Hariri Urges Calm in Tripoli, Hints General Security is an ‘Outlaw’

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Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri urged the residents of the northern port city of Tripoli on Sunday to end the fighting, accusing the General Security Department without naming it of becoming an “outlaw” in its arrest of Shadi al-Mawlawi for his alleged terror ties.

“I urge Tripoli residents to remain calm and not to be dragged behind provocation,” Hariri said on his twitter feed.

“Tripoli is the city of coexistence,” he said, adding “we totally reject chaos.”

Hariri also urged the Lebanese army to assume its responsibilities in ending the fighting and protecting the city and its residents and said the authorities should immediately resolve the situation.

“There is an attempt to picture Tripoli as an outlaw city but the truth is that the behavior of one of the apparatuses was (like that of an) outlaw,” he tweeted.

Hariri later said in a press release that “the agency, which carried out the arrest, should be held legally accountable.”

“The chaos on the streets no matter for which purpose is a crime against the city,” he added.

Al-Mawlawi was arrested on Saturday for allegedly contacting a terrorist organization after luring him to Finance Minister Mohammed al-Safadi’s Social Services Center in Tripoli under the pretext of granting him a health care benefit.

His seizure sparked an outrage by Islamists in the city who clashed with the army and closed several of Tripoli’s roads and set up camp at its southern entrance.

The arrest also led to gunbattles between the rival neighborhoods of Jabal Mohsen and Bab al-Tabbaneh, leaving several people dead and injured.

Comments 11
Thumb jcamerican 13 May 2012, 19:40

So the army, general security, and Hizballah are outlaws. Not a very promising future for Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Dasto Chobbain (Guest) 13 May 2012, 20:02

Arrest the Mafioso and hang him. Lebanon does not need someone with a necktie who funds terrorists.

Thumb anonymouslb 13 May 2012, 22:33

I don't understand what technically or judiciarly outlaws the General Security? Plus I don't think any lebanese security apparatus is respecting the law (a law which needs a great deal of "mise à jour" )

Missing reformist 13 May 2012, 23:39

waynoun el watyeen hole who always comment against m8? nta7aro? Sta7o? What the hell???? I am OUTRAGED!!!! rja3 tsalle b twitter ya sa7be and talk about diet coke and mercedes! It suits you so much better. Beyond this is an adult discussion, you need to grow up!!!

Default-user-icon The Other (Guest) 14 May 2012, 00:09

The word terrorist gets thrown around a lot these days. Everyone who doesn't agree with you is a terrorist right?

Missing reformist 14 May 2012, 00:51

yuh yuh yuh ija slash akheeran hahaha :) lek akh at least 3tiref enno your hero is good for anything (even striptiiiiz) except politics then we can have a discussion :)

Missing reformist 14 May 2012, 00:53

Flame please don't be like them just be nicer. No need to dissolve anyone in acid. We can make better use of the acid anyway :)
Just don't be like them... Let them happy in their ignorance!

Missing cedars 14 May 2012, 06:52

For all you Alzheimer follower, I am sure your brain is dead because you can't even remember the idiot Nasrallah who told the Leb Army that Nahr el Bared is a RED line not to cross during the fierce battles.
Oh, do you want to know what happened to the Hero and commander who led the battle of clean up? Francois Hajj Dec 12, 2007 was assassinated just like Wissam Eid, Kassir, Harriri, Hawi, Gemayel, Tueni and Eido by the same Syrian-regime backed terrorists.

Missing reformist 14 May 2012, 10:14

Cedars we all want to know but who are you to accuse someone for a murder without any proof? Is this the justice you want for your country? :)

Missing reformist 14 May 2012, 10:11

Slashito ma'hour and full of hatred. I understand. Not all people accept that others are smarter. It's ok no worries :)

Missing reformist 14 May 2012, 10:13

Full agreed why :)