الدفاع خرج من اليومين الأولين للمحاكمة مربكا ومنقسما على ذاته

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لاهاي – خاص – نهارنت:

خرج فريق الدفاع عن المتهمين في جريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري من اليومين الأولين لبدء المحاكمات مربكا ومنقسما على نفسه.

وقبل أن يبدأ فريق الدفاع يوم الإثنين المقبل بتقديم عرضه ردا على ما أدلى به الإدعاء العام يومي الخميس والجمعة، دعا عدد من محامي الدفاع الإعلاميين الموجودين في لاهاي الى مؤتمر صحافي بعد انتهاء جلسات الجمعة.

وقد كانت المفاجأة بإقرار محامي الدفاع عن مصطفى بدر الدين أنطوان قرقماز بوجود خلافات في وجهات النظر بين فريق الدفاع في شأن الإستراتيجية الواجب اعتمادها للرد على ما صدر عن الإدعاء العام.

ففي حين اختار قرقماز الذي يمثل المصالح القانونية لمصطفى بدر الدين، والمحامي اميل عون الذي يمثل مصالح سليم عياش وكل من المحاميين فانسان كورسيلابروس وياسر حسن اللذين يمثلان مصالح حسين عنيسي عقد مؤتمر صحافي فقد أقر هؤلاء بأن المعنيين بمصالح كل من المتهمين المتبقيين أسد صبرا وحسن مرعي لا يوافقونهم الراي بعقد مؤتمر صحافي وهم يفضلون الإدلاء بما لديهم يوم الإثنين المقبل داخل قاعة المحكمة.

كما لاحظ المراقبون غياب رئيس مكتب الدفاع في المحكمة فرانسوا رو عن المؤتمر الصحافي.

وقد استهل المحامي قرقماز المؤتمر بالقول إنه مستعد مع زملائه لسماع أسئلة الصحافيين والإجابة عنها، على الرغم من أن محامي الدفاع هم الذين دعوا الصحافيين رسميا الى المؤتمر الصحافي عبر رسالة بالبريد الإلكتروني وزعتها المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان، وبالتالي فإنه من المفترض أن يكون لديهم ما يقولونه.

أما أبرز النقاط التي تحدث عنها محامو الدفاع فهي:

1- إقرار ضمني بصعوبة دحض ما أدلى به الإدعاء العام لناحية مراقبة الرئيس رفيق الحريري في تنقلاته من خلال قول قرقماز: ولنفرض ان المراقبة تمت، فهل المراقبة تعني الإغتيال؟

2- أثار قرقماز قول المدعي العام نورمن فاريل لصحيفة لوموند الفرنسية بأن التحقيقات مستمرة، مبديا أسفه لكون المدعي العام وجه اتهامات قبل انتهاء التحقيق، علما أن قواعد الإجراء والإثبات التي تعتمدها المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان تتبنى الآلية القانونية الانغلوساكسونية التي تسمح للمدعي العام خلال مراحل المحاكمة كافة بتقديم قرار اتهامي جديد او بتعديل القرارات الإتهامية التي يكون قد قدمها من قبل وفقا للتقدم الذي تبلغه تحقيقاته التي لا تتوقف مع صدور القرار الإتهامي الأول. وهذا الاسلوب معتمد لتسريع المحاكمات على اعتبار انه لا يجوز تأجيل محاكمة شخص اكتملت عناصر اتهامه الى حين جهوز العناصر الكفيلة باتهام آخرين.

3- اعتبر قرقماز أن الإدعاء العام لم يقدم جديدا في عرضه القائم على الإتصالات، مطالبا بتسجيلات لمضمون الإتصالات لكي يثبت الإدعاء الطابع الجرمي لهذه الإتصالات. أما المحامي ياسر حسن فاعتبر ان داتا الإتصالات هي دليل ظرفي غير مادي يستخدم للمرة الأولى في العالم العربي، متناسيا أن عددا من الأحكام صدرت في لبنان على خلفية داتا الإتصالات، وأن المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان تعتمد القوانين والاجتهادات المعتمدة في المحاكم اللبنانية.

4- تساءل قرقماز عن مصلحة عناصر من حزب الله باغتيال الحريري معتبرا أن الحريري كان في صدد التحالف الإنتخابي مع حزب الله في الإنتخابات النيابية التي كانت مقررة في العام 2005.

وقد علق سياسيو قوى 14 آذار الذين كانوا برفقة الرئيس الحريري في لاهاي على هذه الناحية بالذات بقولهم: مصلحة حزب الله في اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري أثبتتها التطورات التي تبعت الجريمة لناحية سعي الحزب لضرب تيار المستقبل وإضعافه وتعطيل حكومة الرئيس السنيورة، ومنع قوى 14 آذار من إيصال مرشحها الى رئاسة الجمهورية، ومنع قوى 14 آذار من الحكم على الرغم من فوزها في انتخابات العامين 2005 و2009، وإسقاط حكومة الرئيس سعد الحريري وإجباره على البقاء خارج لبنان.

وختم السياسيون أنفسهم بالقول: "إذا كان هذا هو منطق الدفاع عن المتهمين باغتيال الرئيس الحريري وأسلوبهم في التعاطي مع الملف ... فلن يضطر الإدعاء العام لجهد كبير لإقناع القضاة بملفه".

التعليقات 37
Missing minlibnan 22:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Hassouna will hand them over or they will think of suicide (3 bullets) as an alternative !

Missing minlibnan 08:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Sagh, relevance to the subject would be of the great importance. Stick to the topic at hand.

Missing ghzayel 09:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18


Thumb popeye 22:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

"Salim Ayyash's lawyer Emile Aoun ".... how befitting..... Emile Aoun defending a HA murderer!

Thumb geha 05:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

if the defense was not tat confused, why would they hold this press conference instead of waiting for their turn in court?

they are trying to fight the trial in the public instead of in court! they know they have a lost case.

Missing ghzayel 09:45 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

it runs in the family

Thumb chrisrushlau 18:07 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

"...as well as to prevent the election of a president from the March 14 forces and prevent the March 14 camp from governing the country although it won the 2005 and 2009 elections.”
M14 got 45% of the votes in 2009, M8 got 55%. This is winning?
I concede that "Lebanese law" awarded 55% of the seats in Parliament to M14 on the basis of these results. Did HA know in advance the election would be stolen? That's its motive?

Thumb primesuspect 22:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Of course there's nothing 2 defend. How can anybody justify murders for a coup?

Thumb popeye 22:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

"They tacitly acknowledged the difficulty of refuting the Prosecution's allegations regarding the monitoring of Hariri's movements, with Korkmaz saying: “Let's suppose that the surveillance did happen, is surveillance equivalent to assassination?”

OMG.... why would you do surveillance if not for the purpose of murder. After all, Hariri was assassinated!!!!!!

Missing ghzayel 09:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

@popeye damn right!!! good point!!!

Thumb popeye 22:38 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

For his part, lawyer Yasser Hassan noted that the telecom data evidence is a circumstantial, non-material evidence that is being used for the first time ever in the Arab world, disregarding the fact that several judicial verdicts that have been issued in Lebanon were based on this very type of evidence, and that the STL endorses the laws followed in Lebanese courts.

Exactly, "he fact that several judicial verdicts that have been issued in Lebanon were based on this very type of evidence, and that the STL endorses the laws followed in Lebanese courts."

Default-user-icon Mazen (ضيف) 23:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Innocent until proven guilty! Fa fiko ya game3a ..

Missing mohammad_ca 23:33 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Circumstantial evidence can be rebutted if the timeline is short but when the timeline becomes months and months then it hardly is "circumstantial" anymore...

Missing imagine_1979 00:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

U are probably right sagh, saudi takfiri zionist canibals.... They should take exemple on the great secular democratic modern gards of the islamic iranian revolution....
Bravo... Bravo...

Missing imagine_1979 01:35 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

The fact can u explain how it was a minority gov? And please did 7ayyar, black shirts from beirut to mont lebanon played a role in this gov collapse? Man please get real, just for the sake for those who got assassinated....
Just a little descency....
Anyway thank u for ur input..

Thumb smarty 01:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

playing the time card thefact.

here's a fact for you, you are playing the same card Israel is with Palestinians. As time passes, you confirm your ties. you lifted our last doubts.

Default-user-icon Canadian (ضيف) 02:37 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Take off ure Canadian flag right now, we don't have this kind of scrap here in Canada. Long life to the soul of all martyrs who died for this country, espically Mr Rafic Hariri, and criminals must pay the price of justice for their killing!!!! God bless u Saad for ure forgiveness of the ennemy and giving ure hand to form a cabinet. All that is for the best of the Lebanese state. You are a great man. Divine justice is strong and inevitable, so criminals will face their own destiny, a bad end , and God is great!!!
From Canada.

Default-user-icon Ron from California (ضيف) 09:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

I was amazed that I didn't find anyone blaming israel or the zionists until half way through the comments section. Usually it's right at the top.

You all are starting to scare me....are you actually starting to think for yourselves?

Thumb geha 11:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

same like hizbushaitan 7fazo khatt el raj3a by bombing and killing and assassinating people?

Missing people-power 17:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Fifi, a couple days ago, you admitted yourself that you believe Hezbollah killed Hariri. Have you forgotten already?

Missing people-power 19:48 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Fifi..... you are a liar. Again I caught you in the act of lying. The proof is there for everyone to see. I will even post the link.

Here is your direct quote:

"i'm willing to say that hezbollah killed hariri. how will the lebanese deal with it?"

You did not say "for the sake of debate". Go look it up yourself, Liar.


Missing people-power 19:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Here is your complete statement, in case you want to lie again and claim that I took your words out of context.....

Quote from _-Flamethrower-_ 1/17/2014:

"i'm willing to say that hezbollah killed hariri. how will the lebanese deal with it? the same way they dealt with geagea killing rashid karami or the frangieh church massacre. they will come to the point where they need to understand that the page must be turned and that there is no way to govern in any cabinet or any parliament without hezbollah by your side. only when hezb itself decides its resistance and military are no longer needed, will it disband by its own accord and without anyone forcing it."


Missing people-power 19:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Oh Fifi, so sad.... you've been caught in a lie, and the proof is there for the whole world to see.

The problem with you being a psychopath is that you lie so much, you don't even realize you are lying. It must be hard to keep track of all your lies?

Missing people-power 20:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Allow me to summarize your previously quoted comments:

1. Yes, Hezbollah killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri
2. Let's just pretend it didn't happen
3. Let's also pretend that Hezbollah didn't kill Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Hawi, Eid, Ghanem, Eido, al Hassan, and Chatah
4. Let's pretend some more that they didn't try to kill Murr, Hamadeh, Chidiac, Shehadeh, and Harb
5. After all this pretending, let's let the killers be part of the cabinet with the people they tried to kill
6. Let's allow Hezbollah to decide if and when they want to stop killing their political opponents
7. Let's allow Hezbollah decide if and when they want to disarm

Missing imagine_1979 11:56 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Gazi kenaan did comited suicide man... Hariri kassir hawi..chateh (all anti syrian politicians) were killed by zionist/ksa/imperialist/takfiri (yes this is more logic than buy syrian regime or lebanese proxies...)
Hezbollah is a great secular democratic progresist resistance that represent all lebanese people, it is true that he is faught and killed thousands Amal soldiers during civil war, assassinated comunists leader, took control of south lebanon, 7 ayyar, black shirts, covering suspects from STL, engaged openely in war in syria... But all this was for our sake man, din't u understand???
So choukrqn hezbollah...

Thumb ice-man 12:11 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Why all this hostility @villager? Why? BTW, do you have a high school in your what so-called village?

Missing imagine_1979 13:51 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

I am sorry for my incompetance, i will try harder next time but please can u help by noting what i said wrong so i can learn from u great knowledge and wisdom?...

Missing imagine_1979 14:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Well since u r so knoledgeable, i'm born christian and if fact a secular person, had civil mariage in cyprus bc unfortunately my country is too civilized and modern to allow me to get civil mariage on my own soil(at least when i got married)... So for religious u can do better..
Again please do put me on the right tract, i'm so eagger to be as knowlageble as u...

Missing imagine_1979 15:31 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Dear joseph after iranian revolution (i refer to that bc it is the ideal of hezbollah or at least as nassrallah said) islamist exucuted thousands of marxist who helped making the revolution (repport says 120 000 but who really knows) jailed others and implemented charia...
In lebanon hezbollah took over Amal in south lebanon killing over 3000 amal militia men in aklim al toufah despite what nassrallah said(numbers are debatable but facts are there) assassinated leftist patriotic resistance leaders and took over south lebanon.. They opposed sending army in south after 2000 saying that we were israely if we do that..

Missing imagine_1979 15:32 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

They have weappons (yes mist lebanese have) but they have an army, communication network, engage in wars, claim divine victories and donnot hesitate to use their weapons (7 may 2008) or intimidation (black shirts) to get what they want..
So what do u expect? And i'm saying hezbollah not shia cause there is still patriotic shia (thanks god) as there is partriotic lebanese from all religions sects and political affiliations?..
Please comment..

Missing imagine_1979 15:36 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

One more comment, human rights, women right are not that great in iran u know, freedom of cult is tolerated but regulated, no access to internet (at least so controlled that even rouhani using twitter made a debate...
Man please donnot be so expeditive, not supporting ksa or any gulf monarchies, everyone should live free (and yes i support bahrani demicratic aspiration,as i do support syrian democratic aspiration)
But i might be wrong, please do comment...

Missing imagine_1979 15:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Plus one for u bro

Thumb ice-man 17:21 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Flamethrower: I have asked you repeatedly not to copy my patented comments and expressions. Please, refrain from unnecessary foul language, and don't force me to stop voting you up.

Missing people-power 20:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Fifi..... you are a liar. Again I caught you in the act of lying. The proof is there for everyone to see. I will even post the link.

Here is your direct quote:

"i'm willing to say that hezbollah killed hariri. how will the lebanese deal with it?"

You did not say "for the sake of debate". Go look it up yourself, Liar.


Missing people-power 20:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Here is your complete statement, in case you want to lie again and claim that I took your words out of context.....

Quote from _-Flamethrower-_ 1/17/2014:

"i'm willing to say that hezbollah killed hariri. how will the lebanese deal with it? the same way they dealt with geagea killing rashid karami or the frangieh church massacre. they will come to the point where they need to understand that the page must be turned and that there is no way to govern in any cabinet or any parliament without hezbollah by your side. only when hezb itself decides its resistance and military are no longer needed, will it disband by its own accord and without anyone forcing it."


Missing people-power 20:17 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Oh Fifi, so sad.... you've been caught in a lie, and the proof is there for the whole world to see.

The problem with you being a psychopath is that you lie so much, you don't even realize you are lying. It must be hard to keep track of all your lies?

Missing people-power 20:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Allow me to summarize your previously quoted comments:

1. Yes, Hezbollah killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri
2. Let's just pretend it didn't happen
3. Let's also pretend that Hezbollah didn't kill Gemayel, Tueni, Kassir, Hawi, Eid, Ghanem, Eido, al Hassan, and Chatah
4. Let's pretend some more that they didn't try to kill Murr, Hamadeh, Chidiac, Shehadeh, and Harb
5. After all this pretending, let's allow the killers be part of the cabinet with the people they tried to kill
6. Let's allow Hezbollah to decide if and when they want to stop killing their political opponents
7. Let's allow Hezbollah to decide if and when they want to disarm