نتانياهو يتعهد من جديد بمنع وصول "اسلحة خطيرة" لحزب الله

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جدد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو، تعهده بأنه سيعمل من أجل عدم وصول "اسلحة خطيرة الى مسلحي حزب الله".

كلام نتانياهو، جاء غداة تقارير تناقلتها وسائل اعلام اميركية مفادها ان سلسلة الانفجارات التي سجلت في 5 تموز قرب مدينة اللاذقية الساحلية السورية ناجمة عن ضربات جوية اسرائيلية.

وأفادت التقارير أن هذه الغارات استهدفت شحنة صواريخ روسية مضادة للسفن.

الا أن نتانياهو رفض تأكيد أو نفي قيام إسرائيل بهذا الهجوم، قائلاً إن "السياسة الإسرائيلية تقضي "بمنع نقل أسلحة خطيرة إلى حزب الله وغيره من المنظمات الإرهابية".

وكان نتانياهو قد قال في وقت سابق "ما ان يحصل شيء في الشرق الاوسط حتى يتهمون اسرائيل. لست معتادا على قول ما نقوم او ما لا نقوم به. يمكنني ان اقول لكم ان سياستي تقضي بمنع نقل الاسلحة الخطيرة الى حزب الله ومجموعات ارهابية اخرى".

ونقلت "نيويورك تايمز" عن مسؤولين اميركيين لم تكشف هوياتهم ان الغارة الاسرائيلية استهدفت صواريخ "ياخونت" المضادة للبوارج اشترتها دمشق من روسيا.

التعليقات 20
Missing phillipo 11:46 ,2013 تموز 15

"January 13, 1983:
* Following three weeks of negotiations, Israel and Lebanon agree on an agenda for peace talks."
30 years later and still nothing.
Who is to blame ?

Missing phillipo 12:42 ,2013 تموز 15

The1phoenix - please don't confuse yourself between me and Phil - we are two different people.

Missing beirutbastard00 23:31 ,2013 تموز 15

Same views tho...

Thumb dasphinx 15:02 ,2013 تموز 15

What happened to the threat that Syria will retaliate against Israel? a77a ya Bicho

Thumb Bandoul 15:28 ,2013 تموز 15

@the_roar, nice post. My two cents are as follows: there can only be peace with Israel when every last Palestinian is guaranteed and granted the right of return to Palestine. Period, the end. I am a proponent of the two state solution and want to see all refugees go home. As to HA, anyone who still believes they exist to defend our southern borders, are choosing to ignore reality and I respect that. HA is a tool which gives otherwise marginalized Shia the rights that were striped from them on one hand and leverage for Iran to be a thorn in the thigh of the US/Israel on the other. Lebanon is a victim of dirty M8 and M14 politician getting rich and securing their personal interest ahead of that of the Lebanese.

Thumb Bandoul 17:19 ,2013 تموز 15

@the_roar, in a world of fairness and equality your words would ring true. The sad reality is completely different though. If you look at the surrounding countries, Israel, Syria, the Gulf states and Saddam's Iraq, all benefited from Lebanon's demise and have no real interest whatsoever to see a prosperous per-civil war era Lebanon to re-emerge and dominate the middle-east. Lebanon hosts thru the greed or maybe naivety of its political class, all the problems of the Arab world, forgotten and swept under the rug but festering and ready for ignition by third parties keeping us occupied while they leap forward and we slip backwards. Beirut in the late sixties and early seventies was as good as the middle east gets and a pioneering Arab state. There is no interest whatsoever by friends or foe of this little country for it to heal and succeed.

Thumb bigsami 19:00 ,2013 تموز 15

"Phil the problem is not HA"...LMAO! the_BORE.....seriously man get off that bottle!

Thumb cityboy 20:09 ,2013 تموز 15

Theroar, while I do see the logic in your arguements regarding Israel, if this applied to any other state than Israel then I might be inclined to agree with you, however, I think you are missing the point that it isnt Lebanon that doesnt want peace, its rather the other way around. Israels idea of peace means it dictates and imposes the terms and conditions. Moreover, I truelly think Israel was created for the purpose of perpetual conflict in the middle east. Do you think the west gives Israel billions of dollars annually because they love the jews, i dont think so. If the Israelis want peace so bad, why are they so interested in bombing Iran, where is the logic in that. And please dont tell me that you truelly believe in the myth that Jews are the chosen people, you do know that jews are not a race by the way.

Thumb Bandoul 20:39 ,2013 تموز 15

@cityboy, "Do you think the west gives Israel billions of dollars annually because they love the jews" actually no, no reasonable person believes that. The way I see it is the Jews are incredibly talented at invoking and pushing the Golda Meyer 'holocaust' button to get pretty much whatever they want and probably rightfully so (please do not label me an Israeli agent) however I do believe Israel wants peace (albeit on their somewhat unreasonable terms) while certain elements on the opposing side want to simply take all as opposed to accepting reality and sharing. I am convinced however Israel will do everything in its power, right or wrong, to circumvent the return of millions of displaced Palestinian refugees. I cannot abide or accept a peace with Israel until they guarantee and grant the right of return first and foremost. When Israel agrees to this and the Arabs accept the two state solution, there will be the beginnings of real peace.

Thumb Bandoul 20:42 ,2013 تموز 15

Golda Meir, sorry for the typo.

Thumb cityboy 22:18 ,2013 تموز 15

Bandoul, I think there is a lot more to Israel then simply a group of people that have experienced wrongs to them in europe. You have the Israeli mossad that is involved in activities way beyond the middle east, right into africa, south america and the rest of asia. I am not convinced that Israel was established for any noble reasons. If that were truelly the case, I am sure that the jews blessed with many many academics could have come up with answers years ago to live in peace with the arabs even if it meant the return of all palestinians and an establishment of a plural society. The irony of the jews is they are the first to push for a mixed society in any western country but are adament it doesnt happen in israel. I also want to remind you of Israels bombing of Qana two times, those bombings were simply for the purpose of creating hate towards Israel and hence extend the conflict for many years to come.

Missing beirutbastard00 23:39 ,2013 تموز 15

Cityboy, thnk u. 100%

Missing phillipo 20:44 ,2013 تموز 15

I know that I am going to be "crucified" for this but I'm going to write it anyway.
If we are talking about people going back to where they came from, just how many generations are we talking about? Just remember that the original Arabs who spread out over the Middle East came originally from the deserts of What is now Saudi Arabia. The dark skinned "Palestinians" started out from Nubia, (Upper Egypt and Sudan).
There is no argument that the Jews have been in Jerusalem for over 3000 years, need I go on?

Thumb Bandoul 21:09 ,2013 تموز 15

@phillipo, I am referring to Palestinian refugees in refugee camps across the Arab world who were expelled from Palestine at the onset of the Israeli state, nothing more and nothing less. And why should you be crucified for stating facts? I think maybe you misunderstood which refugees I referring to? Yes the Jews were in Palestine thousands of years before the Arabs arrived and settled there thru wars.

Missing beirutbastard00 23:46 ,2013 تموز 15

Philipo... Hahahaha no we don't crucify here... I think u get what I'm saying.

Yea u are right, "dark skinned" Palestinians came from everywhere but Palestine. On the other hand, the white skinned, blonde hair Jews from Europe... Well they've been in Jerusalem for 3000yrs!! Lool

Stop your propaganda, it only works on young Lebanese living abroad. Here we know what ur ppl are.

Ps... If we are taking the bible as proof, lets talk about Abraham... His first son is the father of the Arabs, and his second son the Jews... So if anything, we are to share the land, or since Ishmael (Arabs) was the first son, he is his fathers heir!

Missing beirutbastard00 23:29 ,2013 تموز 15

Israelis are evil people. They don't want peace with anyone.

What happened in 1983??? Ask israel what took them to the heart of Beirut.

How anyone can stand up for a racist blood thirsty nation like Israel is beyond me!

We held Spain for hundreds of years... Israel's 60 years are but a drop in the bucket. They will leave, they are not from here.

Missing beirutbastard00 23:37 ,2013 تموز 15

The roar, dude plz plz read some history! Don't take what Israeli say for face value. They are masters of deception.

Are we forgetting that Israel invaded Lebanon in 1982, and by 83 they were inside Beirut?? The Israeli OCCUPATION OF LEBANON did not end till 2000! They don't want peace they want HA disarmed, period.

Btw... HA came after Israel invaded, not the other way around! These ppl disobeyed Moses, killed Jesus, and betrayed Mohamad... Nothing they say is to be believed!

The roar did you know that Saudi gave them an offer of full peace and normal relations between Israel and ALL the Arab countries?? Israel ignored it! The off is still on the table, and I'm 100% for it. So phill and Phillipo plz go ask your ppl why they have refused peace???

Missing beirutbastard00 23:54 ,2013 تموز 15

I can't believe the amount of Israeli propaganda here :/

You can't ask the victim to make peace! That is called surrendering. We will never stop fighting BACK!

When Israel decides to make peace, we are all ready.

Missing phillipo 07:55 ,2013 تموز 16

"You can't ask the victim to make peace! That is called surrendering."
So what you are saying is that Egypt and Jordan surrendered when they made peace with Israel. I don't think so, and I'm sure that they don't either.

Thumb cityboy 01:10 ,2013 تموز 16

Agreed bb00, its the old fairytale that we hear all the time, Israel is just a tiny piece of land and all it wants is to live in peace, only if those arabs would just leave it alone. As for the jews from europe, russia and other far flong places, one has to wonder what was or still is the agenda behind bringing these non mideastern people to come and live in Israel, especially when a palestinian in a refugee camp in lebanon is not even allowed to return to their home.