Jumblat, Berri Set to Travel amid Government Deadlock

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Despite the political deadlock in Lebanon, officials including Speaker Nabih Berri and Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat are gearing up to head to foreign countries.

Jumblat had pointed out in comments published in al-Joumhouria newspaper on Wednesday that he has been “reincarnated before his death... and I will be in China currently until a breakthrough is achieved.”

The newspaper reported that Jumblat will be in China on a personal vacation.

For his part, Berri will kick off on Friday a tour on several Arab and European countries.

The tour will begin in Kuwait and is expected to include the Islamic Republic of Iran, Germany and Albania.

The Central News Agency reported that the Speaker will head to Kuwait on a private visit and will hold talks with prominent officials to fortify the ties between the two countries.

Maronite Patriarch Beshara al-Rahi traveled on a two-week trip to the Vatican on Tuesday.

The patriarch is scheduled to brief Pope Francis on the National Charter that received wide support from Lebanese politicians from across the political spectrum.

The cabinet formation process reached a standstill after it was put on front burner recently over disputes concerning the distribution of ministerial portfolios.

Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam, a 67-year-old moderate, was appointed in April two weeks after the resignation of Premier Najib Miqati.

He has been facing difficulty in forming his cabinet due to deep rift between the political foes.

Comments 4
Default-user-icon Assaad (Guest) 12 February 2014, 08:32

M. Joumblat joue le role du modéré, mais cela ne fait que compliquer la situation. M8 et M14 n'ont pas besoin de lui pour faire un gouvernement s'ils voulaient se mettre d'accord (et ce n'est pas le cas).la seule solution est qu'il se remette avec M8 pour faire le gouvernement vu que les M14 avec Joumblat n'oseront jamais relever le defis.

Thumb popeye 12 February 2014, 08:33

Berri on a tour, Jumblatt visiting the wall of China, Miqati in Sochi, Bassil in Dubai, and the country is left to rot.

Missing nuetral 12 February 2014, 11:19

There should be a travel ban for all of these guys until they form a goverment. The owe it to the people.Enough is enough.

Missing beirutbastard00 12 February 2014, 13:44

gotta admit it is a good time for a vacation. what did jumblat mean by his statement tho? I hate how naharnet never goes in depth.