STL Prosecutor Files Request to Amend Hariri Indictment
إقرأ هذا الخبر بالعربية
Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Norman Farrell filed on Wednesday a “confidential motion seeking amendments to the present indictment in the Ayyash et al. Case”, announced the STL on Thursday.
The proposed amendments set out certain clarifications.
The timing of this filing follows a commitment made by the Office of the Prosecution during the Status Conference held by the Pre-Trial Judge on January 30, 2013.
The indictment was originally unsealed in August 2011.
It accused four Hizbullah members, Salim Ayyash, Mustafa Badreddine, Hussein Oneissi, and Assad Sabra of being involved in the February 2005 suicide car bomb attack in Beirut that killed former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri and 22 others, including the suicide bomber.

This is taking forver. enough already. sentence them to death and let's get over with it.

HA will bring the entire country down before it surrenders any of it's filthy members! They are all scum and time is nearing whereby their existence will be challenged and terminated! God willing it will be sooner than later. Lebanese need their sovereignty back and rightfully deserve it! No one should live under the threat of outsider influence/weapons....aka IRAN!

We must decide: do we want to live in a country with rule of law and strong gurantees for fairness or do we want to live in a dictatorship? A trial in syria is a thug putting a bullet in your head for insulting Bashar. It is fast and swift. I prefer a process that takes its time but insure the rights of the accused from an abuse. If this means more time, then let it be.

Seriously all I want is for the truth to be revealed. We are fooling ourselves if we think anyone is ever going to serve any jail time for this. However, the truth supported by facts and evidence released to the public after the trial will be really nice to have.

Same old rhetoric with no logic or common sense. Tell me, do you believe we live in the matrix?

It took Pakistan less than a year to find the killers of Botto. It took Bulgaria one year to find the bombers on their bus. Its taking so far 8 years (and still counting)for the STL to decide whether to include certain amendments to their imaginary report....I think this STL is a joke and drain of money and resources.The Lebanese goverment should give the STL an ultimatum and close the case one way or the other.

LOL how do you people still believe in this tribunal? What kind of a court takes years to press charges then years again to even present any evidence. The fact that 4 people were held without ever being accused of a crime for a long time and then released without ever being brought to trial tells you there's something wrong with all of this. I'm not saying those people were innocent or that the people that have been charged are innocent or guilty. Nobody really knows the answer to that or any other question relating to this so called court.
What we do know is that this is all very fishy and unorthodx. If Lebanese people commited crimes in Lebanon, they should be tried in Lebanon under Lebanese laws. We dont need westerners to run our justice system for us.

They should apply the same mettons Iranian and Syrian courts apply to suspects: It never takes more than a couple of weeks from accusation to death rope!