عون عن قضية سماحة: لنترك القضاء يقوم بعمله وأعتبر التسريبات كأنها غير موجودة

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دعا رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون إلى ترك القضاء ليبت بقضية الوزير السابق ميشال سماحة "بعيدا عن الإستغلال السياسي" قائلا أنه غير معني بالتسريبات الصحفية.

وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية عصر الثلاثاء "عندما تصبح قضية سماحة أمام القضاء نتركه ليكمل عمله بعيدا عن الإستغلال السياسي ونحن نعتبر ما ورد في الصحف كأنه لم يوجد والحكم هو من يعطي الحكمة وانتهى الموضوع".

وكان قد اعتقل سماحة الخميس الفائت وهو اعترف – بحسب تسريبات صحفية – بأنه كان يعد لتفجيرات إرهابية في شمال لبنان بطلب من مدير مكتب الأمن الوطني في سوريا اللواء علي مملوك الذي ادعى عليه القضاء أيضا. إلا ان سماحة عينه وبحسب تسريبات أيضا قيل أنه تراجع عن إفادته وعن هذه الإعترافات التي أدلى بها امام فرع المعلومات.

وعن قضية تجديد الحصرية لشركة طيران الشرق الأوسط في مطار رفيق الحريري الدولي (MEA) قال عون "تبين لنا بعد مراجعة الدستور أن الأمر يحتاج إلى قانون وسنطلب تأجيله حتى اصدار القانون".

وفي سياق آخر، أشار عون إلى أن "السفارة الأميركية نفت ما نسب للسفيرة الأميركية في لبنان مورا كونيللي حول تحذيره من محاولة اغتيال".

وكان ذكرت صحيفة "السفير" في عددها الصادر صباح الثلاثاء أن السفيرة الأميركية مورا كونيللي أبلغت رئيس تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" االنائب ميشال عون خلال لقاء جمعهما قبل عشرة أيام أنّ السفارة الأميركية تملك معلومات عن قيام مجموعة إرهابية بالتخطيط لاغتياله. وبحسب الصحيفة، فقد سأل عون سفيرة الولايات المتحدة عن الجهة التي تخطط لاغتياله، فأجابته "حزب الله".

وتحدث يعد عون عضو التكتل النائب ألان عون بصفته عضوا في لجنة بكركي التي كانت تدرس قانون الإنتخاب فأشار إلى أنه "منذ اجتماع الديمان الأول وكل عملنا ناقشنا النسبية مع دوائر متوسطة والتقرير الذي رفعناه إلى بكركي كان يحتوي على اقتراح للنسية مع دوائر متوسطة".

وجزم عون أن الموقف الذي يصدر عن الأفرقاء المسيحيين في قوى 14 آذار "هو تراجع عن ما اتفق عليه في بكركي".

وكان قد استغرب الأفرقاء المسيحيين في 14 آذار موافقة وزراء "الوطني الحر" على النسبية في ظل تقسيم لبنان إلى 13 دائرة قائلين أن التيار فقز فوق ما اتفق عليه في لجنة بكركي أي 61 دائرة مصغرة.

وطالب النائب ألان عون بالمصداقية في النقاش "لأنهم التزموا بالنسبية في ظل الدوائر المتوسطة إلا أنهم تراجعوا تحت وطأة ضغوط حلفائهم".

وختم قائلا "قمنا بواجبنا وأمّنّا اكبر عدد ممكن من الإلتزام بالنسبية تبعا لدوائر متوسطة وعليهم لقاءنا في منتصف الطريق لأننا قمنا بطرح عملي".

  • 17:16 ,2012 آب 14

    آلان عون: قمنا بواجبنا وأمّنّا اكبر عدد ممكن من الإلتزام بالنسبية تبعا لدوائر متوسطة وعليهم لقاءنا في منتصف الطريق لأننا قمنا بطرح عملي

  • 17:15 ,2012 آب 14

    آلان عون: المصداقية في النقاش فهم التزموا بالنسبية في ظل الدوائر المتوسطة إلا أنهم تراجعوا تحت وطأة ضغوط حلفائهم

  • 17:09 ,2012 آب 14

    آلان عون: الموقف الذي يصدر هو تراجع عن ما اتفق عليه في بكركي

  • 17:09 ,2012 آب 14

    النائب آلان عون: منذ اجتماع الديمان الأول وكل عملنا ناقشنا النسبية مع دوائر متوسطة والتقرير الذي رفعناه إلى بكركي كان يحتوي على اقتراح للنسية مع دوائر متوسطة

  • 17:06 ,2012 آب 14

    عون: قانون الإنتخابات سيتكلم عنه النائب آلان عون لأنه عضو التيار في لجنة بكركي التي كانت تبحث مختلف القوانين

  • 17:05 ,2012 آب 14

    رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية: عندما تصبح قضية أمام القضاء نتكه ليكمل عمله ونحن نعتبر ما ورد في الصحف كأنه لم يوجد والحكم هو من يعطي الحكمة وانتهى الموضوع

التعليقات 28
Missing allouchi 17:21 ,2012 آب 14

YAY YAY YAY...the idiot clown AOuN is ON...hurry with some chips...happy hour just started....

Missing gcb1 17:40 ,2012 آب 14

You're the typical Lebanese political follower. And that's not a compliment.

Thumb geha 17:52 ,2012 آب 14

followers are those who follow blindly their syrian and iranian masters trying to cover for their bad actions in Lebanon.
followers are excutors for the syrian regime against the lebanese population.
followers are those playing the sectarian card, always trying to freighten us with salafis and wahabis, while it all came up in the open lately, that their master the syrian regime is behind such bad actions.
followers are those who support hizbushaitan whatever they do.
followers.... are fpm.

Thumb geha 17:54 ,2012 آب 14

by the way: you fpmers being followers is neither a compliment nor an insult: it is a reality.
you are followers acting with the axis of evil against your fellow Lebanese.
it does not matter how much you try to twist reality, the Lebanese people are intelligent, and see through you.

Missing gcb1 18:16 ,2012 آب 14


You assume that I'm an FPM follower, or that I have Iranian and Syrian masters? Well hate to break this to you but I'm not.

When I said you're the typical Lebanese political follower, it means only looking at the faults of one side without questioning the faults of the other and without disputing a so-called evidence. I've noticed that about your comments on this website.

Another typical characteristics of yours is to quickly denounce me as a Syrian/Iranian/Hizbushaitan(as you call them) master just because I criticize M14's policies, even though I could criticize M8's policies as well.

In other words, I don't take anybody's side because none did anything for Lebanon.

Thumb geha 19:29 ,2012 آب 14

you announced your colors by attacking me personally, saying I am a follower :) I have news for you:
I am an m14 policy maker :) and this can be verified from my posts, where I advise of stances before they are even advised to the public.
so following anybody is not my game, and rest assured I do see the errors of m14, but since this government is hijacked by hizbushaitan and their cronies, m14 have no participation in it.
this is why all comments are towards clarifying m8 errors.

Thumb geha 19:31 ,2012 آب 14

please do remember that m14 is not a political party, rather a movement of several groups making the Lebanese population.
they cannot be tasked as followers as they are mostly ahead of m14 politicians, which they proved so many times.
whereas m8 are followers in the sense of what their leaders say they repeat without even thinking about the consequences of what is said.

Missing gcb1 19:48 ,2012 آب 14


You are an M14 policymaker? That doesn't make any sense dude. M14 is a loose coalition of political parties who share similar political views (just like M8). There is no central organization with an office called "M14", nor can you work for "M14". You can be a so-called policymaker for a party within M14, but you can't work for M14 persay. Please, I'm way too intelligent to fall for that.

Oh and by the way, Hezb has 2 ministers out of 30 in cabinet...not sure that means it is kidnapped by them.

M8 and M14 followers are the same usually. Both select the information that suits their views and question and reject those that don't. You are a perfect example of that.

Thumb geha 20:16 ,2012 آب 14

a policy maker is any person involved in policy making.
m14 is NOT a group of political parties, M14 is a people movement who went ahead of their parties in defending the integrity of Lebanon.
so please correct your understanding.
while m8 is what you said a group of political parties of which the followers follow the leader blindly even if he is taking them to their death. :)

Missing gcb1 20:47 ,2012 آب 14


Where is my understanding wrong? You just said the same thing I said.M14 is a coalition of parties...that is what I said.

Anyway, you clearly lack intellectual capacity in order to try to reason with me. Ever read political science literature, or any academic article for that matter? Just by your unprofessional and flawed analysis of politics, I could tell you didn't. You're probably one of those people that go on youtube and wikipedia, read biased news outlets, then tell others to open their eyes.


Missing gcb1 20:57 ,2012 آب 14


M14 is a coalition of parties based on a people's movement, but nonetheless it is a coalition.

Thumb geha 21:10 ,2012 آب 14

thank you for the insults which proves you are an m8 to the bone :)
I notice you still do not grasp the idea:
M14 is a movement of Lebanese people who were followed by some Lebanese parties, and not as you depict it, but then again, the concept is far from your understanding :)
case closed from my side.

Missing gabby 17:47 ,2012 آب 14

Cuchoo.....cuckoo......comb over and hair spray day. Sell out the country so his evil Hezz paymasters can hold on to power and destroy the country more.

Default-user-icon karim_m1 (ضيف) 18:04 ,2012 آب 14

Wadayaknow the real Wahabi Salafi terrorists have names like Michel, Ali, Adnan, Bashar.. I stand corrected.

Default-user-icon boujamrah (ضيف) 18:07 ,2012 آب 14

Aoun on Samaha’s Case: I am Mamlouk by Bashar and Nasrallah and I can't get out.

Thumb shab 19:08 ,2012 آب 14

So only Bassil and Raad acted stupid this time

Thumb thepatriot 19:39 ,2012 آب 14

You always flip the wrong side of the coin... you shall never be president!

Thumb beiruti 19:40 ,2012 آب 14

Syria's Man in Lebanon. Look at him. Syria uses people like Aoun as they used Samaha to serve as traitors to Lebanon so that they may serve the greater cause of the perpetuation of the Assad Crime Syndicate Regime of Syria.

Aoun has built his home at the foot of a volcano which is now erupting.

Thumb beiruti 05:02 ,2012 آب 15

@FT. My memory is alive and well, my friend. Aoun has always been animated by his Presidential fantasy. Now we know, that Aoun was not the original choice for Gemayel as interim PM when Gemayel's mandate ended in1988. Syria wanted Aoun and had promised him the Presidency then. result, Aoun declared war on the LF in 1989. Then when Syria refused to support Aoun in the election, Aoun turned on Syria and declared war on them until the Christian shariah was destroyed and occupied.
Then Aoun ran to France and kissed America's boots to support him. When that didn't happen, then Aoun cut a new deal with Assad to return to Lebanon and has been Assad's surrogate cover for Hezbollah since.
That's the history.

Thumb lebnanfirst 20:03 ,2012 آب 14

Whether Geha is policy maker for M14 or a party within said alliance is immaterial. What is the point of delving into technical details that in the end amount to naught. A byzantine argument as it were.
As to you being not biased and capable of pointing out M8 wrongdoings as well as M14, well, having read many of your posts your philosophy appears to be much closer to M8 than M14 your denials notwithstanding.
Please work harder at jotting down a comment with substance rather than several empty and rhetorical ones attempting to discredit Geha.

Missing gcb1 20:21 ,2012 آب 14


If you've read many of my posts, you'd know that I've harshly criticized Assad and that I don't believe Hezb's arsenal of weapons is good for Lebanon. So please, if I criticized M14, doesn't mean I'm with M8, and if you claim to have read my posts, you would have seen me criticizing Assad and Hezb's weapons.

Don't jump to conclusions of my philosophy, for mine seems to be different than you all. I believe in a Lebanon comprised of political parties that have multiple sects within them, the abolition of the sectarian political system, and a re-focus on Lebanon's slumping economy and attracting foreign investment. To me, both M8 and M14 politicians sit there and are caught up with their foreign allegiances and geopolitics that do no good for the ordinary Lebanese people (even if the latter believe that it does).

Missing gcb1 20:24 ,2012 آب 14

As for your defense of the beloved Geha, I was simply pointing out that what he said did not make any sense, which seems to be consistent with much of his posts that are comprised mainly of speculation and little evidence.

I am not attacking him as an M14 follower (I respect and like to listen to Saleh el Machnouk, who constantly defends M14). It is not his views that I attack, but rather his flawed analysis (which also could be applied to M8 followers as well).

Missing gcb1 20:26 ,2012 آب 14

As for your defense of the beloved Geha, I was simply pointing out that what he said did not make any sense, which seems to be consistent with much of his posts that are comprised mainly of speculation and little evidence.

I am not attacking him as an M14 follower (I respect and like to listen to Saleh el Machnouk, who constantly defends M14). It is not his views that I attack, but rather his flawed analysis (which also could be applied to M8 followers as well).

Thumb lebnanfirst 23:25 ,2012 آب 14

I used to believe exactly as you do vis a non-sectarian political system for Lebanon where being Lebanese first is the rule for ALL. I have since realized that sectarianism is so deep rooted in the Lebanese psyche as to make it un-realistic to expect the Lebanese populace to make a leap that would totally overcome the prevalent sectarian chasm. With M8's attitude of my way or the highway (believe me I tried many time during discussions with M8 friends to reason with them about middle ground to no avail), I find myself gravitating more towards M14 philosophy. Given the state of affairs in Lebanon, I therefore choose the M14 polity as the vehicle to accomplish what you mentioned for all Lebanese.

Thumb lebnanfirst 23:27 ,2012 آب 14

and BTW, it is not that I am defending Geha per se, it is that simply attacking a person does in no way help advance the discussion or any given point of view.

Thumb lebnanfirst 20:05 ,2012 آب 14

Read the article and the 61 districts agreed on during the Bkirki talks don't come even close top the 13 districts proposed by the law. Once again, Aounists stretch the truth to suite their point of view. Nothing new here....

Missing maroun 09:17 ,2012 آب 15

FT there is a difference with been an Alie with anther nation based on mutual understanding and carrying orders for another nation ...i dont see the fsa giving there Lebanese allies orders to kill anyone ,but i see the Syrian government giving orders to there Lebanese allies to disturb the peace and assassinating people .

Default-user-icon Greenie (ضيف) 11:09 ,2012 آب 15

Sever memory defection on behalf of FPM.
Michel aoun yahrob bil pyjama.
25 years of occupation,
Few hundreds lebanese still kidnapped in syria.
Wateh wleh FT sermeye.