Gemayel: Lebanon Cannot Support Arab Revolts while it is Victim of Illegitimate Arms

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel stated on Tuesday that the spirit of slain former Premier Rafik Hariri has returned with the wave of Arab revolts and with the release of the indictment in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

He asked: “Is it logical for us to back Arabs revolting against their regimes and accept that the Lebanese remain captive to the illegitimate arms?”

He made his statement during a ceremony at BIEL in downtown Beirut marking the seventh anniversary of the assassination of Hariri.

He continued: “I am certain that no power can thwart the STL.”

“The truth will be revealed and justice will be achieved,” declared Gemayel.

Addressing former PM Saad Hariri, he said: “Together we demonstrated, together we resisted, together we united the people, and together we were oppressed.”

“We liberated the land and we contributed in the launch of the tribunal,” he added.

“We have placed the foundations of a new pact and we will remain together, loyal to the people who are longing for freedom and we will remain loyal to the martyrs,” stressed the Phalange Party leader.

“The March 14 movement belongs to the whole of Lebanon and all the Lebanese who believe in the country’s sovereignty and independence,” he stated.

“It belongs to all who believe in peace and the Arab revolts,” concluded Gemayel.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:40

    Gemayel: Is it possible that we support Arabs revolting against their regimes when the Lebanese people are still captive to the illegitimate arms?

  • 14 February 2012, 16:39

    Gemayel: The government is obstructing the people’s daily life and renaissance begins when democratic life is restored when the majority returns to power because it is keen on building the state.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:37

    Gemayel: We renew our support for the Cedar Revolution in order to achieve the demands of its people. We should fortify our country and build the state. We therefore demand the implementation of the decisions of the national dialogue, limiting the possession of arms to the state authorities, and respecting international resolutions.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:35

    Gemayel: I call on Arab powers to launch dialogue over their vision of the region and Lebanon will remain open to hosting such talks.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:34

    Gemayel: We shouldn’t fall victim to what we have accused others of committing. We should not meddle in the affairs of other countries. We sympathize with people who are longing for freedom and Lebanon has no interest in getting dragged into infighting.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:31

    Gemayel: We hope the Arab revolts will be as successful as the Cedar Revolution.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:30

    Gemayel: Given the Arab revolts, we now understand why they sought to thwart the Cedar Revolution. We now know why they committed assassination and why the state has been obstructed. They are frightened that democracy will reach their countries.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:29

    Gemayel: The Cedar Revolution changed Lebanon and the rest of the Arab world has started to follow our example.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:27

    Gemayel: We will remain loyal to the martyrs. The March 14 movement belongs to the whole of Lebanon and to all who believe in freedom, peace, and the rise of the state.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:24

    Gemayel: We are still awaiting the investigation in Pierre Gemayel and Antoine Ghanem’s assassinations and I am certain that no power can halt the STL.

  • 14 February 2012, 16:23

    Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel during BIEL rally marking the seventh anniversary of former PM Rafik Hariri’s assassination: Hariri’s spirit has returned with the Arab revolts and STL indictment.

Comments 26
Missing allouchi 14 February 2012, 18:11

M14 is on the path of righteousness, we will win and take our country back from the clutches of Syria, M8 and Hizb.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 20:01

the filthy zionist media terrorists hallucinate about 2 member party "taking country back from the clutches of Syria, M8 and Hizb"

you and what army? oh yes the zionist militia. well they tried. after 2006, all they have left is spreading hate on news portals. that won't change anything.

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 21:34

ohhh flame! you forgot again who pushed 1559 to be voted against ALL arms in lebanon esp hezbi ones he even lobbied in the USA for that... you puppet orange general!

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 22:40

the filthy zionist media terrorists have described their diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.

you missed the treatment: rockets from our glorious resistance are treatment for you.

Missing peace 14 February 2012, 22:44

hahaha! hilarious! i love your daily comedy show my frustrated zionist friend! keep it on! ROFL! you are the clown champ!

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 23:23

the filthy zionist information war department is proud about new version on answering software.

Thumb jabalamel 14 February 2012, 23:30

but they shouldn't be.

i just surfed through naharnet news section and found huge flaw in slimy zionist answering software.

these zionist can't do anything right.

Missing peace 15 February 2012, 00:14

ohh you found them because you posted them!! as long as you post i will show you my admiration of you talented gift as the king of clowns! bravo my frustrated zionist friend!!!

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 01:09

the filthy zionist media terrorists got so used on me here, so now they call me friend.

but they still haven't fixed their huge bug in their answering software.

Missing peace 15 February 2012, 01:46

i see you are geting annoyed poor you! didn t mean too cause i love your comedy shows!!!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (Guest) 15 February 2012, 01:17

Call me zionist and you will be eliminated by force because 30years of war never taught a lesson and you love to learn the hard way.

Default-user-icon Kharachov (Guest) 15 February 2012, 03:23

What does he mean by Lebanon cannot support Arab revolts? Didn't they tell us all along that they were! The longer you live, the more you discover why these failures are unreliable and thereby continue to fail miserably. But really, aren't they fun to have around to ridicule?

Thumb cedar 15 February 2012, 04:38

jabalamel, usually i agree with what you say, but how dare defame the picture of Bachir Gemayel. You should be treated as a trator.

Kataeb will never actually support Hezbolla or The Syrian Muslim brotherhood ... Just setting the facts strait here, incase you thought your filthy Islamic information war department knows the facts.

Your a bunch of fools. and dont call me Zionist, im Christian i believe that Jesus Christ is the SON OF GOD. - SOmething your muslim head cant understand so stop playing games and say it how it really is.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 07:45

wtf you want?

i don't care if you agree with me or not

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 07:59

that one went to cedar not to bigdig

Default-user-icon Horus (Guest) 15 February 2012, 15:32

Kataeb is your next President.

Thumb cedar 15 February 2012, 08:11

bigdig, i am not a zionist, the Jews Killed my King (Jesus Christ) and worked with the muslims to kill Bashir Gemayel (christian power). Their objective is to get rid of Christians under the instruction/direction of Lucifer (the devil tells them what to do) and under the auspise of "Israel" even if it means secret deals with muslims to get it done. Secondly Muslims and christans will NEVER have peace no matter how hard we want it because our religions are contradictory to each other. - But it will always be the christians that demand peace because it is ordered by Jesus, where Muhamad orders violence on several occasions listed in the Quran.

Default-user-icon Fostok Joz (Guest) 15 February 2012, 05:52

slash, where did you find this picture of my hairy butt? It look cute, though, doesn't it?

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 07:44

bigdig why did you tell them that? after more than a year of me calling them zionists, they still didn't figure that out, nor they ever would

now you spoil all that.

by the way, part of them really are jews from occupied palestine and not our radical christians.

Thumb arzz 15 February 2012, 08:31

Cedar, As a christian I see Bashir equally as evil as all other killers whomever they might be.

Thumb cedar 15 February 2012, 08:56

arz, thank you for your opinion, however - You are saying he is a killer.

This is a mistake, Bashir was not a killer. There is a difference between Murder and Killing.

The imperative is against unlawful killing resulting in bloodguilt. The Bible contains numerous prohibitions against unlawful killing, but also allows for justified killing in the context of warfare (1Kings 2:5–6), capital punishment (Leviticus 20:9–16) and self-defence (Exodus 22:2–3). The New Testament is in agreement that murder is a grave moral evil, and maintains the Old Testament view of bloodguilt.

Basically in war and self defense - it is justified. Bashir was protecting and self defending the christians, and in the eyes of the Church and Gods Law this is Justified.

Thumb cedar 15 February 2012, 09:52

But having said that, Jesus did say to turn the other cheek... so i wish everyone would just live in peace :(

The one command that Yeshua (Jesus Christ) Directly commanded us to do is "Love each other"

Thumb cedar 15 February 2012, 10:04

John 15:9 "As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you obey my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have obeyed my Father's commands and remain in his love. 11 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. 12 My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 13Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends. 14 You are my friends if you do what I command. 15 I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends, for everything that I learned from my Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit—fruit that will last. Then the Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. 17 This is my command: Love each other.

Thumb jabalamel 15 February 2012, 17:20

the filthy zionist media terrorists is using some quotations from bible to justify the worst traitor in lebanese history and proven criminal.

Missing peace 15 February 2012, 19:39

here comes the comic of the day!!! as hilarious as ever! good show today my little microbian zionist clown!

Thumb cedar 16 February 2012, 08:16

You are no longer worth replying to in this thread. I shall stop my efforts in trying to convince a clown like you.