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Mustaqbal: Vengeful Practices by New Govt. Will Be Met with Unwavering Resistance

The Mustaqbal bloc warned the new government on Tuesday against adopting vengeful and spiteful practices, adding that Prime Minister Najib Miqati wasted an opportunity to form a government of independent figures.

It said in a statement after its weekly meeting: “A Cabinet of independent figures would have led the country towards dialogue, instead he chose to serve Hizbullah’s arms, succumbing to its ‘black shirts policy’.”

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Aoun Dismisses Gemayel and Geagea’s Pessimism: We Want STL’s Justice

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun stated on Tuesday that the new government will not enter into a confrontation with the international community.

He said after the movement’s weekly meeting: “We want the justice of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and we respect United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701.”

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Paris Urges New Govt. to Honor Int'l Commitments, 'Particularly on STL'

France on Tuesday urged Lebanon's new government to honor its international commitments, including maintaining support for the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

"The formation of the Lebanese government ... is an important step for Lebanon and the Lebanese," the French foreign ministry said in a statement, referring to a new cabinet dominated by Hizbullah and its allies.

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Former STL Registrar Robin Vincent Dies

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon announced on Tuesday that the court’s first Registrar, Robin Vincent, had died but did not unveil the cause of death.

“It is with profound grief that I have learned of Robin's passing away,” said STL President Judge Antonio Cassese. “He was an excellent and dedicated manager, who, as the first Registrar of the STL, worked incessantly to make it possible for the Tribunal to get off the ground.”

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Berri Postpones Legislative Session until after Govt. is Granted Confidence

Speaker Nabih Berri postponed on Tuesday the legislative session that was scheduled for Wednesday, saying that he will set a new date after the new government receives the vote of confidence from parliament.

A dispute ensued between the rival March 8 and 14 camps over the constitutionality of Berri’s call for a legislative session in light of the then governmental vacuum.

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Gemayel: Cabinet was Formed After Full Coordination with Syria

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel stressed on Tuesday that Prime Minister Najib Miqati’s new cabinet was formed after receiving a Syrian green light.

“It is obvious that the formation of the government came after full coordination” with Damascus, Gemayel told LBC TV network. “Syria will take advantage of it (the cabinet) to consolidate itself and use it as a tool in its foreign contacts or to confront the challenges that it is currently facing.”

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U.N. Expects Cabinet to be Fully Committed to 1701, Other International Obligations

U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon welcomed the formation of the new Lebanese cabinet expressing hope that it will be able to address the economic, political and security challenges facing the country.

“The Secretary-General believes that the formation today of a new cabinet in Lebanon, following months of consultations … is an important step toward establishing a functional, executive government in Lebanon,” said a statement issued by his spokesperson on Monday.

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Berri Denies Consulting Any of his Allies, Says he ‘Lost a Minister But Won Lebanon’

Speaker Nabih Berri has unveiled that he decided to give up a Shiite minister from his share in the new cabinet without consulting any of his allies despite media reports contradicting his remarks.

“I got the idea on my way to the presidential palace. Eventually I lost a minister but won Lebanon,” Berri told An Nahar daily on Tuesday.

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Jumblat Challenges March 14 Forces: We Proved Our Ability to Govern Lebanon

National Struggle Front MP Walid Jumblat said that the new majority proved that it can form a government, noting that it can pass the test and confront the economic and social problems to provide citizens with stability.

“We proved to March 14 forces that we can govern the country, and they have to admit it,” Jumblat told the pan-Arab al-Jazeera news channel on Monday night.

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Miqati in Mecca for Omra, his 1st Visit Abroad will be to Syria

Prime Minister Najib Miqati traveled to Mecca on Tuesday for Omra but he is scheduled to return the same day to attend the new cabinet’s photo taking session that will take place at Baabda palace on Wednesday.

Media reports said Miqati’s visit to Saudi Arabia is not an official trip and is only aimed at performing the Omra.

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