Miqati: Those Criticizing Manner of STL Funding Don’t Want Truth in Hariri Murder
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Prime Minister Najib Miqati slammed on Friday the sides that have criticized the manner in which the Special Tribunal for Lebanon was funded, saying that their campaign “against me reflects their spite and lack of reason.”
He said in a statement: “The critics’ statements prove beyond a doubt that they do not seek justice or the truth in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri.”
“They are only employing the blood of the martyr for political purposes … and in a manner that undermines the people’s intelligence,” he noted.
He stressed that his decision to fund the tribunal stems from his national and personal convictions to achieve justice “away from the politicization of the case.”
In addition, Miqati stated that the funding was done out of the need for Lebanon to respect its international commitments.
“The funding was not complete to appease any side, especially not the powers that have launched the campaign against me,” he remarked.
Miqati revealed on Wednesday that Lebanon had met its obligation to fund the STL, saying that the funds were obtained from outside of the state budget, similar to last year.
In remarks to As Safir newspaper about the criticism on the way the tribunal was funded, the premier said: “We believe in justice and we practice it.”
“Criticism is easy but being responsible towards the nation and committing to Lebanon’s international obligations is the most difficult part,” the premier told the newspaper.
Reports have said that Lebanon paid its share to the tribunal after Miqati demanded that the money be transferred from the premiership’s funds. But several March 8 majority and opposition MPs criticized him for overriding cabinet approval.
According to An Nahar, Miqati held a telephone conversation with Speaker Nabih Berri on Thursday to inform him about the latest achievements of the government, including the adoption of the 2012 state budget.
The daily quoted Berri as saying “this is the way things should be done.”
Berri also told An Nahar that the cabinet is functioning according to the plans set following a consensual agreement among its different parties last month to activate the government’s work.
“Things are moving forward at a good rate and the most important thing is not to go backwards,” he stressed.

eh ma enta shu sayer 3lek 5ayye, akid merte7 3al 2e5er, metkamesh bhal kerse law bada te5rab dene

First get your facts straight, March 8 has been in every government led by March 14 and that's a fact, if march 14 had run the country with a government made up with just March 14 ministers you would've seen how much better off we could've been.

Mikati, the dude that made his billion dollars in Syria, with Syrian money... Ho ho ho, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes when the Free Syriah Gov asks for their stolen money back, just as Suzanne Moubarak had to return hers to the Free Egyptian Governement and she did.

Just a question Miqati, enta merte7 lal falaten l 2amne,la satw 3al banks kel yawm, la 2at3 tor2at,la seye7a le 5tafet men l balad,la shabebna l wesel l china kermel yekol bas, iza merte7 la kel hawde,I rest my case

I don't like this picture. This pendejo is challenging all of us. Guess what cabron, you'll go down with Bashar!