Paoli: Preserving Lebanon's Stability is Army's Role, France is an Assistance

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

French ambassador to Lebanon Patrice Paoli stated on Tuesday that the international agreement to preserve Lebanon's stability can only be achieved through Lebanon's army and security forces, As Safir daily reported.

“There is no such thing as an international umbrella and we have never said that. In reality there is an international understanding U.N. Security Council to preserve Lebanon's stability,” said Paoli in an interview to the daily.

He added: “However stability cannot be achieved solely through an international decision, particularly in light of the current changing circumstances, and France has its capacities through the UNIFIL in the South that alone cannot guarantee continued stability. Maintaining stability is the role of the Lebanese army and security forces.”

Assuring that the French weapons to Lebanon that have been financed through a $3 billion Saudi grant have not been frozen, he said: “Our role is to help through the military aid program that supports the army. There is a French-Saudi commitment to back the army.”

He stated that “Lebanon's regime was not established to fabricate understandings among the Lebanese but more likely it was made to forbid parties from controlling each other. The Lebanese political machine is unable to make decisions.”

“France has succeeded, in the darkest circumstances, to create the International Support Group for Lebanon. France always discusses issues of Lebanon with all its partners in the region, and we will not stop doing so, but the decision to elect a president is not in its hands.”

Comments 3
Thumb farsical.resistance 14 July 2015, 15:43

"very wrong in the political system in Lebanon!"

You mean like when Nasrallah hand picked then appointed Mikati prime minister?
Moreover even with ten minsters from his block, Aoun, the self described "defender of the Christian rights", could not return the stolen Christian post of General Security chief to the Christians as he promised. He had to submit to his supreme leader Nasrallah's Shiite candidate.

Missing helicopter 14 July 2015, 20:00

christhians of Lebanon are not sheep and they do not belong to any one leader, especially one who has proven his dedication to his private interests. You must be a HA follower to think of the christhians in the same way.

Missing helicopter 14 July 2015, 20:12

Paoli: Preserving Lebanon's Stability is Army's Role .........

Oups, is he going to anger HA supporters by being so blatant about it? He must be thinking only Lebanon, HA has a higher goal Welayat El Faqih and that supersedes the role of any army - just ask an ISIS fighter. Jihadists do not believe in borders, only Divine Ideologies by which God is enlisted to justify mass murders and atrocities.