Cabinet Withdraws STL Funding from State Budget

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The cabinet withdrew on Wednesday the funding of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon article from the 2012 draft state budget.

The government members agreed to fund the STL from outside the state budget.

Prime Minister Najib Miqati presided on Wednesday an open-ended cabinet session until they approve the 2012 state budget.

Earlier, Economy and Trade Minister Nicolas Nahhas denied in comments published in An Nahar newspaper that there are disputes among cabinet members on the approval of the funding of the STL.

“There are no obstacles and we have nothing to discuss,” Nahhas, who represents Prime Minister Najib Miqati at the cabinet and is also the acting Finance Minister, said.

Ministerial sources told the daily that the cabinet might not even address the issue.

The sources said that Miqati is seeking to have a smooth session on Wednesday and Thursday without any controversial article on the cabinet’s agenda.

“When the funding of the STL is due, Lebanon will commit to its funding as before,” the sources pointed out.

In November, the premier decided to pay Lebanon’s share of the annual funds for the U.N.-backed court probing the murder of ex-Premier Rafik Hariri.

Miqati averted a crisis that was threatening the collapse of the cabinet as Western powers had warned that the U.N. could impose sanction on Lebanon if Lebanon fails to fund the tribunal.

Comments 1
Thumb jcamerican 11 July 2012, 13:07

Harriri should have paid hired guns to revenge his dad's assassination.( Soldiers of fortune magazine is a good place to start looking)I don't think the STL is going to get anywhere.