ارتفاع عدد قتلى الجيش بانفجار في عرسال منتصف ايلول الى 3

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ارتفع عدد قتلى الجيش اللبناني جراء تعرض شاحنة عسكرية لانفجار عبوة ناسفة أثناء انتقالها داخل بلدة عرسال، منذ حوالي الاسبوعين الى ثلاثة، مع اعلان قيادة الجيش الثلاثاء عن وفاة مجند متأثراً بجروحه.

فقد نعت قيادة الجيش، صباح الثلاثاء المجند الممددة خدماته محمود علي فاضل، الذي توفي ليل الاثنين متأثراً بجراحه من جراء الانفجار الارهابي الذي تعرضت له آلية للجيش في بلدة عرسال في 19 ايلول الجاري.

وفاضل من مواليد العام 1995 بلدة يونين البقاعية، وهو حائز عدة أوسمة وتنويه قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي وتهنئته وقد رقي إلى الرتبة الأعلى بعد وفاته.

يُذكر ان قيادة الجيش كانت قد اعلنت في 19 ايلول عن تعرض شاحنة عسكرية تابعة للجيش لانفجار عبوة ناسفة أثناء انتقالها داخل بلدة عرسال، ما أدى الى استشهاد عسكريين إثنين هما علي أحمد حمادي من صيدا و محمد عاصم ضاهر من عكار وإصابة ثلاثة بجروح.

وأتى الانفجار بعد سلسلة توقيفات نفذها الجيش حينها بينها توقيف اللبناني بسام يوسف الحجيري، في المصيدة في عرسال وبرفقته السوريان أحمد سمير حين وفادي عمار الحلبي، اللذان كانا يتجولان من دون أوراق ثبوتية.


التعليقات 13
Thumb _mowaten_ 11:55 ,2014 أيلول 30

Another young man falls resisting the barbarian invasion.. may he rest in peace, and may his killers soon meet a painful end.

Thumb EagleDawn 11:59 ,2014 أيلول 30

absolutely and may your hizb and its barbarian invasion and massacres in syria soon meet the same painful end you are advocating.

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:15 ,2014 أيلول 30

if you were lebanese you would appreciate the fact that unlike syria and iraq, no part of lebanon has fallen to takfiri extremists although da3esh keeps saying they so badly want to come here... i guess something must be keeping them out, but what could that be??

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:17 ,2014 أيلول 30

oh i know, it must be the speeches of geagea having some sort of voodoo self-realizing prophecy powers. he keeps repeating that daesh doesnt exist, and therefore, with his head deep in the sand he cannot see them!

Thumb _mowaten_ 12:55 ,2014 أيلول 30

yes eagldown, threat after threat, kidnapping after kidnapping, massacre after massacre, they finally got what they wanted so badly: the wiping out of quseyr, which was being prepared to serve as launching pad for the invasion of northern bekaa. now these sore rears are doing the only thing they got left: whining, and trying to leverage the soldiers they treacherously kidnapped

Thumb ex-fpm 13:27 ,2014 أيلول 30

if you say so mowaten LOL

Thumb EagleDawn 14:52 ,2014 أيلول 30

afraid of the truth and caught in his own lies, flamethrower tries to delete the truth.

go back, rewind and stop revising history. These Nusra etc kept calling for your hizb to withdraw from syria and issued threat after threat before they finally took the game to your doorsteps. Isn't lying "haram" in your religion? here is what your other screen name said months ago
the 24 hour 'ultimatum' sent last week to hezb by the FSA chief of staff, dakhlkon wein sar? LOL"

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:46 ,2014 أيلول 30

you accurately repeated the takfiri propaganda, i must give you that. as for facts, you unfortunately seem to have left them out. better luck next time!

Default-user-icon dateam (ضيف) 13:45 ,2014 أيلول 30

Reality is whether some like it or not is that we are the only country that went on the offensive against this disease. Even Obama admitted they underestimated the threat. Now had our army been given the freedom to act decisively and without hinderance we wouldn't have the problems we have now or have the refugee problems we have. that is reality.

Missing cedars 14:28 ,2014 أيلول 30

You are the root cause of the instability of the country for resisting the disassociation policy.
Why is Jordan in peace ? Because they war wimp and signed with Israel a treaty or because of their disassociation policy.
time and time again you turn the innocent citizens killing such as in 2006 war with Israel to your advantage and speak on behalf of the whole country that reject you and your armed supported militia.

Thumb _mowaten_ 15:44 ,2014 أيلول 30

what disassociation? jordan is actively involved, this is where US and israel train the "syrian revolutionaries", give them weapons and launch them into deraa.

Default-user-icon cityboy (ضيف) 16:09 ,2014 أيلول 30

I was thinking the same thing mowaten, exactly the same. We both are shia extremists, we both twist the truth whenever we want, and we both are self centered. I just hope people don't get the wrong impression and think we are the same poster.

Missing ysurais 14:49 ,2014 أيلول 30

Rest in piece dear LEB soldier for defending your nation with your head high..
may we very soon united together (All Lebanese) win over these terrorists, and bring the hardest punishment upon them by guillotine execution....