Arrest Warrant Issued against al-Atrash over Terrorist Activities
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
A military examining magistrate issued on Tuesday an arrest warrant against Sheikh Omar al-Atrash for carrying out terrorist activities, the state-run National News Agency reported.
NNA said Judge Nabil Wehbe questioned al-Atrash over his role in transporting suicide bombers to Lebanon.
Al-Atrash, 24, has also been charged with detonating bombs and explosive-rigged vehicles, attacking the army in Majdelyoun and al-Awwali bridge areas in the southern city of Sidon in December and launching rockets on Israel.
The Sheikh, who hails from the Bekaa valley, was arrested last month.
The Lebanese army said last week that al-Atrash has admitted to having ties with Abdullah Azzam Brigades, Jabhat al-Nusra and The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) members.
He has also admitted to transporting suicide bombers in a Cherokee to attack the army in Majdelyoun and al-Awwali bridge and of transferring four rockets from Syria in August last year to launch them towards Israel.

Good.... now issue an arrest warrant for Nasrallah for the following:
1. Aiding and killing Syrian and Lebanese civilians
2. Ordering the killing of Hariri and other Lebanese politicians
3. Harboring fugitives wanted by the STL
4. Arming the gangs in Jabal Mohsin
4. Invading Beirut on May 7th and causing numerous deaths and destruction
5. Starting several wars that resulted in the death of thousands of innocent civilians
6. Possession of illegal weapons and an arsenal exceeding 100,000 rockets
7. Numerous other crimes to be determined at the time of arrest

entirely true :) and I salute a fellow Lebanese patriot in you :)

@popeye: May I add a simple offense/crime to your lovely list:
8. Exiting and re-entering Lebanon on a forged passport during his numerous visits to Tehran without passing immigration and clearing customs.

popeye you for the most important one...
9. launching rockets on Israel.
if it is illegal for atrash to do then should be illegal basrallah

@josephani: here is what you wrote only yesterday you hypocrite!
josephani Yesterday
It would be nice to see everyone for once take a step back and count to ten before firing off words and comment that amount to quasi-sectarian groveling and are more dangerous than missiles, rockets and bombs.

It is funny that, when it suits the so called Lebanese leaders, they blame their mischiefs on Israel. No Israel did not kill Hariri, and, yes, leaders like Nassrallah no matter how much respected in their own circles will suffer the same faith like Saddam Hussein, Muammar Al-Gaddafi and the like. Why? Because it does not matter whether H.A.'s initial intentions actually were, or may have been, ethical as long as their hands get dirtier and dirtier as they serve the masters' agendas in the region which, by the way, goes against the Wattan and the people.

lol, okay, if you say so. please add that israel is innocent and lovely cuddly, so we can believe it too

Most of all setting up and managing an armed gang , created by a foreign country,receive finance from the same country, to serve a foreign country agenda, and receiving orders from outside Lebanon to topple the Lebanese regime , and deprive the Lebanese people from freedom and democracy.

3, 4b, and 6 could work.
But that would only start a civil war.

3: the warrants emanate from an unconstitutional tribunal (the STL was never approved by the Lebanese parliament, as is required by the constitution, all was done at the government level which is not enough, constitutionally speaking. which is puzzling because we all know how much m14 are pro-constitution)
4b: in that case you would have to find and sue those who opened fire on the protesters on may 7th, and the armed gangs that were deployed in front of HA
6: only problem is they are not illegal :)

momo, you are a certified idiot, courtesy of the FPM school of idiocy

samy, I wholeheartedly agree with your assessment. What about Flamethrower? Please, advise?

"the STL was never approved by the Lebanese parliament, as is required by the constitution, all was done at the government level which is not enough, constitutionally speaking"
mowaten, what about your hizb's weapons, were they approved by parliament? referendum? constitutionally speaking?

what about your hizb's war in Syria, was it approved by parliament, constitutionally speaking?

excellent popeye! It seems according to mowaten, the STL is unconstitutional because it requires parliament approval, but declaring war and invading another country is mighty constitutional) It figures....!

Dearest samy: Thank you for your confirmation. I suspected that, but getting your confirmation in such an emphatic manner cleared any doubt I may have had on this matter.

@Mowaten : we take no lecture on the constitution from Hezbollah supporters who have broken every law and article of the constitution !

So you admit to 1/2/4a and 5, thats good enough for me. Popeye get me the handcuffs :)

samy2, i will not return the insult, but you know full well what i think of you :)
popeye: let me just recap what you're saying:
the stl is illegal, but since HA's weapons were not approved by parliament, then it's okay to have an illegal tribunal. is that it?

and yes tornado, serving justice is a sovereign right, to surrender it to a foreign power requires govt+parliament. that's the constitution, whether you like it or not.
FC: i know you dont think you need a lecture, you must be convinced you know it all, or you can just "guesstimate" whatever law you want, as you go and as it suits you. that can work between you and your buddies, or in a joke contest, but that's more or less where it stops.
this i why i lolled at popeye's first comment. if he's here to amuse us, i might as well enjoy it.

@Mowaten : demonstrate how Hezbollah abides and respects all Lebanese Laws and the constitution and then we can have a discussion... until then, your party of kalashikovs and fake Sheikhs of war is a terrorist and illegal organisation !

mowaten keeps trying to defend what cannot be defended with silly comments like him.

I would add TREASON to your list for openly pledging allegiance to a foreign power, in this case Iran.

in that case, we'll have all moustaqbal in jail for pledging allegiance to saudi arabia, and all the ouwwet for pledging allegiance to both israel AND saudi arabia (double sentence?)

I can refer you to plenty of audio-visuals of nasrallah pledging allegiance to Iran. Show me one proof of your silly claim. Just one....

cedars, the Ouwet did take weapons from Israel yes! But they never pledged allegiance to Israel.

Mustaqbal does not have a foreign army on Lebanese soil that only answers to foreign powers and that use their weapons internally.
And please, show me who/where/when did anyone pledge allegiance to Israel ? Aoun has more links with Israel than other politicians :)

hahahah your excuses are so lame you should thank god for naharnet allowing you multiple accounts to upvote yourself.

typical mowaten comeback when he does not have an answer. @popeye schooled you mowaten, and your answer shows you are a bad loser.

i answered popeye above, you obviously cant read. but in any case, i'll pass on your "objective" score-keeping :)

"he is a terrorist, was harboring a bunch of criminals..."
Yes Nasrullah is all of the above and YES we intend to see him tried for his crimes

lol add shraf rifi as interior minister, and that would be the dream cabinet of m14, all perfectly neutral technocrats of course ;)

looks like you would love to have a cabinet of extremists to justify your extremism! waw that is news for me :)
actually I thought that was what aoun and hizbushaitan trying to create: sunni extremism! am I right?????

roar and mowaten: your stupidity is so high these days that I doubt you see it :)

Well, for M8, it would be :
President of Lebanon : Bashar el Assad
Prime Minister of Lebanon : Bashar el Assad
Head of Parliament : Bashar el Assad
Personal and Spiritual Adviser : Ayatollah Khomeini
Defence & Foreign & Interior Minister: Hassan Nasrallah and the 40 thieves

My list is realistic whereas your list shows how you don't understand the first thing about your political opponents...
Contrary to "popular sheep" belief, M14 or Anti-Hezbollah members are not, never were and never will support terrorists the same way you support Hezbollah.
You have failed to show any link between these leaders and these terrorists... on the other hand, not one day passes without Hezbollah emphasising their terrorist nature !
The only one embarrassing himself is you !

Ah ... violence. Hezbollah's modus operandi ! Your idea of political dialogue !
Throw tomatoes, katioushas or bullets at me ... you can never beat the truth !