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Libya's Revolutionary Leader Says State to be Based on Sharia Law

The chief of Libya's revolutionary movement told thousands of cheering Libyans in Tripoli Monday to strive for a civil, democratic state, while loyalists of the hunted dictator Moammar Gadhafi killed at least 15 opposition fighters in an attack on a key oil town in Libya's east.

From hiding, Gadhafi urged his remaining followers to keep up the fight, a sign that Libya's six-month civil is not over even though revolutionary forces now control most of the country and have begun setting up a new government in the capital.

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Libya's NTC Chief in Tripoli

The head of Libya's new leadership, National Transitional Council chief Mustafa Abdul Jalil, landed in the port city of Misrata on Saturday, AFP correspondents witnessed, en route to Tripoli.

His visit to Tripoli was to be his first visit since NTC fighters seized the capital and ousted Moammar Gadhafi.

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Fighters Tell Gadhafi Town to Surrender by Sunday

Libyan fighters have given forces in Bani Walid until 08:00 GMT Sunday to surrender, a commander said, adding Moammar Gadhafi's son Saadi was still there but another, Seif al-Islam, had fled.

"The revolutionaries have given an ultimatum to the tribal chiefs in Bani Walid," Abdulrazzak Naduri, deputy chief of the military council in Tarhuna, told AFP.

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U.N. Chief's Envoy Arrives in Tripoli

A special envoy for U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon arrived in Tripoli on Saturday, as the international body stepped up efforts to put Libya on a path towards democracy.

Ian Martin landed at a military airport in the capital, as Ban said the world body was ready to assist in re-establishing security after the nearly seven-month uprising that ousted Moammar Gadhafi.

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Nanny Tells of Brutal Abuse by Hannibal Gadhafi's Lebanese Wife

A disfigured Ethiopian nanny on Thursday recounted being beaten and severely burnt while working for Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's son Hannibal and his wife.

Lying prone in her bed at Tripoli's only burns unit, Shweyga Mullah, 30, said wife Aline Skaff, a Lebanese lingerie model previously accused of abuse, twice poured scalding water on her, causing third degree burns which doctors said would take years to treat.

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Rebel Commander: Libyan Foreign Minister Arrested

Libyan rebels on Wednesday arrested foreign minister Abdelati al-Obeidi, a key figure of Moammar Gadhafi's regime, a senior rebel commander said.

"Yes, Abdelati al-Obeidi was arrested," Mahdi al-Harati, vice chairman of the rebel military council, told journalists in the capital without giving further details.

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Migrants Group Evacuates 850, including Lebanese, from Tripoli

The International Organization for Migration said Monday that it has evacuated 850 more stranded foreign workers, including Lebanese, from the Libyan capital Tripoli aboard a chartered ferry.

The Geneva-based organization said the foreigners include women and children and are headed to the eastern port city of Benghazi, from where they will be taken to Egypt and then to their home countries.

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Abandoned Homes Tell Tales of Gadhafi Siblings

The homes of fallen Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi's children tell of the siblings' privileged and security-conscious lives but do not display the extravagance of ex-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's sons.

"These are the homes of Gadhafi's sons," said one rebel who gave his name as Marwan, pointing to three seafront houses in the district of Regatta on the outskirts of the capital.

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Miqati: Constructive Discussions are Taking Place over Electricity File

Prime Minister Najib Miqati stressed on Sunday the need to resolve the crisis over the electricity file, saying that electricity must be provided to the people through the required principles and with complete transparency.

He added: “I am confident that all sides are keen on maintaining the government and allowing electricity to be provided.”

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150 Prisoners Dead in Libyan Capital 'Mass Murder'

Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi killed more than 150 prisoners in a "mass murder" as they fled the rebel takeover of Tripoli, a rebel military chief told Agence France Presse on Friday.

"There were instances of revenge in the last few hours before the fall of the regime," said Abdul Nagib Mlegta, head of operations for the takeover of the capital.

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