كاسيزي:القرار الاتهامي لحظة حاسمة وننتظر القاء القبض على المتهمين

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اعتبر رئيس المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان انطونيو كاسيزي ان صدور القرار الاتهامي هو "لحظة حاسمة بالنسبة الى اللبنانيين ودولتهم والعدالة الدولية ومنطقة الشرق الاوسط".

واكد كاسيزي في مقال تحت عنوان "لحظة حاسمة للبنان" نشرته صحيفة "النيويورك تايمز" امس الثلثاء، انه تم التوصل الى المسؤولين عن "الاحداث الرهيبة" في 14 شباط 2005"، قائلا "نحن ننتظر القبض عليهم".

واذ لاحظ انه من الخطأ ادعاء البعض ان السعي الى تحقيق العدالة سيهدد الاستقرار في لبنان، شدد على ان "الاستقرار الحقيقي يمكن التوصل اليه عندما يتم استدعاء المسؤولين عن الجرائم المروعة".

وذكّر كاسيزي حكومة لبنان "بالتزاماتها الدولية والتي لا لبس فيها، وهي تشمل توقيف الذين وردت أسماؤهم في قرار الاتهام واستمرار الحماية لقضاتنا والموظفين والمحامين والمساهمة المالية للبنان في عملنا".

ودعا فيه إلى "التفكّر الواعي في عمل المحكمة"، متحدثا عن أسباب بطء "عملية العدالة، التي ليست نتيجة تلكؤ العاملين في المحاكم الدولية، بل لأن القضايا معقدة جدا، والتحقيقات يجب أن تكون دقيقة، والعمليات القضائية حيادية وعادلة تماما".

وأكد كاسيزي "تصميم" المحكمة على مواصلة عملها مهما كانت البيئة السياسية الطاغية في لبنان، في المنطقة أو دوليا".

واشار "نحن واعون بالتأكيد، إلى أنه، في لبنان كما في أي مكان آخر، على العدالة أن تعمل ضمن بيئة سياسية، مما يؤدي لا محال إلى اتهامات غير مبنية بالانحياز القضائي".

التعليقات 20
Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 08:34 ,2011 تموز 13

This indictment of yours is nothing but a toilet paper . If you think you can start a civil war in Lebanon with It , you are mistaken .

Your " boy " the Sad Saad the trouble maker and son of your other " boy " al shaheed BS , will never come back to OUR country , he is not even welcome in his own country KSA .

We are Lebanon today , tomorow and for ever , we are in power , your boys are out for good and for ever .

Missing people-power 09:16 ,2011 تموز 13

To the propagandists out there (you know who you are), show us some proof before you claim "politicization" of the Tribunal.

Leaks to the media prove nothing. The criminals have not been prejudiced by early release of information that is true and will eventually be released to the public anyways (Der Spiegel and CBC reports). Besides, both sides have been accused of media leaks which happens with all famous trials.

Guilty parties always claim an unfair trial, that's their only defense. The case will not be won in the media. Wait to see the evidence before you claim an unfair trial.

Default-user-icon justsayin (ضيف) 09:48 ,2011 تموز 13

for all u "idealists" out there, justice is a point of view, power (money and arms) implememts law

Missing mabboud 09:57 ,2011 تموز 13

people-power..... you are so naive???

Why do you think Cassese is giving an interview to the NYT (a major Zionist newspaper who always find excuses to cover Israeli crimes) and I am not being paranoid... u want proof, buy few NYT papers and just read.

Why is he giving such an interview, in any newspaper???

You say that STL is Justice then how come it's the only tribunal in the world history that is SO special to cover only political assassinations!! why no Tribunal for Benazir Bhutto? as is US and other countries were not openly targeting Syria when they started talking about the tribunal!!

What about all those wikileaks.. I forget, you don't read?

Cassese is part of a machine now preparing the Americans for a probable war in Lebanon (hope I am wrong)

If his interview is not politic and if he is just giving it to educate people in the US, I am so so sorry for being so paranoid!

Thumb bashir 10:00 ,2011 تموز 13

Cassese betrays his lack of understanding of the country by thinking this is a decisive moment. If the present gov doesn't cooperate or appears to cooperate but never 'finds' the accused what exactly does he think will happen? Western nations may make 'strong worded' diplomatic statements but what else? It will have some bearing on the next elections but actually many or most will view STL through the prism of their sectarian group and it will change little.

Lebanon has been through so much in the past 40 years, Cassese, that STL barely makes a ripple.

Missing mabboud 10:12 ,2011 تموز 13

A "decisive moment for Lebanon, International J & the region"... yep indeed, Israel is eager to see justice rendered in the region!!!

Lebanon asked for Justice... a free Lebanon with a government that never assumed power (not my word but one of m14 leaders) with Lahoud, a Syrian president at its head approving such government and US and France pushing hard for such a Tribunal... yep indeed, Lebanese people asked for Justice but never for a Tribunal with special rules & procedures & certainly not under Chapter 7!!!

Lebanon also asked for suing Israel after 2006 war... why isn't the "International Community" answering... are the blind killings and IDF terrorism out of the scope of International Justice?

It is at best called selective justice which is exclusively linked to politics.

A good impact on region stability could be for instance using the ICC for international justice applied to all Iran, Syria, Israel and US... yep, this would help

Unfair Justice leads only 2 instability

Missing mabboud 10:19 ,2011 تموز 13

I agree with Bashir statement... except that STL could be used as a tool to attack Lebanon or to put more pressure on it, kind of embargo or something else... both ways, it will undoubtedly help the Lebanese people feel that Justice is served!!

Why Chapter 7?

I repeat, had it be a global tribunal to bring justice to Lebanon using an existing International Criminal Court, it would have been much much better way to render Justice. First, Lebanon signs Rome Statutes and adheres to international justice like "normal" countries.

An ICC that is going to work on Syrian, Iranian and USrael crimes in the middle east will be more credible and harder to attack (I am dreaming I know but this could be called justice)....

Imagine one moment that the STL investigation led to Israeli or Russian or US being suspected, what would it do? would it issue an indictment? would the council use political pressure on those countries with veto power? thus, it has to be independent from the Sec. Council

Default-user-icon jabal amel (ضيف) 12:03 ,2011 تموز 13

actually he's right. it would be the first time that a country says "screw off" to the corrupted politicized international justice. a precedent in the history. only in lebanon.

Missing peace 12:04 ,2011 تموز 13

bigdig criticizes the so called new middle east conspiracy from the usa, ok, it is his right.

could you please then tell us what project you are looking forward to in lebanon?
you criticize hariri for his allegiance to saudis but how come allegiance to iran is better?
is the syro iranian project better for lebanon, and if yes how? explain us your point of view instaed of easily criticizing and writing slogans and stereotypes here , be a little more explicit and constructive, thx.

thank you for your answer bigdig,

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 17:41 ,2011 تموز 13

All the best of luck for the STL and Justice Cassesse!! Should the current Hezbollah-Syrian-Iranian occupation government in Lebanon not execute the arrest warrants, there needs to be severe consequences for the criminal Iranian and Syrian regimes, and their rabid dogs Hezbullah and their stooges the rest of the M8 criminal mafia gang. This government is not representative of the majority of the Lebanese people who only seek a democratic, prosperous, and progressive country at Peace. The real antagonists and proponents of Instability, criminality, and Terror in the wider Middle East namely the criminal Syrian and Iranian dictatorship regimes need to be decommissioned for good, if Peace and prosperity is to be the future for People and their children in Lebanon, the Middle East and the whole free world.

Default-user-icon TITUS (ضيف) 17:48 ,2011 تموز 13

The Iranian and Syrian regimes remain the main sponsors of all extremist terrorist organizations (Sunni and Shiite) alike, they use the Sunni extremist terrorists (the likes of Hamas and the PFLP and even Al Qaiida...) to hit the free democratic world, hence they get the free world to fight the Sunni extremist while from the other side working on their nuclear weapons program and armament of their criminal terrorist organizations the likes of Hezb Ebola in Lebanon, the Sadr terrorist criminal gang in Iraq (which has been attacking both Churches and Islamic mosques alike to pit the Christians the West against the Sunnis while they lurk in the Darkness waiting to pounce on what's left over of all three and take over), this is the criminal Satanic Iranian Faqihi Project for the wider Middle East. The Iranian criminal regime seeks to deploy all the vast resources of the country not to develop their people, but on the contrary to make their lives a living hell and focus on destabliz the ME.

Missing mabboud 19:25 ,2011 تموز 13

Jabal... just for ur info, Israel says "screw-off" to the international laws and geneva conventions at least once every month to say the least.. so Lebanon will probably not be the first one to say so.

By the way, US also says "screw-off" to the rest of the planet and international laws, it attacks Iraq illegally, uses non conventional arms and kills innocent civilians and did probably more in terms of CRimes agains Humanity than any other country on earth

The difference for USrael is that the "screw-off" comes with using Veto power and when UN resolutions are voted and don't please Israel, they talk about how defenseless they are, the `Shoah, the terrorist Khamas and Khesbolah as if those existed b 4 the 80s....

But is ok, after all it seems that u r either a Jabal of ignorance or a Jabal of bad faith.. I'll say the latter but I might be wrong and yes, u can ignore this message.

Missing people-power 19:52 ,2011 تموز 13

Mabboud, you are an idiot. This will be my last response to you.

Your proof that the STL is "politicized" is that the President of the STL gave a statement to the NYT? Or because there is no tribunal for Bhutto? That is your proof?

After all the media reports from M8, Iran and Syria attempting to discredit the STL, Cassese gives some statements refuting those allegations, and therefore the STL must be politicized? Are you for real?

How many news conferences and press statements have Nasrallah, Wahab, Aoun, Mousawi, Raad, Qassem and other minions made trying to discredit the STL, with none of them showing any proof that the STL is impartial or biased? "Politicization" is not even a legal term, and means nothing in the court of law.

The murder of Hariri was political. So were the murders of Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Hawi, Eido, Ghanem, and Eid. They belonged to the anti-Syrian political bloc, and were killed (allegedly) by their political opponents.

I'm done with you, get lost

Missing peace 21:12 ,2011 تموز 13

i knew no M8 supporter would answer,

lack of courage in assuming that also leaders of M8 benefited and still benefit from corruption?

hard to assume i know for champions of the anti corruption campaign aimed only against M14........

Missing mabboud 22:53 ,2011 تموز 13

people-power.. you should learn to argument, I gave lot's of details, reasoning and explanations why "SPECIAL" tribunals are by definition politicized, not the STL specifically.

I have no proof but lot's of reasonable doubt and your way of distorting what I say is probably just because you are to shortsighted to read and take the time to understand a message.

I already said I don't care what HA does or say, but you seem to care and you use this to explain that it's a proof when all it is is at best counter propaganda or propaganda... addressed mainly to HA supporters

You have aggressed me sevreral times, becoming even the pilot of a plane and me just a passenger but never answered any of the questions.

I already told you, ask the correct questions to get the right answrers!!

The Main one is why did the UN gave Lebanon a Chapter 7 SPECIAL tribunal? just answer that and we can debate further, else don't insult me and don't use acrobatic messages to avoid answering but 4 insulting.

Missing mabboud 22:59 ,2011 تموز 13

In fact I'll make it simple with few questions:

Why the STL, why USrael are so eager about it?
Who killed Francois Al-Hajj?
Why STL is under Chapter 7?
What will happen once HA, Syria, etc. are convicted, what is your best scenario? Who will be hurt most?
Why no Justice for Pakistan like the STL?
Why did the US invade Irak and what is the US plan for the region and could the STL be used as a tool?

Missing mabboud 23:08 ,2011 تموز 13

Power_brain…, I’ll answer to your questions and hope that u will answer mine to show how much u respect democracy and debate:

Your proof that the STL is "politicized (…) That is your proof? THIS is not MY proof, I wrote much more about it, only idiots won’t notice it
After all the media reports (…) Cassese gives some statements refuting those allegations, and therefore the STL must be politicized? WHY NOT A LEBANESE PAPER WHY THE NYT?

How many news conferences and press statements have Nasrallah, Wahab, Aoun, Mousawi, Raad, Qassem (…)) in the court of law. I DON’T CARE, THEY ARE NOT JUUDGES AND HAVE BEEN ATTACKED IN LEAKS

The murder of Hariri (….) (allegedly) by their political opponents. WHAT R U TRYING TO SAY? WHAT DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH THE REASON BEHIND THE STL? NOT TALKING ABOUT WHO IS GUILTY BUT THE REASONS BEHIND THE STL… I hope u r not too limited to understand that

I'm done with you, get lost (Next time u will cut my hand!!! What kind of "democratic" argument is that??)

Missing mabboud 23:12 ,2011 تموز 13

I answered all your questions, people-power and pece, can I get few answers or are u shifting towards becoming HA supporters and not answer simple questions... even HA and Syria were more cooperative with the IIC to answer questions.

Just asking more than Red votes, is that too much... if u think so then u shouldn't attack HN for dismissing the STL because people-power does the same with me and everyone finds it normal.

Guess most people here have more in common with HA than what I though... poor Lebanon

Default-user-icon Lebanese American (ضيف) 23:31 ,2011 تموز 13

This is a test for the US and the rest of the Western World. Lebanon has a chance to become a major strategic ally in the strategic region of the Middle East to the superpowers of the world and Hezbollah is doing everything they can to mess it up. Lebanon can either enhance their status in the world as a democratic and stable, leading Arab country, or become just another unstable poor Arab country riden with tyrant politicians and extremists. Support the STL. Sometimes you must play the game if it is in your poeple's best interest, regardless of religion and political party.

Missing mabboud 01:24 ,2011 تموز 14

Ok Lebanese American.. how do you do that? can u propose a scenario of how things will unfold? how will it become as you say?