Charbel Confirms STL Investigators Requested Fingerprints of 'Some Lebanese'
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Interior Minister Marwan Charbel confirmed on Wednesday that the investigators of the U.N.-backed court probing the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri requested the fingerprint records of some Lebanese citizens.
“I informed them that I can’t evade the legal framework that organizes such requests,” Charbel told As Safir newspaper.
He said that according to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon cooperation protocol, any request like this must be submitted to the general prosecution directorate.
“They have to submit the request to the general prosecution,” Charbel stressed.
In March 2011, ex-Interior Minister Ziad Baroud confirmed that he supplied court prosecutor Daniel Bellemare with the fingerprint records of some Lebanese, noting that it was not possible to give him the fingerprints of all the Lebanese.
A dispute recently rose in Lebanon on whether the March 8-dominant government would renew the mandate of the STL with some amendments to the cooperation protocol.
However, U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon said during his visit to Lebanon last week that there’s no need to modify the protocol, noting that the mandate would be automatically extended.
He said that the timeframe of the extension would be in consultation with the Lebanese government and the U.N. Security Council.
The mandate of the STL expires on February 29.

the only fingerprints needed are those of hassan nasrallah...!!! He is the chief orchestrator and maestro in this matter.

@ Slash, my friend, although i , like you, am with the STL investigating the Hariri murder, its efficiency and efficacy have been in question for some time now. We have been waiting for more than 5-6years, they were always saying that they have reached the final stage, what has happened now ? they have changed 3 times the Special investigators, not to mention a lot more responsible people concerned. Where is the seriousness? where are we today? the STL doesnt even have the strenght to send interpol to arrest the presumed suspects that are from hezb. At least they could explain to us and advance the proofs publicly so we can be a little more enlightened.

@ Slash, dont get me wrong, i want justice as well, but the STL is not working and will not work, you know why? because the western powers dont give a damn about Lebanon or Hariri no more. They have given March 14th 5 years to try to stabilise lebanon and bring it somewhere better. what have March 14th done? ( although i supported them ) , i can see clearly now even THOUGH i know they were obstructed by March 8th, they lacked of manhood more than once and kneeled before the Hezb. One thing ive noticed, although i repeat i dont like the hezb at all, is that they are willing to do what it takes to impose their views, are we ? exept for barking at every march14th conference about meaningless subjects and repeating, we are too weak

@ Slash, March 14th isnt doing a good job anymore and all they do is blame the governement as march 8th once did. this is why the Kataeb ( headed by the Gemayels ) is leaving them. Even Sami admitted ( and i admire the guy) that the Kataeb have never agreed with Saad hariri or others to give the veto power to the hezb or other demands that could weaken them. But yet again the Kataeb are not what they used to be and couldnt do anything in the decision making. one important thing we must understand once in for all. We should NUT UP or SHUT UP.

lol sha3eb ahbal what is the difference btw hariri and my grandpa ? what is the difference btw hariri and my uncle ( ill tell you the difference ) hariri was a fucking Thief and my uncle died protecting his family against israel so who deserved to die ? dummy assholes grow up seriously you guys made it sound like hariri is a profit sent by god like jesus christ or profit mohammad with all respect to whom loved hariri ( he died allah yer7amo ) get over it

@ slash , like i said i agree that the coup d'etat was made but yet again jumblat was march14th supposed ally , he fainted when he understood that he cannot contain hezb in the jabal without foreign intervention giving him weapons ( alias USA ) which gave hin nothing this is why jumblat changed sides as well as because no one from march 14 th helped him in this war. On the other side AS MuCH as i dont like iran or syria they are ready anytime to help their allies in Lebanon thats why march14th will never succeed , our allies are people with only words for action . Interpol could have been called to arrest suspects if fleeing lebanon but the UN didnt even bother to do that. March 14th has lost its outside help

Charbel yan2a bil nafs from international investigations. That is what I call investigative mumana3ah.