March 14 Asks Miqati, Qortbawi to Refer Attempt on Geagea's Life to STL

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

The March 14 forces on Wednesday called on Premier Najib Miqati and Justice Minister Shakib Qortbawi to refer the assassination attempt against Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea to the U.N.-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

The March 14 General-Secretariat said in a statement it had been following up “over the past hours the circumstances of the assassination attempt against Dr. Samir Geagea in Maarab today.”

“Following consultations with all parties concerned,” the March 14 General-Secretariat said it decided to ask Miqati and Qortbawi to “take all measures necessary to refer the probe into the case to the STL.”

The general-secretariat noted that the attempt on Geagea’s life coincided with “the visit of tribunal’s president, Judge David Baragwanath, to Beirut,” which “indicates that the perpetrators were not only defying Lebanese security authorities, but also the international judiciary.”

It called for “considering this dangerous crime a signal indicating that Lebanon has entered a new phase that requires the Lebanese state to be extremely vigilant in order to protect Lebanon.”

Comments 20
Thumb geha 04 April 2012, 20:36

the reasons behind such an attempt are the following:
- silence the opposition
- if they succeeded, there would have been a reaction by LF
- which wuld give hizbushaitan the reasn to take over the country militarily.

Thumb geha 04 April 2012, 21:25

oh yeah i know what taxes are :) I pay them unlike you :)
start paying your electricity bill first then come and talk.

Thumb bigsami 04 April 2012, 21:51

Man I see you on a roll there CandleThrower....obviously no friends to play with but this site as your only refuge. It's all good....can't force people to like you but once in a while...throw in some good comments/insight rather then these childish and worthless posts/bashing. Ya Haraam.....this nawassa.

Thumb kesrweneh 05 April 2012, 09:05

hehe Ft noticed that as usual the M14 are not answering ur ideas just swearing around, shows their depth of thought and their analysis capacities. they make my Keserwen elections soo easy :))

Missing forces 05 April 2012, 19:05

Flame if you think investigating an asasination attempt on any lebanese leader's life is not justified then you are either afraid of the outcome or are too afraid to contradict your masters stand on such issues. I wander if anyone from m8 was assasinated, would you be so concerned with spending taxpayer funds then? This is all part of democracy champ, or people come before any other consideration..As for your cheaply staged comment, you are oblivously not privy to all the facts and should read a little more before you enlighten us again.

Thumb thepatriot 04 April 2012, 21:41 some to put out the Flame... :)

Default-user-icon Leo (Guest) 04 April 2012, 22:20

Two questions to ask and think through. If this assasination attempt is true it would seem that it was committed by amuaturs. If it's a hoax, what bennifit would it be for Geagea, may be to rally support?

Default-user-icon Ficko Anna (Guest) 04 April 2012, 22:28

We have no money, no time and no interest to spend on lame jokes and ridiculous plays.

Missing sergio 04 April 2012, 23:31

Look who's talking about throwing taxes the one & only 24 hour paid mouth of hisbofpm thug. Before even opening your mouth about taxes go pay your taxex & electricity bills first. Nothing but a lowlife thug.

Missing sergio 04 April 2012, 23:33

Oops sorry Geha i did not read your comment first as soon as i read the flame shitter's comment immediatly reacted by answering the lowlife thug's comment.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 05 April 2012, 09:00

@ Flamethrower, i dont agree with you, i know people that are close to LF, and they have lots of men , in thousands and very well trained. Im not saying the army wouldnt be able to control the situation but it wont be very easy as you pretend it, although i wouldnt want to see that happen. You musnt talk like that concerning LF, they are still a lebanese party. I thought last time we all agrreed that the lebanese army should specially be cleaning up Ain el helwe where real terrorists are. Anyway , the lebanese army is worthless. too bad it could have been a real strong army.

Thumb kesrweneh 05 April 2012, 09:03

come on isn't it enough? either we trust our courts either we don't if we don't let's dismantle them and avoid paying taxes. why should Kabbani not paying his taxes be judged in Lebanon let's take it to STL? the same goes for the 11 billions (16 billions in fact) of Sanioura nad Harriri...

Thumb geha 05 April 2012, 11:17

perfectly said slash.
please add to it, they even hide the telephone data so the culprits are not caught.

Missing ulpianus 05 April 2012, 15:36

The telephone data is not controlled anymore by the state. There are far more developed systems installed by "al mokawame", who are really not under state control.

Sick "country".

Missing ulpianus 05 April 2012, 15:47

Guys, seriously now. Lets try to look at this out of a neutral perspective.

Why would the "other side" want to see Geagea dead?
Could there be any foreign nation conspiring to incite further divisions in Lebanon, for some reasons?

1. Syria, to attract the eyes of the world on Lebanon, so they can continue what they are doing. By killing a Christian, historic leader ( from the civil war) causing outrage in some christian communities, and maybe escalation in confrontation with HEZB.
2. Iran, in order to escalte tension, so the Hezb will be "forced" to use weopons inside Lebanon again, and in such manner gain even more control.

Missing ulpianus 05 April 2012, 15:48

3.israel. If there is a new planned attack against hezb., a divided Lebanon would be good for them, specially if some could be pursued to fight on their side ( after the murder on such an important figure).
4. He can have done it by himself, in order to attract attention, for a cause that is not being heard so much right now. The opposition is non existent.

Default-user-icon Skyfall (Guest) 05 April 2012, 16:49

@ Ulpianus, your talk is completely right, we will never know, we could have known, but there is no transparency whatsoever in Lebanon unfortunately we will never know the side.

Thumb cedar 05 April 2012, 18:28

Answer will be rejected by the STL

The STL's mission is to try those who assasinated Rafic and other ministers and MP's.

If they let this one in then I demand that they investigate Bachir Gemayel and Elie Hobeika and Botros Khawand - might as well get the truth out on everything.

Missing peace 05 April 2012, 18:53

funny M8! they claim to support democracy thus they should be outraged that politicians get killed for their ideas if they were truly supporting democracy, whoever may be that politician...

but it rather seems they support their own dictatorship and the example of assad s regime which they miss!
they just show that for them democracy is imposing their ideas and the others who disagree are sionists or traitors... typical reaction of fascist groups...

Missing allouchi 05 April 2012, 20:26

peace, well said.