Report: Jumblat Rejects Raising Retirement Age of Top Officers due to Strain on Treasury

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Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat reportedly rejects raising the retirement age of senior security officers that was recently proposed by General Security chief Abbas Ibrahim, said As Safir newspaper on Friday.

He told the daily: “Such a suggestion would incur major strains on the treasury.”

“The initiative is a joke because we would then be faced with a large number of majors in the security ranks,” he explained.

“We therefore have no choice but to resort to extending their terms,” he stated.

Ibrahim had proposed raising the retirement age of senior army officers for three years aimed at ending a growing political crisis.

The head of General Security stressed that his initiative is well-studied, denying that it would put financial pressure on the treasury by keeping top officers in their posts.

“No one has the right to express his viewpoint on something which he does not know,” said Ibrahim about the critics of his plan.

Media reports said however that Ibrahim's proposal would not see light given the disputes among political blocs.

Ibrahim made his initiative to resolve the controversy on the appointment of high-ranking military and security officials.

The Free Patriotic Movement of MP Michel Aoun has rejected the extension of the terms of the top military and security brass because the lawmaker wants his son-in-law Brig. Gen. Chamel Roukoz, who is the Commando Regiment chief, to become army chief.

Defense Minister Samir Moqbel extended last week the terms of the army commander, the chief of staff and the secretary general of the Higher Defense Council.



Comments 7
Thumb ex-fpm 14 August 2015, 09:28

Abbas Ibrahim would do Lebanon and the Christians right by resigning and giving back his position to its rightful owners: the Christians of Lebanon, instead of trying to please Aoun by adding more burdens on an already stretched treasury.

Thumb -phoenix1 14 August 2015, 13:24

@ex-fpm, wasn't it that traitor Claoun that lost us this top position? And what are they our siblings doing with it except screw it up as they do with everything they take?

Default-user-icon flamethrower (Guest) 14 August 2015, 09:46

Dear Mr. Junblatt
Do you know why I was banned?
Do you know why mowaten uses 61 screen names?
Do you know why the_roar briefly appeared and got 20 votes and became a top rated poster?

Default-user-icon Mr. Junblatt (Guest) 14 August 2015, 11:51

dearest Flamethrower (Guest)
you were banned because you have no morals.
mowaten is versatile and gets bored with one screen name plus it is good for his bruised ego.
the_roar pleasant and brief appearance was to say " I am here" and I can vote, very similar to Aoun.

Default-user-icon the_roar (Guest) 14 August 2015, 10:11

Dear Mr. Jumblatt:
Why is FT the most informative poster on naharnet and why is his argumentation a cut above the rest by a country mile?

Default-user-icon speakteezly (Guest) 14 August 2015, 11:18

flamethrower, why are you sectarian ?

Thumb ado.australia 14 August 2015, 18:35

extending the terms is the only option? What happened to appointing a new general? Are the rest of the LAF Generals that incompetent that they can not be promoted? Do you have no respect or confidence in the LAF hierarchy? Stop this rubbish... We all know you and the rest of your MPs are nothing but experts in prolonging rubbish circuses! Extending your terms as MPs and robbing the Lebanese of their right to vote! Why can't the Lebanese vote for a new parliament????? I