14 آذار ستقدم مذكرتها عن الحوار السبت الى سليمان

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يتوجه وفد من "14 آذار" السبت الى القصر الرئاسي في بعبدا حيث سيسلم رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان مذكرة القوى عن الحوار الوطني.

وأفادت صحيفة "النهار" صباح الجمعة أنه سيلي تسليم المذكرة مؤتمر صحافي يعلن فيه نصها.

الى ذلك، كشف النائب بطرس حرب ان مذكرة 14 عبارة عن مراجعة تاريخية لمؤتمرات الحوار، والامور التي اتخذت فيها قرارات ولم تنفذ، ومنها المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان وترسيم الحدود مع سوريا، ابتداءً من الجنوب، والالتزام بالبنود السابقة، ومنها الاستراتيجية الدفاعية، مشيراً الى انها تطالب بتحديد مصير سلاح حزب الله وليس الغاؤه.

واذ اشار الى ان قوى 14 آذار ستحضر طاولة الحوار الاثنين، ألمح حرب الى ان البقاء في هيئة الحوار يتوقف على ما يمكن ان يطرحه فريق 8 آذار، خصوصاً وان هذا الفريق سبق ان لوح بطرح فكرة المؤتمر التأسيسي، حسب ما اعلن الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله، فيما لوح النائب ميشال عون بطرح امور مالية.

وتخوف حرب في حديث لصحيفة "اللواء" من القرار الذي اتخذه مجلس الوزراء بفتح اعتماد اضافي بقيمة 10394 مليار ليرة لبنانية لتغطية نفقات الادارات العامة عن العام 2012، واصفاً اياه بالامر الخطير لانه يماثل مجموع ارقام الموازنة.

من جهته، صرح النائب أحمد "نحن ننتظر ما سيؤول اليه اللقاء مع الرئيس (سليمان) لنرى اذا كنا سنشارك في الحوار ام لا، والحوار بعكس ما قاله (رئيس جبهة النضال الوطني النائب) وليد جنبلاط هو المحزن لأنه لم يتم الالتزام بأشي منه، وهو ما ادى الى استغلاله في العديد من المرات على مدى تاريخ لبنان.

وأضاف فتفت في حديث لإذاعة "صوت لبنان" (93.3) أن "هذا الحوار بنظر الكثيرين لم يكن ايجابيا بل كان تكاذبا وطنيا، وهذا الحوار لن ينجز أي شيء، وليتحملوا هم نتيجة فشله، لأنه لا يتمتع بمقومات النجاح".

ومن المقرر أن تنعقد طاولة الحوار يوم الاثنين المقبل في 11 حزيران عند الساعة 11 من قبل الظهر في القصر الرئاسي في بعبدا بدعوة الرئيس سليمان.

التعليقات 9
Thumb thepatriot 11:34 ,2012 حزيران 08

I don't really agree with the LF on this one. They should attend the meeting, and eventually leave if they are displeased. We all should privilege talks, even when we know that the other party is not necessarily of good faith. We know that they tried before to sit and talk, and that the outcome was unfruitful, but we have to try again...and again...and again!

Missing reformist 17:26 ,2012 حزيران 08

lek ma elon 3aze LF. They should be called DF (Destruction Forces). ma 3am bi se3do bi chi! ba3ba3 bi 3awwe all the time. I remember his speech from the first day the new gvt was announced : we want to bring this gvt down before it starts working because we don't believe in it! WAW!!! What a loser! Lek la tmout ma 7a ykoun down! Look at all the achievements and this is just the start dear :)

Missing peace 16:40 ,2012 حزيران 08

no talks are possible if M8 refuses to tackle ALL the subjects including on illegal weapons which displeases those sissies...

Thumb beiruti 17:12 ,2012 حزيران 08

@thepatriot, well I think its a principled position. Why engage the fiction of dialogue? What is the purpose of Suliman calling this national dialogue other than to bolster Suliman's personal credibility. Now it is good for the President to have credibility and to exercise power, but this this is a phoney means of doing so. Does Suliman really have the ability to enforce the writ of the government or even the decision of the conference? No, of course not. The writ of Hezbollah is supreme in Lebanon by virtue of their weapons, not that of the president. This is the reality now and this conference will not change that, only hide and cover it up. Why be a part of that?

Thumb thepatriot 11:07 ,2012 حزيران 09

I think that Sleiman is not a freshly elected man, and the question of his authority is long gone. We all know how he got there, and we all know of his limited power of action and personality. At this point, m14 should rather show unified positions, and not show anything else than unanimity on the political scene, just to show contrast with m8. The way I see it, it is an act of good faith to say "you want to talk...fine...let's talk". We all agree on the matter of principle that you cannot talk with gunpoint at your head, but we should be over that now. We have elections in a year and we must show unity on all fronts. If this dialogue is a fiction...well, they can say it, during the dialogue, and leave. They will have shown a broader mind, unity and homogeneity with their principles.

Missing reformist 17:23 ,2012 حزيران 08

no way

Missing reformist 17:24 ,2012 حزيران 08

beiruti! What principles? Have FT ever had any??? Please! Their only leitmotiv is to counter the current M8 lead gvt on every single initiative they take! Just heke me7en and a7er!!! Lek like dogs they will come to the table! All people are praising this initiative and FT have principles? Even Amin is ok.
Aslan there has never and there will never be anything called M14. They are divided or spending vacation abroad!!!!

Missing peace 20:55 ,2012 حزيران 08

i guess that M8 let the last gvt work without blocking it? jerk you are,

Missing peace 22:34 ,2012 حزيران 08

"Lek like dogs they will come to the table!"
look at the way M8 supporters want a dialogue = by insulting the others and treating them like dogs! and then he asks for dialogue? what a farce!

begin by stopping barking like dogs and step down from your arrogance...
you have a very bad complex of superiority coming from the fact that you hide between the legs of hezb who has the arms and you just behave like a chiwawa pretending he s a bulldog... that is what all M8 is about 3aw 3aw!