LF Stands by Tripoli Residents but Rejects 'Chaos, Sabotage'


The Lebanese Forces on Thursday voiced support for Tripoli’s impoverished residents while stressing its rejection of “sabotage” and any attacks on security forces.

“Why is the government not performing its responsibilities towards its people, especially daily workers,” the LF’s Tripoli department announced in a statement.

“Negligence towards our people in Tripoli is protracted and continuous, even under the burden of the coronavirus pandemic,” the LF added.

Expressing its sympathy with “people’s social plight amid the disastrous financial crisis,” the LF emphasized its adherence to “public order.”

“We reject everything related to chaos and sabotage. Peaceful assembly is a right but sabotage is prohibited,” the LF said, stressing its “categorical rejection” of “harm against security forces, whose role represents the only remaining pillar to preserve stability.”

A protester was killed and 226 people were injured in overnight clashes in Tripoli.

Dozens of young men have been taking part in the nightly protests, throwing rocks, firecrackers and Molotov cocktails at security forces and in some cases torching vehicles.

On Wednesday, protesters repeatedly tried to break into the municipal building and the Internal Security Forces said several “military hand grenades” were lobbed at security forces.

The ISF responded with water cannons, volleys of tear gas and live ammunition.

Comments 1
Thumb Candice 28 January 2021, 18:58

Not true! You make it look like I took a lot?! It was only $16 million for heavens sake!