Nasrallah: Iranian-Saudi agreement can help but president can't be imposed


Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Friday called for dialogue over Lebanon’s presidential crisis and said an Iranian-Saudi reconciliation announced earlier in the day “can only help” in the file but that no candidates can be “imposed.”

“We welcome any foreign assistance but we do not accept dictations,” Nasrallah said in a televised address.

“The Iranian-Saudi agreement can only help in the presidential file, but no candidates can be imposed,” he added.

Commenting on Hezbollah’s recent nomination of Suleiman Franjieh for the presidency, Nasrallah said what his party has done is “natural and legal.”

“We have called for dialogue over the president and no one has the right to prevent anyone from nominating anyone,” Nasrallah added.

“Some claimed that we want to impose a president on the Lebanese and Christians, but this is not the case,” he said.

"If a country helps Lebanon, that does not grant it the right to impose a president," Nasrallah emphasized.

He also described the Saudi-Iranian reconciliation as a “good development” while noting that it “will not be at the expense of the region's peoples.”

Separately, Nasrallah said that what happens in Syria and Palestine has a strong impact on neighboring Lebanon.

“Speaking about the present and future of Syria is like speaking about the present and future of Lebanon,” Nasrallah noted.

Addressing Lebanese rivals, Nasrallah added: “The Arab world also includes Syria and Palestine, not only the Arab Gulf.”

“Had Syria fallen into the hands of Daesh, al-Nusra and the terrorists in the global war, what would have been the position of Lebanon and its people?” Nasrallah said, addressing the Lebanese.

“Everything that happens in Palestine affects our country, its sovereignty and its future,” he added.

“Imagine if Israel was strong and could impose its will on the entire region. Would the Lebanese have dreamed of oil and gas?” Nasrallah said.

Moreover, Nasrallah said that it is not true that Syria will “leave the Axis of Resistance” in order to “join the Arab fold,” commenting on the latest diplomatic overtures.

“Syria is at the heart of the Axis of Resistance,” he stressed.

Comments 9
Thumb gebran_sons 10 March 2023, 16:53

Nassrallah and Netanyahu are two sides of the same coin. Same message of hate, war, threats and destruction. A match made in hell! Netanyahu would never been elected if it wasn’t for Iran arming Hizbollah and Hamas and becoming a rocket base for the Basij. Remember the most pro-Palestinian US presidential candidate was a Jew, Bernie Sanders, which called Netanyahu a racist and extremist. There are thousands of Israeli Jews, not necessarily socialists, that care million time more about Palestinian welfare and dignity than Hizbollah and Iran. Enough hypocrisy; what have Iran/Hizb done to help the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon out of their misery beside arming Hamas and preaching hatred? How much monetary contribution have Iran/Hizb made to UNWRA? Are our politicians so blind not so see the hypocrisy; or simply on Hizb payroll or playing Useful Idiots for selfish benefits.

Thumb Mrowwe 12 March 2023, 03:40

You need to see a mental health specialist.

Thumb Mystic 12 March 2023, 11:10

gebran_sons You should wake up to the new facts, America and western Europe are focused on fighting in Russias backyard, they do not have time to dwell on Lebanon. The East on the other hand are willing to expand and reach out to Lebanon, it is time to break the chains to the West and open up for the Global South. Even Saudi Arabia Annahars main sponsor are starting to look eastward.

Thumb Mystic 12 March 2023, 11:11

Not even Israel dares to take sides between the clash of Nato and the East. Because Israel wants to maintain relations with both, just like Saudi Arabia.

Missing cedars 10 March 2023, 18:25

Simple question: What are you teaching the Shia children?

How to protect the Lebanese soil or die for Iran's role in the region?

Tell us how and why the Palestinians camps are fighting on our territories and killing each other? Does the arms outside the Lebanese army ring a bell?

Thumb Mrowwe 12 March 2023, 03:38

A better question is why did the LF terrorists kill shia lebanese on lebanese territory? Does the arms outside the Lebanese army ring a bell?

Thumb farsical.resistance 12 March 2023, 13:54

An even better question is why did the Iranian terrorist militia and farcical resistance kill Shia Lebanese, Daoud Daoud, Mahmoud Fakih, Hassan Sbeiti of Amal and Dr. Hassan Hamdan (Mahdi Amel), Souheil Tawileh, Khalil Naous, Selim Yammout, Dr. Hikmat Al-Amin and Hussein Mrouweh of the LCP. Ring a bell? Most of them where innocent journalists or intellectuals. And as you know the Hezbollah guys hate thinking Shias because they are so dangerous. They prefer not to think but would rather ask he ayatollah what they should thinks. BTW Mrowwe you should have stuck with you old username of Sinatra instead of change it to Mrowwe, the Iranian terrorist militia never murdered a Sinatra I don't thin, but they did murder a Mrowwe (Mrouweh).

Thumb Mystic 12 March 2023, 10:51

Even Saudi Arabia recognizes that China is the new Rising power and American influence has declined, this is the time of the Eastern hemisphere to take the initiative away from the West.

Thumb farsical.resistance 12 March 2023, 19:03

Hassan Nasrallah 06 March 2023 - "من ينتظر تسوية إيرانية سعودية سينتظر طويلا"

Hahaha what a fool. Poor thing his employers never tell him anything no even to avoid making a fool of himself. The Iranians look at him as a domestic servant, they pay him to works for them nothing more. If he passes or they'll hire a new one as a replacement just like they did with his predecessor. If he asks questions they'll get rid of him like they did with the fist secretary-general of Hezbollah and replace him with one that'll follow their directives no question asked.