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Nasrallah says only 'resistance and sacrifices' can protect Lebanon

Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has said that “the massacres that are happening in Rafah reflect the (Israeli) enemy’s brutality and treachery.”

“You are the beasts … The scene in Gaza is appalling and horrifying -- burned bodies and beheaded children,” Nasrallah added via video link during a memorial service commemorating his late mother who passed away on Saturday.

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