TV Series 'Car Bomb' Sparks Panic in Aley

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

A simulated car bombing during the shooting of a TV series in Aley sparked panic on Sunday in the Mount Lebanon region, media reports said.

“The blast that was heard in Aley resulted from the detonation of a fake car bomb during the shooting of a TV series scene,” LBCI television reported.

MTV for its part said the residents of Aley and the neighboring areas panicked after hearing the blast and seeing a plume of black smoke bellowing from the site.

The most recent bomb attack in Lebanon occurred on Tuesday when a car bomb killed Fatah Movement official Fathi Zeidan in the southern city of Sidon.

The country has witnessed dozens of deadly bombings in recent years, most of which were claimed by jihadist groups such as Islamic State and al-Nusra Front.


Comments 2
Missing rami 17 April 2016, 18:10

TV series called "car bomb" and in Lebanon? Very creative from the director in being filmed in a country that tops ratings in REAL car bombs...

Thumb gigahabib 17 April 2016, 20:49
