General Security Arrests Lebanese for Selling Arms to Terror Groups

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The General Security announced on Tuesday the arrest of a Lebanese national on suspicion of belonging to terrorist groups and for communicating with terrorists.

Y.M. confessed to selling weapons and explosives to these groups and smuggling them to Syria.

He was aided by other Lebanese nationals, identified as H.M., A.Y., B.T., F.S., and F.A.

He has since been referred to the concerned judiciary and efforts are underway to apprehend his accomplices.



Comments 4
Thumb justin 19 April 2016, 14:22

and these terror groups need to buy explosives from Lebanon when they have all the weapons they need in Syria.

Thumb ex-fpm 19 April 2016, 14:36

Y.M. confessed to selling weapons and explosives to these groups and smuggling them to Syria.

it sure seems KSA and Qatar are not supplying these 'terrorists' with enough weapons;)

Thumb marcus 19 April 2016, 16:01

another confession another story of how great our general security is.

Thumb liberty 20 April 2016, 05:13

Unbelievably believable story!