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Libya Will Not Hand over Gadhafi Son Seif to ICC

Libya will not hand over Moammar Gadhafi's most prominent son Seif al-Islam to the International Criminal Court for trial, interim justice minister Mohammed al-Allagui said on Tuesday.

His comments came as the court's chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo was in Tripoli for talks on jurisdiction in the case of Seif and Gadhafi's spymaster Abdullah al-Senussi, both of whom are wanted by the court on charges of crimes against humanity.

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ICC Prosecutor Arrives in Libya after Gadhafi Son Capture

The International Criminal Court's chief prosecutor arrived in Tripoli on Tuesday to meet Libyan authorities following the arrest of Moammar Gadhafi’s son Seif al-Islam, his office said.

Luis Moreno-Ocampo and deputy prosecutor Fatou Bensouda head a delegation whose aim is to coordinate their efforts after the arrest of Seif al-Islam and unconfirmed reports regarding the arrest of Abdullah al-Senussi.

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Miqati Picture Burned, Hizbullah Warned in Tripoli Anti-Assad Demo

Some 150 Lebanese and Syrian protesters gathered in the northern city of Tripoli Friday to demand Syria's President Bashar al-Assad step down and warning his Lebanese ally, Hizbullah, that it would be next.

Chanting "Down with Bashar al-Assad" and "Your turn is next, Hizbullah," they gathered outside the local Qubba mosque before making their way through the densely populated city.

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Miqati from Tripoli: Our Arab League Stand Stems from Historic Considerations

Prime Minister Najib Miqati urged on Sunday all political leaderships to cooperate with the repeated calls to resume the contacts, whether through national dialogue or answering the people’s inquiries over the country’s future.

He said: “This government places Lebanon’s interest above all else and it does not seek to take uncalculated risks or exploit the Syrian refugees’ plight.”

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Suleiman from Tripoli: We Urge Assad to Implement Arab League Initiative

President Michel Suleiman stressed on Sunday that Lebanon did not oppose the decisions of the Arab League, saying that it refuses the isolation of any country.

He said: “I call on Syrian President Bashar Assad to implement the Arab League initiative.”

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March 14 Delegation Tours Wadi Khaled, Warns against Harassing Residents for Sheltering Syrian Refugees

The March 14-led opposition general-secretariat coordinator Fares Soaid called on Saturday the cabinet to offer help to the Syrian refugees and warned the authorities against harassing residents of Wadi Khaled for offering them shelter.

“We demand (the Lebanese authorities) to provide the Syrian refugees with a secure shelter and crucial human services,” Soaid said during a press conference.

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Ashton to Open EU's New Delegation in Tripoli

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton will open the European Union's new delegation in Libya on Saturday and meet the country's new authorities, she said in a statement.

"Opening a fully-fledged EU Delegation in Tripoli underlines the EU's commitment to our close relationship with the Libyan people, both during the political transition and in the long term," Ashton stated.

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Al-Rahi Visits Tripoli on Nov. 12 amid ‘Extraordinary’ Security Measures

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi is scheduled to visit the northern city of Tripoli on November 12 as part of his ongoing tour of various Lebanese regions, reported the Central News Agency on Thursday.

It said that he is set to hold talks with a number of the city’s official, sectarian, and political figures.

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Clinton in Tripoli as Rulers Seek to Crush Gadhafi Fighters’ Resistance

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton flew in to Tripoli on Tuesday as Libya's new rulers try to crush the last pockets of resistance by fighters loyal to ousted leader Moammar Gadhafi.

The first U.S. cabinet official to visit Libya since 2008 when Washington wanted to forge a new relationship with Gadhafi, Clinton is seeking to bolster ties with the new rulers and promote Libya's transition to democracy.

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Libya to Investigate 'Every Penny' in Oil Graft Probe

Libya's new government vowed on Thursday to investigate "every penny" of suspicious oil contracts signed under the former regime, responsible for what it described as "unbelievable" corruption.

"Any corruption under the previous regime will be investigated... There will be specialized committees that will look into all these contracts and agreements starting with the oil sector," the National Transitional Council's oil and finance minister, Ali Tarhuni, told a news conference in Tripoli.

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