عون من جبيل: من يطالب بالدوائر الصغرى يريد فتفتة البلد ويفكر بالربح الآني

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رأى رئيس تكتل التغيير والإصلاح النائب ميشال عون أن "الذين يطالبون بالدوائر الصغرى في قانون الإنتخابات يريدون فتفتة البلد ويفكرون بالربح الآني".

وقال عون اليوم الاحد من بلدة إهمج خلال يومه الثاني من زيارته جبيل: "الذين يطالبون بالدوائر الصغرى يريدون فتفتة البلد وهم يفكرون بالربح الآني، و لم يعد مقبولا أن تتمثل الاكثرية الشعبية بأقلية نيابية".

وإذ أعلن انه مع "القانون النسبي الذي وان كان يخسرنا 4 نواب"، أكد عون "لكن نحن نفتش عن التمثيل الصحيح" ، معتبرا أن "الشعب اللبناني على اختلاف طوائفه موجود على الشاطىء ويحمل حقيبته وكلما اخافه احد يهاجر".

وأضاف: "اذا وصلوا الى الحكم سيكون خيارا قاتلا، لانهم يقومون بانقلاب جذري هو أخطر من زمن الوصاية السورية".

يشار الى أن الأفرقاء في البلاد يختلفون على قانون موحد للإنتخابات، ففيما قدمت الحكومة مشروع قانون بتقسيم لبنان إلى 13 دائرة انتخابية على أساس النسبية رفضتها المعارضة وقدمت الأطراف المسيحية فيها قانونا يقسم لبنان إلى 51 دائرة على أساس النظام الأكثري.

وكان عون أعلن من بلدة قرطبا الجبيلية أمس السبت أن قانون الانتخاب "سيقر ولا مفر من ذلك، ولا حجة لديهم لعدم اقراره، والقانون لن يخلصهم أو يخلص حلفاءهم وسيخسرون حتى بقانون ال60 لأن الشعب واع لحسم أمره في الانتخابات".

التعليقات 20
Missing maroun 11:17 ,2012 أيلول 30

the clown is only worried about himself.what is wrong with Christians voting for there own MP's ..he knows well he doesn't have the majority christian support..he is only interested in power at any cost ,even if it destroys the country.

Missing maroun 15:08 ,2012 أيلول 30

FT his statement is contradictory in it self .is he willing to give away four MPs .what he proposes suits a senate not a parliamentary
system.an MP should be elected by his local people and not outsiders.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:32 ,2012 أيلول 30

I am sure you do know, since you are always up on current news, that the proposal you mentioned was made AFTER the FPM supported and was part of the government's 13 districts and nisbiyyeh plan and AFTER M14 Christians decried FPM's backtracking on the agreement reached between all Christian parties in Bkirki.

Half truths are not becoming of someone who insists on wanting nothing but the truth.

Thumb bigsami 19:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Siddo ya schizo Farsi BSThrower. Keep digging your grave deeper with your usual idiotic posts.

Default-user-icon aoundizer (ضيف) 12:11 ,2012 أيلول 30

Christian vote is for Lebanese forces and for Dori chamoun i guess as proved in keserwen and metn and so on...slash ur war criminal geagea backstabbed lebanon in 1990 and then went like a bobby for the assad's funeral's....yii sorry i forgot to say doctor hahaha...anyhow hope this time he ll have the guts to at least nominate one candidate in keserwan al foufou.and maybe also not support berry in jezzine this yr!

Missing peace 13:02 ,2012 أيلول 30

“It will be a fatal choice if they come to power because they are carrying out a revolt that is more dangerous than the period of Syrian hegemony over Lebanon.”

i guess iranian hegemony is the best for the country so they will protect you and help you achieve your frustrated dreams...
stop taking people for fools making hezbis look democrats and sunnis look salafis. you are the one fragmenting the society by instilling this populist propaganda in people s minds...

Thumb james 14:08 ,2012 أيلول 30

@flamethrower Just because I disagree with you on some things doesn't mean everything you said was wrong, because some is right. Geagea was a man of many mistakes, as was Aoun. But in 1990, Aoun and Dany Chamoun were the ones who were doing the right thing for Lebanon. Taef snapped the Christians in half. But that was then. Think of now. Today I see Aoun, once the fiercest anti-Syrian in our country, allied with them. Allied with the same people who in the recent past murdered our men. Emptied our coffers. The same people who would kill any voice opposed to them. Geagea, today, is against the Syrians, the Lebanese and the Lebanese Christians historical opponent. One day normal relations will be good, but many steps need to be taken. Aoun was right. Now he was wrong. Geagea was wrong. Now he is right. They are both as bad as eachother, don't get me wrong, what we need is fresh people for Libnan

Missing roger@10452 14:33 ,2012 أيلول 30

Ya ex-general, the only that is fragmented is your head...TRAITOR!!!

Default-user-icon aoundizer (ضيف) 14:36 ,2012 أيلول 30

slash get a life and change that pic...with all due respect khallas dude, it s been 30 yrs...put fakhredine's pic eza shi kamen...

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 16:35 ,2012 أيلول 30

General of disaster, how much more chaos will you bring you and your friends to Lebanon? you have caused recent wars, killing in beirut, low tourism from the people that spend most ( arabs) , build up bad relationships with them, bow to syrians infiltrations in to our territory, accepted that the iranians say that hezbollah is here to attack israel if Iran is attacked, the list is so long. I will not side with March14th because the list is maybe longer but at the end one has to calculate the damages and pick the lesser evil. I am sorry but when i see Hezbollah and i see hariri, i see future tv and i see manar, i see who gives christians Mps in their bloc and positions and who denies them even the right to enter their islamic militia, i understand well.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (ضيف) 16:43 ,2012 أيلول 30

@ FLAMETHROWER,I understand that the Lebanon of Hezbollah and Aoun is not the Lebanon i dream of, and the lebanon of march 14th is not the lebanon i dream of, but the one i need right now in order to avoid disaster.
Aoun is betting on proportionnal representation because he lost his 50% of christians. He is clearly betting on the chiite vote and u cannot deny it. Yes he knows he will lose 4Mps because u said it urself he knows he will not be able to get his jbeil-keserwan list complete cause half of the christians that were with him will not vote for him. He will get his mps there with the chiites votes and thus lose those 4MPs he is talking about...
I know he is crazy , but he is at least smarter than his stupid supporters , he knows he is loosing mps, but if Hezbollah and him form a majority , he will be president. It was, is , and will be always his only and sole dream, and the expense will be Lebanon as usual.

Thumb thepatriot 16:59 ,2012 أيلول 30

James! Thumbs up! Couldn't agree more!

Missing youssefhaddad 20:30 ,2012 أيلول 30

Recycling politicians who are never held accounatble will keep Lebanon under, no matter what election laws are passed.

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 22:02 ,2012 أيلول 30

Finally Aoun admits he needs the he is the one against the small districts that favor Christian votes............ I wonder why? and yet his party kept lying and accusing others of it.

Default-user-icon unchristian (ضيف) 09:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

no one has divided and hurt and destroyed christians in lebanon more than this man. no one has helped the cause of hezbolah and syria more than this man. and he wants to talk about being "unchristian"

Default-user-icon hanoun the real LF (ضيف) 13:39 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

let the orthodox plan work it is the only way for christians to elect all 64 deputies
god bless 10452
+oua nabka +

Missing allouchi 19:07 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

starsky, well said

Default-user-icon Anthony k. (ضيف) 19:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

ft u're disgusting! How could someone be so blind, so stupid? Of course, that is if u're not a Aoun family member or servant for instance..
and how come naharnet doesn't mention the brave families who restricted Aoun to enter the church to "pray" for the martyrs he killed himself, in his disgusting quest for power and narcissism..
God bless you Lebanon, I hope one day you will wake up and love life again!

Thumb bigsami 19:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 01

Slash...it's more like pathetic to see this Farsi come back for more abuse time after time....lol!

Thumb thepatriot 10:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 02

FT...if you truely believe what you are writing... you belong in a mental institution! You are rewriting history as you see it fit. You're a waste of time. Go get a life, you're a sorry and pathetic person...I don't envy you...