دار الفتوى: على عون الاعتذار علناً بسبب الاساءة الى الشيخ عبدالواحد
Read this story in Englishطالبت دار الفتوى، رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" النائب ميشال عون، بالاعتذار علناً من المسلمين ومن سلك العلماء، بعد ما قاله عن أنه كان ثمة مشروبات روحية مسكرة كانت في سيارة الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد.
وفي بيان صادر عن دار الفتوى في الخميس، جاء ان "الجنرال ميشال عون أساء كثيراً إلى المسلمين وخصوصاً العلماء فيهم فيما نسبه الى علمه ان ثمة مشروبات روحية مسكرة كانت في سيارة الشهيد الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد".
وشدد على أن "الكل يعلم أن الشهيد الشيخ عبد الواحد وهو أحد العلماء الافاضل قتل عمداً وعدواناً بتوجيه الرصاص إليه، فهل يريد عون التشهير بالشيخ الشهيد عبد الواحد زوراً وبهتاناً وأن يقتله مرة ثانية بالتشهير به وبسمعته بعد قتله واستشهاده؟".
ولفت البيان الى أن "الشيخ الشهيد عبد الواحد هو عالم فاضل من علمائنا الأجلاء ديناً وعلماً وخلقاً وسلوكاً، ولن نسمح لأحد أن يتطاول عليه ويشهر به وخصوصاً بعد مقتله واستشهاده ليصور للناس بأنه عالم فاسد".
وطالب البيان عون "أن يعتذر عن اساءته علناً من المسلمين، ومن سلك العلماء خصوصاً".
وكان عون قد أعبن اثر اجتماع التكتل الثلاثاء، "هل يمكن أن نعلم ماذا كتبوا في محضر عن ماذا وجدوا في سيارة الشيخ أحمد عبد الواحد؟ على علمي هناك مشروبات روحية من نبيذ و"بلاك ليبل" سائلا أيضا "هل كان يوجد آر بي جي؟".
وقتل الشيخ عبدالواحد ورفيقه محمد مرعب على حاجز الكويخات بالرصاص في ايار الماضي.
Melhem Karam was the king of covering up his baldness, he had to go all the way down to his sideburns for hair
Dar al Fatwa should apologise to Lebanon for siding with the Ottomans, then King Abdalla, then Jamal Abdel Nasser, then the PLO, then Haffez al Assad and now to being USA/Israel doormats.
Anyone but Lebanon
This guy is so frustrated that is something we know...But to go that low into insulting a religious figure without considering the feelings of his religious sect...This is true madness
و هلاء تنية بدنا نعرف الجنرال وين بده يقضي الصيفية؟ بفضل صهره المخضرم, صيفنا على العتم و على شحتار الدولايب و لازم الدولة تسمح للسيارات استعمال الدولايب المستعملة حتى ما يستعملوهم الشباب بالطرقات ضد المعلم باسيل تاع اللموناضة و المضحك المبكي انه البترون فاتت على غينس من هون و كيلو الحامض صار ب 3000 ليرة, يعني شكلهم سحبوا كل شي في حامض بالبلد كرمال غينيس.
Don't get surprised this low moral grandy asked before to dig up late Hariri from his grave and burry him somewhere else, after all he got issues and he is execused
Not a bad idea, they should send the whole hariri family back to saudi arabia where they came from.
No wait! even saudi arabia is fabricated, I should say Najd and Hijaz.
General, your zallet lsen are many lately,this accusation is useless and dangerous , same when you said cha3b 8achim, make a favor to yourself stop this tuesday insults party, 3omr elou ha2
To hell with this Islamist body and their racist fundamental preachers. They are criminals and must be bought to justice and hung before the people. tfeeee. Sha3ab wa ta2ife mijrime.
Aoun is an idiot but that's not an excuse for his empty accusations and continuously insulting the Sunnis. Look what’s happening next door ya hablehhhh.
Only in Lebanon do Christians support the release of Fatah al Islam terrorists but support those who want to arrest Lebanese soldiers for performing their duties. Bravo... once tools always tools.
actually this is what he wants: either hizbushaitan and aoun keep the power or they will destroy Lebanon.
actually this is what he wants: either hizbushaitan and aoun keep the power or they will destroy Lebanon.
actually this is what he wants: either hizbushaitan and aoun keep the power or they will destroy Lebanon.
come on grow up what are you new the coward deserted his own soldiers and people then told them to apologize to him.
Actually... no.... You're wrong... It was the LF who roughed up the Patriarch... You have two options here: (1) learn history or (2) shut the hell up.
"Aoun should apologize for publicly insulting Muslims". so if you accuse a muslim of having alcohol, you insult all muslims? so there are no muslims that drink alcohol?
I agree that aoun's accusation is stupit, but to overreact like this is only encouraging more sectarian division.
ado.australia you mean overreact like the thugs of the iranian islamic militia attacking mono street after lbc's basmat watan nasrallah sketch
He is not accusing any Muslim he is accusing a devout Muslim sheikh.
Saying such an accusation without a proof is insult to all Muslims where he is basically saying you are all hypocrites.
Anyone who ever read my posts knows that I am no fan of Aoun, quiet the opposite so keep that in mind as you read the rest of this post.
This business of asking anyone for an apology when they say something - no matter how stupid, insulting etc. - should stop as it does not jive with democracy.
Stupid or not, Aoun has the right to express his opinion and we have the right to criticize him - and we do - anytime he opens his mouth and spouts nonsense. But to drive the point home, forgo this silly notion of demanding apology for any slander. When the Dar Al Fatwa puts it in the "against Sunni" square they are doing the same thing that Aoun does, being sectarian. He insulted a Lebanese period and some Lebanese do and will insult him, end of discussion.
He insulted a devout Muslim sheikh it is intended as sectarian attack and nothing wrong with dar al-fatwa demand apology where the sheikh is one of its members.
I am very sure they can sue him under the anti-slander law in Lebanon.
It should matter not who he insulted. Are you suggesting that a regular Joe is less valuable than a Sheikh? If you are, then we do not see eye to eye on this.
Freedom of speech, even stupid speech, should be guaranteed to ALL Lebanese, Aoun included. Besides, he said that he was told that ... This is not prosecutable and if it is it should not be.
All countries on this planet has military courts and police. They all have them because the armed forces are human also and they break the law.
No one have cart blanche to kill. All are accountable under the law.
Michel Aoun (no 'general' for war criminals) is one sick man. He should return to his Paris psychiatric clinic ASAP because he's got a bunch of sheep believing in his dillusions. Scary!
if the facts are true then there is no reason why they cannot be discussed. It is part of a democracy where transparency is key. Sure it may insult the late cleric but if it is true what's the problem? Enough of this smoke and mirrors BS lebanon is famous for.
PS.. I still don't like Aoun but happy to call a spade a spade in this instance :)
Shame on you for spouting such nonsense. I could enumerate many silly things about our Christian faith but I won't because religion should be a private matter my and your opinions notwithstanding. You are no Christian brother of mine.
dar al fatwa nees to apologise to Lebanon for:
-siding with the ottomans
-then siding with king faisal
-then siding with gamal abdel nasser
-then siding with the plo and arafat
-then siding with haffez al assad
-and now with the US/Israelis
so what if the ulema wanna have some fuuuun!! let him drink vodka, chu min 7arijo. and let other people live this is not KSA after all if he wants to be free who is dar el fatwa nad GMA to prevent him form doing so. long live arak and vodka
most muslims are not muslims and cristians too the thing that only maters is humanity and priests and ulamas are mostly fakers and rotten corrupt and vile its only our judjment that can identifie the true devotion and purity that can help us evolve as humans
(ps:8M may have alot of faults and crimes as a sum but not even 20% of what 14March has done and probibly will do