ارجاء جلسة انتخاب الرئيس للسابع من ايار بسبب فقدان النصاب
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لم يتأمن نصاب الـ86 نائباً المطلوب لعقد الدورة الثانية من الجلسة الانتخابية، فرفع رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري الجلسة الى ظهر الاربعاء المقبل السابع من أيار.
وقد حضر الى البرلمان عدد من نواب "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" ونواب "حزب الله"، الا انهم لم يدخلوا قاعة انتخاب رئيس للجمهورية بل نفذوا وقفة تضامنية مع تلفزيون "الجديد" وصحيفة "الاخبار"، في بهو مجلس الاعلام في البرلمان.
ويخوض معركة الرئاسة مرشح 14 آذار، رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ومرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو. في حين لم يعلن فريق 8 آذار عن مرشحه لرئاسة الجمهورية.
وقبيل الجلسة شهد مكتب بري سلسلة لقاءات، مع رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام، والنائب بطرس حرب ووزير التربية الياس بو صعب.
وأمل حرب اثر اللقاء أن "تتكلل المساعي التي سنبذلها بالتعاون مع بري للخروج من الحلقة المفرغة التي ندور بها، بحيث تؤدي الإتصالات التي ستحصل بين جميع الأطراف وعلى جميع الأصعدة إلى إقناع النواب المعنيين والقوى السياسية بوجوب توفير النصاب واعتماد الأسس الديمقراطية في انتخاب رئيس الجمهورية".
كما عقد بري لقاء مع رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط، حضره معاونه السياسي الوزير علي حين خليل والوزير وائل ابو فاعور.
وبعد رفع الجلسة، اعتبر نائب "كتلة المستقبل" احمد فتفت ان رئيس "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون "ليس مرشحاً توافقياً إلا إذا تبنى موقف "14 آذار" بشأن السلاح والمحكمة".
كما رأى نائب "المستقبل" عمار حوري انه "لولا وجود مشكلة داخل "8 آذار" لكانوا توافقوا على مرشح".
وقال نائب "القوات اللبنانية" انطوان زهرا ان "من يريد لهذه الجمهورية أن تستمر لا يعطل انتخابات الرئاسة".
في الدورة الاولى من الانتخابات الرئاسية، نال مرشح 14 آذار، رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع 48 صوتاً مقابل 16 لمرشح "اللقاء الديمقراطي" النائب هنري حلو، في حين صوت 52 نائبا بورقة بيضاء. وصوت لرئيس "حزب الكتائب" النائب أمين الجميل، وتم الغاء 7 أوراق في جلسة حضرها 124 نائباً يوم الاربعاء الفائت.

Thank you March 8 for this beautiful lesson of Democracy, and wonderful demonstration of respect for our institutions!

Their strategy is to push the process to allow for foreign intervention.

imagine that march 8 had 6 years to choose a candidate and they have not! they have had the past 6 months to agree on a candidate and they have not!
imagine how the politicians push the teachers' union to strike at this time! why didnt the unions strike when march 8 cabinet was in power? this whole country is corrupt!

the MPs had 6 years to address the quorum issue! no where in the constitution does it say that 2/3 quorum is needed after the first round! this should have been judicially challenged!

once again aoun and his corrupt bloc violate all the promises during bkirki meetings to attend the election sessions! once again aoun hurts the christians!

once again the batrak is scared to call things as they are! the batrak is either with the elections and democracy and the state or he is not!

M8 is what makes Lebanon a 4rth world country !
Their democratic models inspired by Iran and Syria show the world that their MPs are unfit to participate in Lebanese political life.
They can simply show up and vote blank.
But instead, they "failed" to fulfill their democratic DUTY. In fact, their term is expired and they should not event be allowed to vote.
Let's hope the next parliament will reflect the real weight of Lebanese citizens fed up with rotten politicians, particularly those of M8 who are dogs barking on behalf of Syria and Iran !

nothing will change, not now not in a 1000 years. The new generation is much worse than their predecessors.

Not necessarily ! Revolutions happen and the people are on the verge of exploding into an unstoppable firestorm.
The people will wake up from their illusions and remove the traitors from power, disarm political parties, and put an end to this Heresy and lie you call Hezbollah...

I hope to God you are wrong. I am putting all my hopes in the new generation to make Lebanon a better place to live. Should you prove right Lebanon is doomed

@FT : In a 1,000 years :)
That's what you said about Revolution happening in Syria. Then you sent your terrorists in to sabotage it !
That's what Mubarak believed...
That's what Tunisians believed ..
Sissies are those who hold on to power using indimidation and weapons.
Those who don't want change.
Those who are too scared, "for whom changing this world, would mean send their world to hell, and destroy an illusion, that served them so well !"
In 1,000 years FT, people will talk about how the human race reached new lows with religion used as an excuse to fuel wars just like what happened over 1,000 of years. Driven by Ayatollas and Cheikhs and the masses of ignorant idiots who follow them !

13 MPs from those who support fake democracy attended while the defenders of christians the FPM and the defenders of Lebanon the resistance where nowhere to be seen.
They do not want to elect a president a president but they want to appoint a president. What happened to the promises given to Bkirki, what happened to the Bkirki national pact.... a tragedy, a conspiracy against the democratic process and life in this life-less country.

M14 wants to put an Israeli supporter President just like Sulaiman. You already had the chance, so forget about it. Embrace the bravery of the Resistance. Then there would be mutual respect and peace between all factions.

@Mystic : the only Israeli supporters in Lebanon are Hezbollah !
In fact, they cannot exist without Israel! The only reason Hezbollah exists is to create a buffer zone between Palestinian refugees and Israel... all the rest is an illusion !
And Suleiman, despite anything you can say is the most respectful president brought to power since the end of the war.
Your syrian dog, Lahoud, for example is any better ?
And about "embracing the resistance", the resistance can embrace HONIK Charghlé. There is nothing brave about the resistance. They are a humiliation to Lebanese across the world ! They are traitors under the orders of Iran.
In fact, they are not even a Lebanese resistance. They call themselves ISLAMIC RESISTANCE IN LEBANON and were setup by Iranians ! No drop of Lebanese blood there. SO SHOVE YOUR RESISTANCE!

To understand what H.A. primary role is, is to uncover the terms of the agreement between the two that led to Israel's withdrawal. If you ask those who were implicit, their response is always: "politics". So what does "politics" mean in a divided country?

I Swear by God All Mighty your Hyzbshytan is in the Majority in the Shia Sect ONLY... They are in the MINORITY with the Lebanese and Syrians in Syria as a WHOLE...
You Murdering EVIL THUGs who Israel loves.

Missy... are you proud of your avatar... this terrorist, murderer, assassin of civilians, politicians, women, priest,innocents...

They probably wanted to spare you further embarrassments you nitwit, no one voted for her husband or anyone else yesterday there was no quorum hence no vote.