Syria Hopes Miqati Would Involve Pro-Syrian Lebanese Parties in New Government
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A source from the March 8 camp revealed on Friday that Syria is trying to revitalize the pro-Syrian Lebanese parties' roles in the new Lebanese government.
It told the Central News Agency that the Syrian leadership hoped that Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati would appoint MP Ali Qanso as a minister representing the Syrian Social National Party, MP Qassem Hashem as a minister from the Baath party, and Osama Saad as a minister from the Nasserite organization.
According to the source, the Syrian leadership is aiming to improve these parties' image by demonstrating their secularism and not their sectarianism because they have stood by Syria and the Resistance during their most difficult hours.
Meanwhile, circles monitoring Saad's political activity stated that he had held meetings with Hizbullah and Free Patriotic Movement leaderships, as well as officials close to House Speaker Nabih Berri, during which he was informed that he would obtain a Cabinet portfolio should a one-sided government be formed.