"المحكمة الدولية" تبرىء "الجديد" وتعتبر خياط "مذنبة"
Read this story in Englishبرات المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان الجمعة قناة الجديد اللبنانية الخاصة المتهمة بنشر معلومات عن شهود سريين في التحقيق حول اغتيال رئيس الوزراء الاسبق رفيق الحريري من تهمة تحقير المحكمة وعرقلة سير العدالة.
واعلن القاضي ليتييري في جلسة عامة في احدى ضواحي لاهاي حيث مقر المحكمة ان "تلفزيون الجديد ليس مذنبا في ما يتعلق بالتهم المسندة اليه".
كما برات المحكمة مديرة الاخبار في القناة كرمى الخياط من تهمة التحقير الا انها ادانتها بعدم ازالة الريبورتاجات عن موقع القناة على الانترنت بعدما طلبت منها المحكمة الدولية ذلك.
وستحدد عقوبتها في مرحلة لاحقة من الاجراء. وهي تواجه امكان الحكم عليها بالسجن سبع سنوات كحد اقصى و/او دفع غرامة مئة الف يورو.
واشار تلفزيون الجديد الى ان الخياط التي مثلت طوعا عند بدء المحاكمة لم تكن حاضرة عند تلاوة الحكم وبقيت في بيروت.
واتهم تلفزيون "الجديد" ومديرة الاخبار في القناة كرمى الخياط بتحقير المحكمة وعرقلة سير العدالة لنشر معلومات عن 11 شاهدا مفترضا في سلسلة برامج بثت بين السادس والعاشر من اب 2012.
وكان المدعي العام كينيث سكوت قال في نيسان "بالطبع لم تظهر الوجوه ولم تذكر الاسماء بالكامل لكن لا احد ساذجا".
واوضح ان اصوات الاشخاص الذين تم تصويرهم لم تعدل علما بان معلومات مثل الاحرف الاولى لاسمائهم ووظائفهم ومكان عملهم او حتى لوحات تسجيل سياراتهم ذكرت او كانت واضحة على التلفزيون.
ولم تنف المحكمة او تؤكد البتة ان كان هؤلاء الاشخاص فعلا شهودا.
واتهم سكوت القناة الخاصة والخياط بتقويض ثقة الرأي العام بقدرة المحكمة على حماية الشهود بالقول "اذا امتنع الشهود عن الادلاء باقوالهم انتهت مهمة هذه المحكمة ويمكننا جميعا العودة الى ديارنا".
وشكلت الامم المتحدة المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان بناء على طلب لبنان بعد التفجير الذي اودى بحياة الحريري و22 شخصا اخرين في شباط 2005. وهي اول محكمة دولية يتم انشاؤها خصيصا للنظر في قضية هجوم "ارهابي".

our politicians are doing a very good job in wasting our money. that is an integral part of it

but southern you live in Detroit and work at the local grocery shop. Why would that affect you?

Do you know anything about the freedom of expression? I believe it does exist even in The Netherlands

you call Al Jadeed and Al Manar forums for freedom of expression or freedom of propaganda?

Mish coolmec
I am no hizbullah supporter by all means I am certainly opposed to it just as I am opposed to ALL M 8 and M14, as I think they have ALL pushed this beautiful country to its demise. Nevertheless I am a strong believer and supporter of the freedom of expression

dear coolmec
You believe in freedom of expression just like hezbollah when they burned down the same TV station Al Jadeed they now claim to protect because it criticized Nassrallah.

Freedom of expression
Please do not give me examples of freedom of expression based on Hezbollah's actions or any other Lebanese party. Doing so is distorting the real definition of the freedom of expression.
Give me a better example or comparaison

I am in Beirut now visiting and I got accustomed to power outage like 3 hours per day. But now they are cutting power like 4 times a day intermittently. Why do I have the feeling they are doing it on purpose just to little will and resistance the poor Lebanese people ss\till hav\s?

What about who in the STL originally leaked the names? Seems like this is who they should be looking for, instead of harassing the press and trying to intimidate it

mowaten, I am not sure about your legal background but you seem to be a lousy lawyer.

I want to know who pays you mowaten to post and for what exact purpose. I see you on every article! Who pays for your internet quota? I demand answers and quickly!

Mowaten is the modern day version of Joseph Goebbel.
if you don't know who I mean ..you should !

didn't your resistance torch the AL Jadeed for speaking something about your leader in the form of freedom of expression?

mowaten, flamethrower, the_roar, mystic, abbas, southern, megahabib, are all legitimate accounts belonging to 7 different persons but who coincidentally always post within the same minute. The only troll here is Mowaten.

I disowned him a longtime ago. He was always a problem child. We tried our best to raise him up as a Lebanese but he always aspired to be Iranian. I recall when he was a baby…. his first words out of his mouth were not Mama or Baba or Ughha …… but Aya-tollah ! He would wake up in the middle of the night and ask his mother when the Ayatollah would come take him to Qom. In the end, we surrendered to God’s will and accepted things as they were. Child psychologists informed us he will grow up to be the most sectarian creature. Well, it seems they were right.

The funds used on the STL should probaly instead be used on the waste management?
The STL has always been been nothing more than a theater show.

until when will you continue to deny it is a martyred iranian jihadi terrorist family in your avatar?

when Mustafa, the younger son of Mughliyyeh, is martyred (God Forbid) will you amend your avatar and make it an all inclusive family portrait?

Thank you .Southern_. for always standing up and fighting for the truth.

Hello lebjack
I like to introduce myself. I am a very close friend of mowaten. I post, vote, and mass report on his behalf whenever he asks me to. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact mowaten directly. I have no further questions for you.

I the virus at which Lebanese excel the most i.e. corruption has reached the STL in the Netherland

This used to be a nice forum where you could actually discuss issues. Now it's just spam bots calling others trolls.
Milk is not always white

hello @terrorist
I like to introduce myself. I am a very close friend of flamethrower. I post, vote, and mass report on his behalf whenever he asks me to. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact flamethrower directly. Now, I have a very simple question for you: Do you know why my friend flamethrower was banned and treated like a diseased leper?

you all are have missed the main point!
the STL has cost lebanon 120 million dollars so far!
That money could have been used for real good, not wasted on a bunch of europeans!

Car steeling is nothing compared to killing humans in Syria I guess Kaptagon, Hashish, other drugs, even their plans to control the Lebanese life is shadowed by human killing machine that we sow in May 7 and is very clear Syria. Pakestani Afghani Lebanese Iraqis all being financed to do the war to control.