U.S.: Geagea May Have Been Targeted for Criticizing Assad, Hizbullah
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
The United States denounced on Thursday the assassination attempt against Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea and said Washington was concerned he may have been targeted because of his opposition to the Syrian regime.
State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Washington "condemns in the strongest terms what appears to be an assassination attempt targeting Lebanese politician Samir Geagea."
The LF leader has said he had been shot at twice by "snipers" Wednesday as he was walking with bodyguards outside his fortified residence in Maarab, northeast of Beirut.
"While we do not know who was behind the attack at this time, we are deeply concerned that Mr. Geagea may have been targeted because of his outspoken criticism of the Assad regime's murderous repression and Hizbullah's destabilizing actions in Lebanon."
Toner called on the government of Lebanon "to thoroughly investigate this incident."
Geagea said he was convinced that "those behind this operation wanted it to be a definitive message," without specifically accusing anyone.
Toner reiterated U.S. support for the Special Tribunal for Lebanon to investigate the assassinations of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and other public figures from 2004 to 2007.
France also condemned the attack.

It doesn't need expert, Hezbollah killed Hariri for the interest of Syrian regime and Iran power over Lebanon. Hezbollah is a terrorist organization for foreign interest and must be banned in Lebanon.

Come on hizbiezzzz propaganda employees, today is double time. Fill this forum with your valuable crap

Love it. This is the 21st century guys. People understand how such assassinations benefit certain grp and political grps. If anybody hesitates to think that Hezbollah or Syria have anything to do with false attempt on his life, is very narrow-minded. They should look into the history of Assassinations in America & understand why these occurred. I'll give you 2 tips - 1. Lebanese politicians will NOT assassinate. 2. America is the master of assissinations and falsifying assassination attempts to serve their interests wether it be locally or internationally e.g. Saydi Arabia and Oil/Petrol.

there is no more doubt who is behind this, and since they broke the status quo, they opened the door for retaliations.
m8 so called leaders are now fair game guys.

repeating the same thing on each page?
you must be desperate to clean the name of hizbushaitan :)
Dear Mowaten:
go back a few weeks when we had that discussion about the wepons of hizbushaitan, and remember hat I said then: they need to give up their weapons to the army while they still can.
now it is too late and things are set in motion.
hizbushaitan will finally pay dearly for all the murdors they have committed, all the thefts, kidnappings, ....
I am paranoia? oh yes, in your mind you cannot even accept that those you follow so blindly have done all this, as well as their will to change the face of lebanon t become an iranian satellite. :)
ok the days are coming up and we shall see who is right :)

oh my .... oh my.... mowaten of iran, the paid mouthpiece of hizb of terror is offering and enriching us with his all knowing political analysis of events as they unfold. A failed part time aspiring political analyst on naharnet and full time spokesperson for the shia group.... zero credibility whatsoever:) Go south, it is a long weekend for you thugs!

Mowaten, wtf are you doing? Speaking about logic on Naharnet. You know that's got no place here! You'll send 90% of these readers to a hospital for epileptic fits. You know that can't handle something as complex and intricate as LOGIC.

Geha, m8 losers think they are the only ones with weapons, we've simply have chosen peaceful path....

@the FBI
he is not even worth a bullet: he is stupid enough, so God help him from himself :)

you thought us well: hizbushaitan and associates have killed so many so far, but enough is enough. it is more than time to do something about it.
what did you think, we are pigeons for you to kill? and you talk about hypocrysi? self defense is a right we will exercise from now on, and with thugs like these, this is the only way unfortunately.

How come Dr. Fe2e3a Jadbeh could not predict this one considering his track record of predictions since he had the lobotomy back when he trampolined into the arms of his friend Hafez?

funny how NO M8 leaders has to fear any assassination attempts...
strange isn t it? only those criticizing hezb or syria got killed or threatened!
it doesn t seem strange to the M8 supporters here. Oh! i see they dream of a hezbi lebanon where only the ideas of iranman are the ones to follow like in all fascist countries such as the one they thanked for all the good things they did to lebanon!