Berri: Some Are Wasting Time to Avoid Adoption of New Electoral Law

إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية W460

Speaker Nabih Berri considered on Wednesday that some parties in the country are deliberately wasting time to avoid the adoption of a new electoral law.

Berri's comments were transmitted by MPs who visited him during his weekly meeting with lawmakers. The speaker also announced that the unit to start discussing proposed drafts will be formed during Thursday's joint parliamentary committees' meeting.

"This unit will not have a deciding authority but it will contribute to the process of legislation by discussing and putting forward drafts that reach consensus or unanimous vote,” he said.

Committees have been meeting regularly to discuss the new electoral law without reaching an accord.

"No electoral law has been adopted yet, unlike what some media reports are saying,” Berri said.

Al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Wednesday that President Michel Suleiman is rooting for the adoption of Fouad Boutros' Committee draft as it is fair solution joining both majority and proportional representation.

The cabinet pushed in August for a law based on proportional representation and dividing Lebanon into 13 electoral districts. Meanwhile, March 14 coalition's proposal suggested dividing Lebanon into 50 electoral districts and adopting popular majority, explaining that this would give a just representation for Lebanese Christians.

Comments 7
Missing maroon40 10 October 2012, 17:13

Lol The funny comment above is more interesting than the article!.

Anyway no one is proposing a win-win middle of the road solution to the freaking electoral law.

Default-user-icon hanoun (Guest) 10 October 2012, 17:16

who are these parties ? name them and shame them if needed

Missing peace 10 October 2012, 21:38

and you and your gvt are wasting time to develop the country and reform it! you are wasting time to give lebanese a proper living preventing them from escaping the country to find a better place where laws and citizens are respected...

you are the biggest waste of time and money here!

Missing gabby6 11 October 2012, 01:47

Hey Berri.....did you ever think that maybe the landscape will change soon? Everyone knows the score.

Default-user-icon assaad (Guest) 11 October 2012, 08:22

Avant chaque élection, M. Berri redeviens un homme de dialogue et de paix jusqu'au jour de son éléction de nouveau. juste aprés ses hommes tirs en l'air, quelques morts et quelques bléssés par balles perdues pour feter son éléctions et puis tout redevient comme avant. Les deputés du 14 mars tombent tjs dans le meme piège. Il faut peut etre penser qu'ils n'ont pas le choix.

Default-user-icon biggest march 14 mistake (Guest) 11 October 2012, 10:01

can anyone trust anything this man says? biggest march 14 mistake was re-electing him and his mafia network as parliament president. as if he doesnt want an election law that favors him.

Missing allouchi 12 October 2012, 20:12

I mean in this picture LOL