STL Funding Dilemma Back at Forefront as Deadline Approaches
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Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Miqati said on Thursday that his cabinet can't pay Lebanon's share of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon funding.
“The caretaker cabinet can't be responsible for the matter as it falls under current expenditure,” Miqati said in comments published in An Nahar newspaper.
He pointed out that the succeeding cabinet should deal with the matter.
Miqati revealed that United Nations Chief Ban Ki-moon sent a letter to the premiership to remind it to pay the country's share of the STL funding.
However, Miqati said that the letter was sent after his cabinet resigned.
According to An Nahar newspaper, if Lebanon failed to pay the funds on time then the U.N. could pay from its allocations until the new government is formed.
The cabinet-led by Miqati resigned on March 22 after it failed to approve the formation of the authority to oversee the elections.

What a waste of money. All this to apprehend four suspects. They will be killed before the court gets to them, if they are truly involved. Bashar liquidates all loose ends by forcing them in committing suicides.