Israeli drone fires missile on S. Lebanon after drone from Lebanon intercepted


An Israeli drone fired a missile Sunday on the al-Khraibeh area in Rashaya al-Fukhar's outskirts, Lebanon’s National News Agency reported.

Israel’s Patriot air defense system had earlier fired a missile at a drone that crossed from Lebanon, Israeli media outlets said.

The developments follow a Hezbollah attack in the morning on the occupied Shebaa Farms that was followed by Israeli retaliatory fire.

The Israeli shelling wounded two civilians in south Lebanon.

Comments 3
Thumb ice-man 08 October 2023, 16:36

Why all this aggression, why?! It makes me sad....

Thumb 08 October 2023, 17:14

I wonder how much spare patriot missiles the Zionists have at their disposal in this critical time because the patriots batteries are protecting Odessa and Kiev lol . Eventually, the US will have to decide which "country" is more important, the Zionists or the Ukrainians, my guess is that Blackrock has the final say.

Thumb gebran_sons 09 October 2023, 09:25

Matthew (26) warned that those who live by the sword die by the sword. Netanyahu and his racist ministers joined Iran, Hamas and Hizbollah in policy of hate, oppression & destruction. Hamas attack showed courage (&killing music goers), so did Perl Harbor but Japan lost the war. Hizbollah fighters displayed courage in 2006, but did they know they were not liberating their land but fighting for permanent Iranian occupation and misery? Would Hamas attack lead to better negotiation for 2-state solution or as Iran wants follow Hizb in feeding hatred, misery & more power to silence all voices as collaborator? Iran/Hizb never care for Palestinians except giving arms & radicalization. If Basij killed their own people & made Iran a big prison how can they liberate others? MBS put Iran in a hole it can’t escape. This war will either speedup 2-state solution, change Israeli PM or discredit Hamas. Either way MBS will get faster his deal & US protection leaving Iran deeper in mud & hate.