جعجع لنصرالله: موقفكم تجاري ولو المحكمة إسرائيلية لكنتم استقلتم ومنعتم التمويل
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع أن موقف أمين عام "حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله هو "تجاري" وفق مصالحه سائلا إياه "لو كانت المحكمة كما تدّعون اميركية-اسرائيلية ومسيّسة ألم يكن من المفترض أن تستقيل أكثريتكم" سائلا وزراء "التغيير والإصلاح" أين أصبحت استقالتهم؟
وتمنى جعجع من معراب على نصرالله لو "حافظ على منطقه الذي اعتدنا عليه وليس اعتماده على اللامنطق ليُبرر موقف سياسي تكتيكي لا يستأهل هذا الأسلوب".
وكان نصرالله قد اعتبر مساء الخميس أن "المحكمة إسرائيلية أميركية" رافضا الإعتراف بها وتمويلها وقائلا إن رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي "لم يأت بهذه النقطة للمجلس ولو أتى بها كنا مولنا ضد التمويل".
وسأل جعجع نصرالله "كيف لا علاقة لكم بتمويل المحكمة الدولية وأنتم تعلمون يا سيد حسن ان الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي _ الذي أتيتم به_ سيُقدم على هذه الخطوة؟ ألم يُنسقها الرئيس ميقاتي مع الرئيس نبيه بري مسبقاً؟".
وتابع جعجع متسائلا أنه "لو كانت المحكمة كما تدّعون اميركية-اسرائيلية ومسيّسة ألم يكن من المفترض أن تستقيل أكثريتكم فيُصبح الرئيس ميقاتي مستقيلاً وبالتالي لا يعد بإمكانه تمويلها، الا اذا كان موقفكم من المحكمة تجاري ووفقاً لمصالحكم؟
كما أشار إلى أن "الجميع يعي أن الرئيس ميقاتي لم يتخذ هذه الخطوة الا بعد موافقة مباشرة منكم".
وانتقد جعجع "إيحاء السيد حسن بأن الرئيس ميقاتي موّل المحكمة بصفته الشخصية وليس كرئيس حكومة لبنان، علماً ان الأخير سيموّلها من الهيئة العليا للإغاثة عبر مساعدات وهبات سيجمعونها والتي تحتاج الى موافقة مجلس الوزراء".
وذكر جعجع بموقف رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون الرافض تمويل المحكمة الدولية منذ 7 اشهر، متسائلاً "أين اصبحت استقالة وزراء تكتل الاصلاح والتغيير التي لطالما هددنا بها؟ ألا تستحق قضية بهذا الحجم والأهمية الاستقالة؟ اذاً لأي داعٍ قد يستقيل وزراء العماد عون؟ هل اصبحت السياسة هي فقط للتواجد في السلطة بعيداً عن اي طروحات أخرى؟".
كما ذكّر جعجع عون "بالهجومات الصاعقة التي كان يشنها على الهيئة العليا للإغاثة منذ 5 سنوات الى اليوم لمجرد مبلغ زهيد" سائلا "كيف يوافق حالياً على تمويل المحكمة بـ32 مليون $ أميركي من صندوق هذه الهيئة التي يعتبرها العماد عون غير شرعية؟ هل مواقفه مجرد خطابات كلامية؟".
وحذّر من "محاولة اخذ مكاسب مادية من الرئيس ميقاتي ولاسيما في التعيينات مقابل تمويل المحكمة، فعلى سبيل المثال بدأت المقايضات بالأمس في جهاز قوى الامن الداخلي وهذا امر مؤسف".
وعليه دعا جعجع الحكومة الى "عدم تمرير صفقات أخرى في مراكز حساسة في الدولة وخصوصاً في الأجهزة القضائية اذ لا نريد العودة مجدداً الى عهد عضومي ولو بأسماء أخرى".
وأمل جعجع من تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" عدم الاستخفاف بعقول الناس وربط الأمور بالمطالب الاجتماعية من خلال الادعاء المتواصل بان الأولوية لها وليس للمحكمة، مشيراً الى انه "بمكسب صغير تزول كل المطالب الاجتماعية".
ورداً على سؤال، نفى جعجع "وجود ملف لشهود الزور وان وُجد فهم من أرسلوه بغية تضليل التحقيق". وسأل "أين هو أكرم مراد وهسام هسام؟".
وعن كيفية تسليم المتهمين من حزب الله للمحكمة الدولية بعد التمويل، قال جعجع "لعل تسليم المتهمين بانتظار مقايضة أخرى ومكاسب سياسية وليس لأسباب مبدئية، وطالما ان الامور تسير على هذا النحو فكلّ الخطوات صارت ممكنة".
واذ أكّد على ثبات موقف قوى 14 آذار السياسي "مهما حاول الآخرون افتعال المشاكل" شدد جعجع على ان "لا قيام لدولة طبيعية بوجود حزب الله على ما هو عليه أي بجناحه العسكري".
وعن الدور السوري في تمويل المحكمة، رأى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" ان "لسوريا دور كبير فيه، على خلفية ان الحكومة في سوريا معطلة ولم يتبقَ للرئيس بشار الأسد سوى الحكومة اللبنانية كمتنفس".
Nasrallah has no more credibility. His web of lies is getting all tangled up. When you tell only one lie, maybe you can get away with it, fooling some of the people. But on further examination, to continue your lie, you have to cover it up with many other lies. Pretty soon, all the subsequent lies used to cover up for the first lie don't seem to add up. And now Nasrallah makes no sense.
Who won the war in 2006? If you won the war, why did you say you wouldn't have launched the attack if you knew what the consequences would be?
Is the STL an Israeli product? If yes, then why would you allow it to be funded? It is clear that Hezbollah controls the majority in government, and the government approved funding of the STL, so Hezbollah must have approved the funding.
Why are the 4 indicted members saints? Did they do something to earn "sainthood"?
You won't use your arms internally? What about May 7?
Good for Geagea to point out the hypocrasy and lies of Nasrallah
allow me to answer your question ya wise doctor you.
the reason why the government went ahead with this funding even though they don't support it is because let me stress that point again BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT STUPID ENOUGH TO PLUNGE THE WHOLE COUNTRY INTO AN INTERNATIONAL CRISIS AND SANCTIONS while looking bad themselves no matter how they FEEL ABOUT IT! got that Dr.GG now why don't you crawl back into that hole were you came from .. a hefty price to pay for the stupidity of some of the previous politicians in order to save a country already in a mess of a turmoil the last thing we need right now is some UN body imposing sanctions on us.
@bigdig and Elie
if you had a shread of common sense your comments would have been direct to the point!
what is it he is saying that is wrong?
it seems to me you are as blind as a bat and blind followers..... :)
well said geha, bigdig and elie cannot explain why their idols from the hezb and the FPM were against the funding a week ago, threatening to resign if it was funded , threatening lebanon of chaos if it was funded and now their leaders accept it without any problem!!
they know but are embarassed that their leaders have to shut up and obey the syrian orders! syria doesn t want the hezbi gvt to resign because they need it...
so their lebannese puppets just bark loud to make believe their naive followers that they are bulldogs! but they are nothing more than slaves obeying their foreign masters...
the irony is that they have the power to cancel lebanon s contribution like they declared before having their hands free, they blamed the M14 for wanting the STL and now.... watch their circus! real clowns!
the biggest traitor to Lebanon is Aoun.
after trying to divide the christians, he introduced the syrians back then and left the best officers to be slaughtered while he ran to France, to come back again to divide the christians to weaken them for the benefit of his allies hizbushaitan and syria.
funny how demons suffer from alzheimer... "if it takes 32 million to keep lebanon out of turmoil then we'll gladly fund your rotten STL."
remember that hezb told that if the STL was funded lebanon would suffer instability? that the FPM would resign from the gvt?
no sweating boy: syria told them to do so... and that since mid october when your iranman saw his master bashar who told him to finance the STL...
and concerning the poor lebanese soldiers you are refering to: the syrian army killed 117 soldiers at dahr el wahch and ...lahoud chief of the pro syrian lebanese army at the time covered their crimes...
maybe that is why you are supporting the pro syrians now!
remember that aoun didn t make a "liberation war" against the syrians but a revenge war against them because hafez el assad promised him to be president but then broke his promise infuriating your orangina....
Big big defeat for M8 so u have to live it it !!!
now all of a sudden they are concerned about internal stability and prevent international sanctions???? this is what M14 have been saying all along!
what has changed since ? when claoun said "no way jose"?
oh yeah, the greenlight came from their master in bilad el cham, who is afraid that the great fouad comes back to power
Geagea's questions are rhetorical. They advocate a point through the making of rhetorical questions. The point is that the FPM and Hezbollah over reached. They threatened to resign the Mikati government if it provided the funding of the 49% payment to the STL, yet, when Mikati did just this, then the threats of Hezbollah and the FPM turned out to be hollow and empty, that is, without credibility.
In Lebanese politics, if you open your mouth and issue a threat, then you must carry it out, or else suffer the loss if credibility that comes from failing to carry it out. Lebanon is no place for bluffing. The price to be paid for having and empty bluff called is having Geagea calling you out.
Geagea is merely extracting the price of Hezbollah and FPM's overreach.
The Son of the Cedars Revolution is translating to the blind who wondered yesterday how the money went to STL. Hasouna is a traitor to Iran and Syria and he will change his mind based on his master wish which is his command. If Damascus is bombed then Assad want Lebanon as his escape territory, look how Gaddafi died when he could not go anywhere, for those calling Ga3Ga3 to go back where he came from , he is at least in a very well known place called M3rab, where is the rat's hole location?
Bottom line the terrorist regime gave the green light miqati/rat and others to pay their dues so that he has a way out when the s. hits the fan in Syria.
Even his allies Label him as THE Criminal....
I kindly ask him to repent by resigning from the political life..
assad will move to russia soon. negotiations are being made between the russians and the us march 2012 will be the month of freedom for all the middle east. . Lebanon will survive a big plot of take over by iran and hizballah.
aoun the midgit will shoot himself after assad falls. Many shiites will leave lebanon or try to for fear of retaliation. irans embassy will be attacked and destroyed. sfeir will be killed and named as a martyr. many other people will flee lebanon or commit suicide.