Miqati Denies he Would Resign if Cabinet Doesn’t Fund STL
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Prime Minister Najib Miqati denied on Thursday that he has vowed to resign if the cabinet failed to fund the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.
The denial came after al-Liwaa daily said Miqati has stressed he would submit his resignation if his allies in the cabinet Hizbullah, AMAL and the Free Patriotic Movement were not convinced of the importance of funding the STL.
Miqati held a closed-doors meeting on Tuesday with Administration and Justice Committee Chairman MP Robert Ghanem informing him of his decision, al-Liwaa said.
A source told the newspaper that the PM’s stance comes in harmony with the position of the National Struggle Front bloc ministers led by MP Walid Jumblat and ministers loyal to President Michel Suleiman.
But Miqati’s press office denied that the prime minister would resign in case the STL wasn’t funded, saying his stance from the tribunal is clear.
Miqati is seeking to find ways to resolve the issue of the STL funding, it said.
He received at the end of September a message from U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon requesting that Lebanon pay its $33 million in dues.
However, Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah ruled out that his party will support the funding of the court, stating that if the cabinet failed to reach consensus on the matter, then it should be submitted to a vote at the parliament.

stop the farce, it is useless after the lebanese vote at the arab league.
your decisions are just hurting al lebanese.
soon you will face a general open strike and civil disobediance. this is democracy. there will be no demonstration, but closure of the country down.
your resignation is a must.

it is the only way he can buy his hizballah allies some time without exposing Lebanon for sanctions, until syria drowns...

now that the fall of the syrian regime is clearly coming, their real friend, israel is defending their fall :)
this is clearly showing the real coalition in the region between the syro/iranian/israelis.
all the talk about resistance is just words, and the wars that happened had only one goal: diminish the economic value of Lebanon, so this coalition can control it better.
today I can advise this coalition of the formation of the new Lebanese resistance, and its actions will be starting to show very soon.
we are reclaiming our country from these thugs.

The STL is one out of the 15 or 20 reasons why you should resign!
Don't think it twice. Resign NOW!
Let them try and bring back Karami, and we will be in the streets, and we will also take this clowan down... again!
Time for a new revolution in Lebanon!

@patriot: they do not have the majority anymore. they cannot get any other government :)

i think we must respect the prime minister coz he passed our country from dangerous situation to a stable situation perhaps, but he must know before that can't continue with his partners coz they are thinking that all lebanon represented through them and the other lebanese are prefetch. so hurry up MR. PM

fear is the worst enemy.
this situation is dangerous but that does not mean we accept it and all that is going on on the ground.
it is time time to reclaim our country, by peacefull means, but if the other side wants war, then be it.
at this stage, anything is better than what is going on:
they are empovreshing us each day to keep us under their boots.
is this what anyone wants?

ultimately no one can deny he will :) he follows his interest, and M14 is where the future is.

Well...he has deceived before...
When under pressure and under threat...
I hope and believe you are right.

Miiqati is a self serving politician aligned with the 2 butchers Assad and Sayedd Hassan . He will do exactly what they tell him to do or his fate will not differ from Rafiq.