Berri: Lebanon Enduring an Undeclared Blockade


Speaker Nabih Berri on Monday said Lebanon is enduring an “undeclared blockade” as a result of its commitment to its principles, stressing that the country will never relinquish its oil and gas rights.

“Lebanon is under an undeclared blockade as the result of its commitment to its principles, resistance and sovereign rights,” said Berri in online remarks at the opening session of the International Conference on Supporting the Palestinian Intifada hosted by Iran.

“Allow me in this urgency to renew from Lebanon, which is suffering at present from the most serious political, economic, financial, living and health crisis in its history, and an undeclared blockade,” to pressure it into “abandoning its commitments towards the Palestinian cause,” said Berri.

The Speaker stressed that Lebanon will not relinquish its rights in its oil and gas wealth, despite the pressures.

Comments 4
Missing rabiosa 18 January 2021, 15:32

You mean YOU don't want to relinquish the Speakership seat and your hold on any deal that comes through without it passing through your desk/pocket first right? Just wanted to make sure.

Thumb lubnani.masi7i 18 January 2021, 15:48

Yes, the blockade caused $100 billion plus in national debt.
Yes, the blockade caused the waste of $50 billion in the Ministry of Power.
Yes, the blockade sent Hezbollah to kill and commit massacres in Syria and Iraq, etc.
Yes, the blockade confiscated the people's money in Lebanese Banks.
Yes, the blockade put Bassil and Aoun in power.
Yes, the blockade caused the massive explosion at Beirut port.

Yes, Yes, Yes !

Missing samiam 18 January 2021, 16:02

Well, first of all, for context

online remarks at the opening session of the International Conference on Supporting the Palestinian Intifada hosted by Iran.

And seriously, how many palestinians did Amal kill during the civil war, or does he not bring this up at this forum..

Missing phillipo 18 January 2021, 18:23

"undeclared blockade"? By whom?
Surely, once again he is interfering in matters which have nothing to do with his position as speaker of Parliament. If anyone had anything to say about this it should have been the Minister of Foreign Affairs, or maybe the Minister of Defence, but definitely not him.